Brother is too evil

Chapter 385 I Like You

Chapter 385 I Like You (3)
"Yi'er, you are finally willing to ask me." Chu Yifeng raised the corners of his lips slightly, and a bright light flashed in his eyes like a shooting star across the sky. The suet white jade ring finger worn on the thumb, the movements are as elegant as flowing clouds and flowing water, with a romantic and uninhibited elegance.

Qin Luoyi's eyes flickered slightly, and he smiled mockingly.

"Do you still remember the fairy teacher I mentioned to you before you left?" Chu Yifeng looked at her pure and beautiful face, a faint light appeared in his pupils, but the smile on his lips was slightly playful.

"Immortal Master... Uh, you worshiped him as your teacher?" Qin Luoyi's phoenix eyes widened, and he said in surprise: "Didn't you just find someone at the beginning..."

"Of course." Thinking of what she did back then, Chu Yifeng still gritted his teeth a bit: "Do you think you can hide it from him...or my father?"

"That's true." Qin Luoyi blinked his slender eyelashes, and agreed with a smile: "He shouldn't be from the Holy Dragon Continent, right?"

Although the spiritual power of Shenglong Continent is many times stronger than that of her original planet, it is far inferior to that of Penglai Xiandao. It is difficult for monks to form a mansion.The one with the highest cultivation level there is her father, King Zhennan.

"No." Chu Yifeng stared at her, shook his head, and then told her everything about the past few years.

"That fairy master is actually the old head of the Qin family in Xuantian Continent?" Qin Luoyi was completely stunned, his luck is too good, just find someone, it is an absolutely shocking person, the Qin family is Xuantian One of the seven great families in the mainland.

"Well, I met him twice before." In fact, when he passed by a small border town in Chu State, he saw the old man standing on a dangerous bridge in the heavy rain with a sad expression and hands Standing on the stone bridge, leaning down, I misunderstood that he was looking for death, and ran to save him.

Then he got stuck with him.

Originally, he was going to rush back to the palace immediately, but he was dragged by the old man and talked all day and night - of course, he was the one who was talking, listen to him, even if he wants to leave, there are formations around him, and he can't get out at all .

In the end, the old man who finally talked quickly had enough words, and left Yu Hong without even looking at him. At that time, he knew that this old man must be very difficult.

Later, he passed the small town several times, and met him twice on the stone bridge.

"He didn't accept you...but let you worship his dead son as a teacher?" Qin Luoyi couldn't help but twitched his eyes, and said with a strange expression.

Chu Yifeng glanced at her, kept turning the jade finger on his finger, his expression darkened, and then said softly: "The old man's son—my master was killed, and his wife was also killed together. The life and death of the child is unknown, and the old man has been looking for it all these years."

His master did not accept any disciples before he was alive. After Qin Luoyi left, he took people and King Zhennan together to destroy Zhao State first, and within a few months, he merged Zhao State into the territory of Chu State, and then went to find it again. After meeting the old man, knowing that he came from the Xuantian Continent and had also been to Penglai Xiandao, he wanted to worship him as a teacher. After a long time of hard work and hard work, he used all kinds of means, and finally worshiped under the old man's son. Above is his master ancestor, but actually he is equivalent to his master.

Qin Luoyi's heart skipped a beat.

That child is Qin Mo's younger sister.

Qin Mo also said that they have been looking for that child for 20 years, they searched all over Xuantian Continent and Penglai Xiandao but found nothing.Thinking that the old Patriarch of the Qin family would appear in Shenglong Continent, he probably did not give up, so he went to Shenglong Continent to find that child.

What surprised her was that her elder brother also went to Xuantian Continent to practice at the Qin family... It turned out that the father and mother had no children.

A look of sadness flashed in her phoenix eyes.

"Is my brother okay?"

Chu Yifeng misunderstood, thinking that she only saw herself and not her brother, a little disappointed, and said: "He is very good, your brother is cultivating to a critical moment, I will leave the gate first, so I came to find you."

Qin Tian was brought by him.

On the grounds that his master was weak, he persuaded the old man to take Qin Tian into his sect. Qin Tian originally had a master, but as long as his master agrees to his cultivation as a monk, he can become a master again. It is not surprising to have two or three masters, but such cases are rare after all. If it is not someone with outstanding aptitude, ordinary monks, especially high-level monks, will not accept apprentices who have been accepted by others.

He went to Xuantian Continent four years ago.

But when he arrived at Xuantian Continent, the old man threw them into the training room, soaked them in a kind of fairy liquid that he accidentally obtained on the way to find his granddaughter ten years ago, which can cut the marrow and change the body. Tiancai is a treasure, and there are many strange black crystals that contain abundant star power. He personally supervises their cultivation, and clearly states that they will never step out of the Qin family if they do not cultivate to Yufu.

So it was delayed until now before he could find it.

If it weren't for the Qin family's iron walls and the old man's strength, he would have been unable to suppress his longing and came to Penglai Xiandao long ago.

After finally getting out of the customs and reaching the first level of Yufu, he didn't wait for Qin Tian to go out, and brought people to Penglai Immortal Island.

Qin Luoyi rested his chin on his hand, silently.

Her forehead is full, her chin is delicate and round, her bright red lips are slightly pursed, her phoenix eyes are as clear as autumn water, and as bright as stars, she just sits there quietly, attracting infinite charm, causing Chu Yifeng's heart to tremble slightly. swing.

He reached out and took her other hand.

Qin Luoyi was thinking about his father and mother in Shenglong Dalu.Now that she has a sapphire blue warship, she will take Dahei and Heidi with her to find a safe route. She should be able to successfully cross thousands of miles of seas and return to the Holy Dragon Continent to have a look.

"When the wave of monsters is over, I will take you to the Holy Dragon Continent, and then you will be able to see your brother." Chu Yifeng said softly.

Qin Luoyi looked up at him.

"I want to go back to the Holy Dragon Continent first." She originally planned to go to the Xuantian Continent, but when the tide of monsters is over, she will go back to the Holy Dragon Continent first.

Chu Yifeng understood, held her hand even tighter, and smiled happily while staring at her beautiful face: "I will accompany you...Yi'er, no matter where you go in the future, I will accompany you, just... this time Go back and do what we failed to do last time, Yi'er, I will give you the most grand wedding and welcome you into the East Palace."



Qin Luoyi's phoenix eyes flickered lightly.

She gently broke free from Chu Yifeng's hand.

Chu Yifeng's eyes dimmed, and he stared closely at her eyes: "Yi'er?" He thought that after what happened a few days ago, she would no longer reject him.

"Chu Yifeng." Qin Luoyi sat upright, looked at him brightly, and said in a low voice: "I like you, I really like you."

(End of this chapter)

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