Chapter 423
Qin Luoyi drove the sapphire blue warship and followed closely behind.

The smell of blood in the sea is very strong, there are corpses of monsters floating everywhere, and there are many broken limbs and arms of monks, and many monsters attack along the way. , and soon found the teleportation array set in the hole deep in the canyon.

There are more monsters in the canyon.

There are many monks who are fighting fiercely with them, and the monks who can come here are extremely powerful.

Nearly one-third of the ancient warship was destroyed, and its combat effectiveness was greatly reduced. The battle with the monsters had reached a stalemate, and those monsters knew how powerful the warship was. Many powerful monsters joined forces to prevent the warship from approaching the innermost part.

Qin Luoyi's heart moved, and he quietly put away the sapphire blue warship, and then quickly sneaked into the innermost part with Dahei and Heidi. After a while, he sneaked into the innermost part smoothly. There is a teleportation array sent by monsters.

She found a relatively secluded place to stand, and with a thought, she summoned the sapphire blue warship again, beckoned Dahei and Heidi to jump in together.

The blue light of the warships was too dazzling, even if they were in a very hidden gap, monster beasts soon discovered their existence and rushed towards them with roars.

The powerful coercion of Dahei and Heidi was unreservedly released, and they ruthlessly killed all the monsters, and several monsters fell down in an instant.

The puppet in Tsing Yi held the Qiankun Clock in his hand, and continuously sent out sonic attacks. The monsters with a slightly lower cultivation level began to bleed from their seven orifices under the stronger sonic attacks.

Qin Luoyi seized the time and aimed the muzzle of the warship at the teleportation circle, and fired the spiritual shells and self-made shells one after another.

Master and the others have studied this teleportation circle for several days. Although they haven't thoroughly studied it, they have found out where its eye is. go.


All the monsters went berserk and rushed towards the sapphire blue warship. Not only did the group of monsters fail to notice their arrival, even Sect Leader Ge and the others didn't notice that Qin Luoyi actually drove the sapphire blue warship into the final battleship. in.

"Hey, the little girl is too courageous!" Master Luo resisted the urge to caress his forehead, and attacked the monster even more ruthlessly.

Wu Shan was also stunned.

I really didn't expect Qin Luoyi's cultivation base to reach the middle level of Yufu after not seeing him for a few years. "The monsters have gone berserk, and they all rushed back, let's rush over, or they will be in danger!" He said in a deep voice, his eyes were full of evil spirits.

Headmaster Ge was even more worried, and the three of them led a group of monks, jumped out of the warship, blazed a trail of blood, and headed towards Qin Luoyi.


Suddenly, there was an earth-shattering sound, and the teleportation formation was completely smashed down. Flesh and flesh flew across the cave, white light billowed into the sky, and thick smoke filled the air. Neither Qin Luoyi nor her sapphire blue warship could be seen.


Moreover, the teleportation formation was forcibly broken, causing the runes in the formation to lose control, and a terrifying and lethal white light shot out from it, killing all the monsters with a radius of hundreds of meters in an instant.

Master Ge and his party just rushed to the brink of the explosion. Master Luo reacted the fastest. Seeing that the situation was wrong, he swung his hands heavily and sent his two disciples flying backwards. He himself was attacked by the aftermath of the explosion and fell out. After nearly a hundred meters, he stopped, and a mouthful of blood spewed out from his mouth. The clothes on his body were even more tattered, his beard disappeared, and his red face became scorched black.

"Girl!" He was seriously injured, and he didn't care to check his injury, looking anxiously at the entrance of the cave that was so bright that he couldn't get close.

Master Ge and his junior brother Wu Shan were photographed in advance by Luo Shizu, and they were not injured, but both of them looked very sad.

"Kill these beasts and avenge Miss Qin! Avenge the dead friends!" Seeing this scene, the cultivator in the cave knew that Qin Luoyi and her two beasts would not be able to survive again, and his expression changed. Filled with grief and indignation, he summoned the mansion and magic weapons, and attacked the surviving monsters fiercely.

The formation was destroyed, and these monsters could no longer reinforce them. They were besieged by the sad and angry monks, and soon fell to the disadvantage, and dozens of them were beheaded.

The other monsters were fearful, and began to seek retreat, and rushed out of the cave to escape, but everyone was so red-eyed, they blocked the entrance of the cave, and wanted to kill all these monsters here, to avenge Qin Luoyi.

Soon the monsters in the cave were all strangled by the sad and angry monks, the light from the explosion of the teleportation formation finally dimmed, and the thick smoke gradually dispersed.

The cave was in a mess, with blood and flesh all over the ground, piled up tens of meters high, and it had turned into charred black, with a burnt smell of being roasted.

Zhang Ge's face was expressionless, but his eyes were extremely painful and he walked in, his back was even more stiff, and his fingers trapped in his sleeves were clenched into fists.

"Girl!" Luo Shizu looked up to the sky and sighed, there seemed to be a sparkle in the dark eyes, and he lifted his feet and walked inside.

Wu Shan silently followed behind them, Elder Wei of Piao Miao Sect and others also walked in with sad expressions.


There was a sudden noise in the cave, and the corpses of monsters all over the sky trembled, as if something was about to come out.

Everyone's hearts tightened in fear.

Headmaster Ge's heart trembled, and then he seemed to think of something, his eyes lit up, and he looked closely at the mountain of corpses that was trembling slightly.

Master Luo's eyes also widened.

Wu Shan was fully alert.

Could it be that there are still living monsters in here?If there is a living monster, how powerful is it to survive the terrifying explosion just now?


The sound became more urgent, and the mountain of scorched corpses of monster beasts shook even more violently.Many monks looked at it without blinking, but they held the magic weapon and long sword tightly in their hands, preparing for a monster to come out and attack it immediately.

The pile of corpses suddenly fell down, and a mass of blood-soaked objects came out of it. In the bright red blood, there seemed to be blue dazzling rays of light.

"Huh, it finally came out!" A voice like a silver bell, with a slight complaint, suddenly rang in Jingshi's cave.

"Sapphire blue warship!"

"God, it's Miss Qin! They're all right!"

"Great, haha."

After a moment of silence, all the monks cheered, and Master Luo ran to the side of the sapphire blue warship in three steps at a time, laughing too.

He habitually reached out to stroke his beard, and got off the horse without looking clean, only then did he remember that his beard was ruined.

Qin Luoyi got out of the sapphire blue warship, his hair and clothes were in order, his bright eyes were shining, and he was looking forward to the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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