Brother is too evil

Chapter 400 The War of Two Men

Chapter 400 The War of Three Men (2)
The arms around her waist tightened suddenly, and he looked at her with burning eyes.Qin Luoyi was speechless.

Feng Feili stared at her bright and pretty face, bent her head slightly, as if she wanted to kiss, but she just didn't continue to kiss.

Qin Luoyi knew that he was waiting for her to take the initiative to kiss him, and that she would not give up until she achieved her goal. After getting along for so long, she still didn't know that senior brother was actually extremely domineering, but his domineering was hidden. His smile just dropped.

Sighing secretly, she put her arms around Feng Feili's neck, and kissed his thin lips. Originally, she only intended to kiss lightly, after all, there were two men watching beside him.But the moment she kissed Feng Feili, her body was hugged tightly, so tight that it was attached to Feng Feili's body, and her soft lips were even more firmly kissed, like a violent storm In general, there is almost no room for it.

Qin Luoyi was quickly kissed so breathlessly that he could only lean against him tightly, his fair face was stained with a peach blossom-like blush, his long eyelashes trembled slightly, and his whole body exuded A deadly allure.

After a while, Feng Feili used a lot of self-control to leave her lips, and if he continued, he had to immediately hug the person in his arms back and love him fiercely.

But he doesn't want to do that now.

From the corner of his eye, he glanced at Chu Yifeng.Seeing the turbulent waves in the man's dark eyes, but the expressionless face on his handsome face, he couldn't help but smile coldly in his heart.

Qin Luoyi leaned on Feng Feili's chest, secretly took a few deep breaths, and finally suppressed the aroused desire.Fortunately, she now has the Wuxiang Dafa in her body, otherwise the Hunyuan Dzi will definitely make trouble again.

Satisfied, Feng Feili let go of Qin Luoyi in satisfaction.

Chu Yifeng walked over gracefully.

Feng Feili's eyes flashed, and she took the initiative to greet him with a smile on her face, as if the two were very close.

Qin Luoyi was really dumbfounded.

She also knows that there are some things that cannot be rushed. Although the two senior brothers and Chu Yifeng agreed to stay by her side, it is not an easy task for them to get along well, so they can only take their time. As long as they don't go too far, she will turn a blind eye.

Duanmu Changqing walked over, his dark eyes were deep and hot, and they fell on her red lips.

Qin Luoyi's heart froze.

"After a night's rest, her complexion is much better." Duanmu Changqing smiled after looking at her carefully.

With a thought, a bright red fruit the size of a peach appeared in his hand: "This is a wild fruit that grows on the mountain, called the worry-free fruit. These two days are the time when the worry-free fruit is ripe. Would you like to try it? "

Qin Luoyi liked the color a little bit, and was even more pleased that the second senior brother changed the subject, so he nodded with a smile.

Duanmu Changqing took out a cup of clean water, washed the Wuyou fruit, and handed it to Qin Luoyi.

The second senior brother is always so careful.

Qin Luoyi's heart warmed up, and she took a bite of the Wuyou fruit with a smile. It was very sweet, with a little sourness in the sweetness, and the taste was very good. She ate up a Wuyou fruit very quickly.

Duanmu Changqing took out a snow-white silk handkerchief and wiped her hands. Qin Luoyi had long been used to Duanmu Changqing's gentleness that did not match his cold appearance, so he didn't care.

Chu Yifeng, who was being pestered by Feng Feili to talk, stared at Duanmu Changqing, but his eyes dimmed.

Feng Feili smiled slightly, with a rather happy expression.

"Would you like more?" Duanmu Changqing asked her with a slight smile as he watched her finish eating a worry-free fruit, still looking a little unsatisfied.

"You still have?" Qin Luoyi's eyes lit up, he had eaten too many high-level spiritual fruits, and this wild game fruit tasted quite different.

"No. I picked it on the way when I came here just now. If you like it, we can pick it again." Duanmu Changqing smiled.

The worry-free fruit is actually from this mountain.Qin Luoyi didn't notice it before. He glanced at the elder brother and Chu Yifeng, and said, "Why don't you ask them to go together."

Duanmu Changqing's eyes flickered slightly, and he said: "They are talking, how about this, you stay here, I'll pick them, and I'll be here in a while, anyway, it's not far away."

Turn around and leave.

Qin Luoyi took another look at Feng Feili, who was talking with Chu Yifeng in high spirits, a gleam flashed in Feng Feili's eyes, he hesitated for a moment, and then chased in the direction Duanmu Changqing left.

A smile flashed across Duanmu Changqing's cold eyes.

The worry-free fruit tree is not far away, only a few hundred meters away from here. It grows among the thorns far away from the path. gratifying.

Qin Luoyi actually passed by here when she came, but she and Chu Yifeng were walking and talking at that time, but she didn't notice it.

Duanmu Changqing jumped up the tree gracefully, Qin Luoyi also jumped up lightly, and soon the two of them picked all the ripe fruits from the tree together.

When Qin Luoyi came back after picking the worry-free fruit, Feng Feili and Chu Yifeng were standing opposite each other. Although they were still laughing, the atmosphere was a bit weird no matter how you looked at it.

Qin Luoyi paused at his feet, and then he didn't seem to notice their strangeness, and walked over with a smile. The green skirt of the West Lake, like the green blue waves, swayed gracefully.

She took out the worry-free fruit she had picked, handed one to senior brother, and another to Chu Yifeng, and said with a smile: "I just picked this, how do you taste it?"

Chu Yifeng and Feng Feili looked at the fruit in their hands at the same time.

Although the red is bright, but the sweet taste, even if you don't start eating, you can still smell it. Neither of them likes to eat sweet and greasy food. It's just that Qin Luoyi brought it over, and neither of them refused. , took a bite immediately.

Feng Feili praised: "It tastes good."

Duanmu Changqing glanced at him with a strange expression, and secretly smiled in his heart, senior brother is very particular about food and food, this kind of wild fruit is probably the first time in his life, he obviously doesn't like sweet and greasy things, but still Eat with such relish.

"It's really good." Chu Yifeng also praised.

The two quickly finished eating the worry-free fruit. Seeing that they really liked it, Qin Luoyi gave them a few, and then took one and ate it himself.

In the next few days, Chu Yifeng did not find time to be alone with Qin Luoyi. Although Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing often went out for business, but now that Master Ge has returned, there are not too many things to do, even if they want to go out , the two of them went out separately in a tacit understanding, and there would always be one person left by Qin Luoyi's side.

Chu Yifeng didn't go back at night, he just meditated on the soft couch, while Duanmu Changqing and Feng Feili meditated in another room.

(End of this chapter)

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