Brother is too evil

Chapter 393: Fame Moves the World

Chapter 393: Fame Moves the World (4)
Bai Che and Wen Lingtian helped Qin Luoyi, looking at these spiritual plants that had only been seen on alchemy secrets, their eyes glowed, and they were excited. When washing and cutting, their hands trembled and they were very careful.

Knowing that Nirvana Pill could save Chu Yifeng's life, Qin Luoyi didn't dare to take it lightly, she wanted to make it as soon as possible.

Staring slightly, she silently recited the Mantra of Purifying Heart several times in her heart before starting to raise the fire to make alchemy. The alchemy furnace she used was of course the purple furnace she got from Murong Jue back then.

The people in the lotus courtyard retreated automatically, leaving enough space for Qin Luoyi, Nan Zheng and the other three Zifu monks also retreated, staring at the alchemy furnace intently.

The news that Qin Luoyi was going to refine the twelfth-order Nirvana Pill quickly spread in Tongjin City. Tongjin City was shocked, and many people flocked towards the lotus courtyard, especially those refiners.

Master Zuo Gu and other people from the Alchemy Association were also in Tongjin City during this time. After hearing the news, they hurried over with a group of people from the Alchemy Association.

Seeing that more and more people were coming, Nan Zheng was afraid that the crowd would make too much noise, which would affect Qin Luoyi's alchemy, and asked a group of Yufu monks from the Qin family to maintain the order of the scene. No matter who it was, they were not allowed to approach the alchemy furnace at will. .

Master Zuo Gu was also blocked outside, unable to watch Qin Luoyi concocting alchemy at close range, he was very disappointed.

However, his status is special after all, and he enjoys a high reputation on Penglai Xiandao. Even if he couldn't walk over to see Qin Luoyi's alchemy, everyone would automatically step aside and let him stand in front.

Ning Qiu also came, and stood silently on one side, looking at Qin Luoyi, who was fluttering in white and had a serious expression, with a complicated expression.

Yan Nantian also rushed over quickly.

And his father, Yan Gui, the master of the Moon Pavilion.

Yan Gui put his hands behind his back, his expression was serious, but there was a trace of anger in his shining eyes, he looked at Qin Luoyi who was refining the elixir and smiled coldly.

The twelfth-order elixir... He has to keep his eyes wide open to see if a little girl can really make it.

Qin Luoyi's expression was unprecedentedly dignified. Although she had already refined many twelfth-tier elixirs, including many twelfth-tier top-quality elixir, she did not dare to take it lightly.

This Nirvana Pill was used to save Chu Yifeng's life!
She wanted to become a pill in one go, so that Chu Yifeng could wake up quickly and suffer less from being insane.

What's more, the twelfth-grade top-grade pill is more effective than the twelfth-grade primary or middle-grade elixir, and she wants to refine it into the twelfth-grade top-grade pill.

She concentrates, mobilizes all the power of the soul, concentrates on controlling every inch of the purple furnace, and strives to make every refinement perfect.

Each of the twelfth-order Nirvana elixir is extremely rich in spiritual energy. After purification, the spiritual power becomes even more intense. Even the people watching from afar can feel the huge energy fluctuations in the pill furnace.

After spending nearly five hours, Qin Luoyi finally purified all the spiritual plants. The next step will be to fuse these highly purified spiritual liquids together. Whether they can be successfully refined into elixir depends on This step is over.

Seeing Qin Luoyi successfully purify all the spiritual plants, Nan Zheng and others were delighted and excited, but no one made a sound, because the next fusion is the most critical step of refining.

Originally, they expressed doubts about Qin Luoyi's ability to refine the twelfth-order elixir, but after seeing her purify the spiritual plant with such a powerful spiritual power, it is obvious that the soul power is extremely powerful, and the technique is proficient, so they can't help but feel confident increase.

More than 20 kinds of purified psychic liquids were all poured into the purple furnace, and then Qin Luoyi covered the furnace with himself.

Now there is nothing to do with Bai Che and the two of them. The fire control has been done by Qin Luoyi himself, and both of them stand aside and watch with their hands down and their breath held.

Under the burning of the flame, the clear sound of dragons and tigers roared from time to time in the purple furnace.

After another five hours, Qin Luoyi extinguished the fire.

The people around were silent, thousands of people stood around, even the walls and trees were full of people, everyone unconsciously suppressed their breath, waiting for the furnace cover to be lifted.

Nanzheng Du Zhiliang and Wei Feng were the most excited... They were overjoyed that there was no frying furnace for nearly ten hours.

But whether it has been refined or not, you have to lift the lid to see it. The Zihuo Furnace is worthy of being used by the master of the ice region. It is of a very high grade. Before the lid is lifted, there is no trace of smell escaping from it. .

Qin Luoyi's phoenix eyes flashed with glaze-like luster, and he stretched out his hand to uncover the furnace cover. On the bottom of the purple furnace, a blood-red pill the size of a thumb lay quietly there. At the moment when the furnace cover was opened, a strong aroma wafted out.

Master Zuo Gu took a deep breath, his eyes were so hot that his heart was in his throat.

Qin Luoyi took out the elixir from the bottom of the Zihuo furnace, squeezed it in his hand, and walked to Nan Zheng's side calmly.

Nan Zheng took the pill, looked at it over and over, and then laughed excitedly: "The twelfth-order Nirvana pill, it really is the twelfth-order Nirvana pill... and it is also a rare twelfth-order top-grade Nirvana pill!"

Du Zhiliang and Wei Feng also beamed with smiles, looked at the elixir in Nan Zheng's hand, and their eyes fell on Qin Luoyi again.

The twelfth-tier alchemist, even in Xuantian Continent, there are not many twelfth-tier alchemists... Qin Luoyi seems to be only in his 20s, right?I didn't expect to have such a high achievement, it's simply too abnormal!And her cultivation talent is also abnormally scary.

There was a "boom" in the crowd, and the pot suddenly exploded.

"Success! Really successful!"

"The twelfth-rank top alchemist, I didn't expect that Miss Qin is really the twelfth-rank top alchemist!"

"It's unbelievable, come on, Junior Brother, pinch me, I'm not dreaming!"

All the monks, even the extremely high-level Zifu monks, looked at Qin Luoyi in awe. They didn't expect that there would be a twelfth-level alchemist in Penglai Xiandao. How old is she?Given time, with her perverted talent, she might be able to refine higher-grade pills.

"Great Cold in Jinding Mountain, she is refining the ninth-grade top-grade pill, but in just over three years, she can refine the twelfth-grade top-grade pill. This is ten thousand years, no... it is a hundred thousand or so An alchemy genius who hasn't lived in years!"

"Murong Jue was defeated by her, and also by Zihuolu, there is no injustice at all."

Master Zuo Gu rushed forward, wanting to see the twelfth-order elixir with his own eyes, Nan Zheng quickly put it away with a movement of his hand, and quickly rushed into the room where Chu Yifeng was sleeping.

Master Zuo Gu was so anxious that he stumbled.

Ning Qiu stared at Qin Luoyi with black eyes, with a hint of sadness in his agitated expression.

(End of this chapter)

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