Brother is too evil

Chapter 405 I really forgot it completely

Chapter 405 I really forgot it completely (1)
"I don't know." Bai Yi replied very simply.

A silver light flashed in Ouyang Ling's eyes, and he looked at the white clothes carefully again.The familiar aura is clearly Xuanyuan, why...why did he say he didn't know him?
But after so many years, it was enough for him to be surprised that he was able to come back to life. As for why he didn't know himself, he would have time to figure it out slowly in the future.

Thinking of that battle that year, he secretly sighed, and then became happy again.

"It doesn't matter, you don't know me, as long as I know you." Ouyang Ling said with a smile on his face: "I will let you remember everything before."

Bai Yi frowned slightly, still not having the slightest impression of this man who claimed to know him.

Ouyang Ling turned to look at Qin Luoyi, and asked in a very happy mood: "Where are you going?"

"Go to Tongjin City." Qin Luoyi's eyes flashed, and he said with a smile. Ouyang Ling seemed to really know Bai Yi, and both of them were so perverted. I don't know if they are Penglai Xiandao or A member of a hidden family in Xuantian Continent.

"There are too many people in Tongjin City. Miss Luoyi, we haven't seen each other for many years, and Xuanyuan and I haven't seen each other for many years. Let's go, I'll take you to a good place, where we can have a good talk." He wanted to find out as soon as possible. Xuanyuan's situation, and he has never been able to find that thing, if Xuanyuan takes action, the situation will be different.

Qin Luoyi shook his head and refused: "Master Ouyang, I have to go back to Tongjin City." She didn't want her senior brother and Chu Yifeng to worry too much.

And before she left, although she saw that they were no longer fighting together, they all came to chase Bai Yi... I don't know what happened to them now.

Bai Yi naturally followed Qin Luoyi.

Ouyang Ling really didn't want to go to Tongjin City to huddle with a group of monks, so she smiled and said to Bai Yi: "Xuanyuan, let's go together? You don't know me now, wait for me to tell you about the past, maybe You can remember."

Bai Yi glanced at him indifferently, then smiled and said to Qin Luoyi: "Let's go to Tongjin City."

Qin Luoyi nodded, and waved to Ouyang Ling with a smile before leaving. After all, Ouyang Ling had saved her life more than once.

She picked up Shenhong, Bai Yi walked into her Shenhong very comfortably, and the two quickly headed towards Tongjin City.

Seeing the two figures going side by side, Ouyang Ling's jaw almost dropped in shock, and then the corners of his mouth twitched: "Did you really forget?" Then her eyes fell on Qin Luo thoughtfully. clothes.

If it wasn't for the familiar aura on him, he would have suspected that it wasn't Xuanyuan, because how could Xuanyuan let a woman get so close to him?

The Shenhong in the distance was about to disappear, Ouyang Ling came to his senses, and hurriedly chased after him: "Hey, wait for me, I'll go with you."

Monk Tianwu also chased after him, but his cultivation base was too low, so it was very difficult to chase.

Qin Luoyi took his white clothes and landed in a small courtyard in the outskirts. At this moment, there was no one in the small courtyard.

Ouyang Ling followed closely and landed next to Bai Yi. He looked around, and couldn't help but glance at Bai Yi again: "You two live here?"

"I live here." Qin Luoyi glanced at him, always feeling a little strange in his eyes.

She greeted them to sit down in the courtyard, then went into the room to make tea for them, and put it on the table.

Sitting with Ouyang Ling in white clothes, Monk Tian Wu, who was dressed in red and had a shining head, stood behind Ouyang Ling with a smile.

Seeing Qin Luoyi bringing tea, he hurried over to help.

Qin Luoyi gave him a cup and motioned him to give it to Ouyang Ling, while he gave Bai Yi the one in his hand.

Then he turned around and gave a cup to Monk Tianwu. After Monk Tianwu took it, he thanked him non-stop. Looking at the smiling face, there was no trace of the sinister look that was going to kill her at the beginning.

Ouyang Ling was drinking tea while talking to Bai Yi, of course he was the one talking, Bai Yi listened casually.And when he heard that Qin Luoyi was called Xuanyuan Baiyi, he was so stunned that he almost spit out a mouthful of tea.After laughing, he also changed his name to Baiyi instead of Xuanyuan.

A ray of silver light fell from the sky, it was Chu Yifeng's flying magic weapon, and he hurried down from the magic weapon, with a look of anxiety on his face.


Seeing that Qin Luoyi was intact and uninjured, he was finally relieved, and his dark and sharp eyes fell on the white clothes beside him.

Immediately after several divine rainbows appeared in the sky, Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing also rushed back, Qin Luoyi was free, and there was no trace of Yujiaotian silk on it.

The two looked at each other quickly, secretly shocked in their hearts.Even with his knees, he knew who was the one who untied the Jade Jiaotian silk.

The white clothes are really unpredictable.Unexpectedly, even the jade dragon silk can be untied.

In Xuantian Continent for the past two years, Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing specially sent many people out to inquire about Bai Yi's news, trying to find out which faction he is from, but they were very disappointed, Bai Yi seemed to appear out of thin air , almost no one in Xuantian Continent has seen him.

Chu Yifeng, who was guessing Baiyi's identity, shuddered when he heard Ouyang Ling calling Baiyi's name.

Bai Yi... Isn't that the man who was rumored to have thrown millions of dollars for him?

The look at Bai Yi was even more unpredictable.

The arrival of the two senior brothers made Qin Luoyi smile, his phoenix eyes were bent, bright eyes were looking forward, like flowers blooming in the spring dawn, like the mid-autumn moon revealing his face, he was instantly charming.

At the same time, Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing felt the hairs all over their bodies stand upside down, and their backs stiffened involuntarily.

"Poor my daughter, she was attacked by a monster when she went out to sea last time, she was lucky to be rescued by Mr. Chu, and saved her life... I didn't expect that she died in the hands of that beast!" Shan Hong stood in the small courtyard with his hands behind his back. In the middle, with an unconcealable sadness in his angry expression, he said harshly to Chu Yifeng.

He just returned to Tongjin City today, and after returning to Tongjin City, he heard about Chu Yifeng's cultivation obsession, and even heard that Qin Luoyi had actually refined the twelfth-order top-quality pill, so he didn't care to take a break , personally took two disciples to the lotus courtyard, but did not find Chu Yifeng, and found out that Chu Yifeng was at Qin Luoyi's place, so he went directly to find him.

Hearing him talk about the cause of Shan Xuelian's death, and how Xia Zichen's father Xia Zhongli beat him up when he went to Dongtianfudi to seek justice... Chu Yifeng's eyes flashed.Raising his head slightly, he happened to meet Qin Luoyi's slightly cold eyes who were standing aside.

"A person cannot be resurrected after death, so the head of the single sect is mourning by the way..." Chu Yifeng frowned in his heart, but politely comforted him a few words.

This consolation, which could not be more polite, made Shan Hong excited. He was silent for a moment, and the sadness on his face subsided a little. He sighed, and then said: "I also know that no matter what I do, Snow Lotus will not survive. Come here, I went to Dongtian Paradise just to seek justice for her. She didn't die in battle with the monsters, but died at the hands of her allies. Why didn't she make me sad? Forget it, don't mention these things, I just returned When I arrived in Tongjin City, I heard that Mr. Chu went crazy a few days ago. I don’t know if it’s better now? To tell you the truth, Mr. Chu, there is a Wannian Liulilan on the top of our Yaochi Snow Mountain, which just matures this year. If the petals of Liulilan can Refining the twelfth-level top-grade elixir is still somewhat useful for the scars of the Dao left after going crazy."

(End of this chapter)

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