Brother is too evil

Chapter 433 The Moon and the Sun

Chapter 433 The Moon and the Sun (1)
"It seems that the medicine has not been cured." Jian Yuyan's expression was solemn, but a faint smile flashed in his eyes. He put Qin Luoyi in his arms again, leaned close to her ear and said, "Yi'er, let's continue."

Qin Luoyi's head was full of black lines.

It will kill people!
She glanced at him with a half-smile: "If you continue, I will feel even more uncomfortable." Pushing him away, sitting up, she realized that she was wearing a pajamas of excellent quality, which should be Jian Yuyan's after she fell asleep. Put it on for her.

I couldn't help feeling warm in my heart.

Jian Yuyan laughed lightly.

There were footsteps outside the door. "My lord, things are ready."

"Got it, just put it at the door."

The people outside the door left quickly.

"I made some people boil some potion. You can make bubbles after a while, and you shouldn't feel uncomfortable anymore." Jian Yuyan got up in her clothes, turned out of the screen, and quickly brought in a wooden bucket about one meter high, which contained Half a barrel of pitch-black potion, the smell is not unpleasant, but also has a faint fragrance.

"No need, I have healing pills." Qin Luoyi looked at the dark water, and didn't want to go down, lying lazily, not wanting to move.

"I asked Mr. Xiao to prepare this specially for you. You don't have spiritual power in your body now. Using this is better than healing pills." Jian Yuyan said, looking at the bruises on her neck, her eyes dimmed. Last night, his actions He tried to be as gentle as possible, but he still hurt her.

Qin Luoyi knew that Jian Yuyan had good intentions, but the dark potion... really didn't look good.

Jian Yuyan had been paying attention to her expression, and finally realized that it wasn't that she didn't drink it, but that she didn't like the potion, but he was negligent, and he didn't think of it before. "I asked them to change the bucket again."

Walk out with the bucket in hand.

"Forget it, just this bucket." Qin Luoyi jumped off the bed and stopped in front of him.

She is an alchemist herself, and just by looking at it and smelling it, she knew that the spiritual plants in the potion were expensive, and it would not be a waste to change another barrel, and it would take a lot of work, and it would take at least one or two hours to brew out this barrel of medicine.Signaling Jian Yuyan to put down the bucket, she stepped in, then sat down cross-legged, the potion dripped down to her neck.

Jian Yuyan stood outside the barrel, smiled slightly, and looked at her with deep and soft eyes: "After you finish soaking in a while, take a good rest, and I will unseal the seal for you."

Qin Luoyi stood up abruptly: "Can you solve it?"

No way.

He could actually undo the seal set by the top cultivator of the Zifu?Is the old man's seal too low or what's going on?

Seeing her phoenix eyes wide open in shock, eyes full of suspicion, Jian Yuyan laughed, and couldn't help but tap her forehead: "I've seen it, the sealing technique is not sealed with any secret method, as long as the cultivation base is sufficient, There won't be any danger... Don't worry, just leave it to me."

Sufficient cultivation?

What kind of cultivation is enough?

Qin Luoyi blinked, and sat down in the potion again, but her expression became more suspicious. After enduring for a quarter of an hour, her strength recovered a lot, and she immediately jumped out of the bucket to urge him to do it.

Jian Yuyan was prudent, since he said he could solve it, she didn't doubt it, but she was wondering what level his cultivation had reached now, and even her curiosity about his cultivation surpassed her expectation that the seal could be lifted.

Seeing her impatient look, sweeping away the tiredness just now, with a smile on her red lips, Jian Yuyan shook her head without a smile.

He signaled Qin Luoyi to sit cross-legged on the stone kang, and he sat behind her, making complicated hand formulas in his hands, a golden light gradually emerged, and after a while, the golden light became stronger and stronger, enveloping Qin Luoyi's entire body live.

Qin Luoyi closed his eyes, his body showed no resistance to Jian Yuyan, seeing the complete trust on her face, Jian Yuyan's eyes became softer.Shot that golden light into her body, and quickly erased the seal in her body.

"All right."

Jian Yuyan stood up with a smile.

Qin Luoyi was shocked and delighted, but he didn't open his eyes immediately. He summoned the supreme meridian and guided the spiritual power in his body to run around the meridian for a whole week.

There is no obstacle in the body, and the seal is really completely lifted.

She controlled the mansion again with her thoughts, summoned it out of her body, and then sank back into her body.After doing this, she opened her eyes, looked at Jian Yuyan's handsome face with scorching eyes, and said with a half-smile: "You told me carefully, what kind of cultivation is enough?"

Jian Yuyan's method of lifting the seal was not too easy. I think that when the master lifted the seal for her, he also made a lot of preparations in advance.

"This kind of sealing technique... generally enough cultivation is enough." A gleam flashed in Jian Yuyan's eyes, and she replied with a smile.

Qin Luoyi's eyes widened.

That old man in Tsing Yi is a top cultivator in the Purple Mansion!

Could it be that Jian Yuyan is also a top monk in the Zifu?

how is this possible.

In the eyes of others, her cultivation is abnormal enough. She has the sky-defying Hunyuan Dzi in her body that is constantly releasing the source of chaos, so she can cultivate to the middle level of Yufu in just a few years.

"My cultivation was not cultivated. It was my adoptive father who dispersed all his cultivation into my body..." Seemingly understanding her doubts, Jian Yuyan sighed and sat beside her and said.

"Miss Qin, this way please."

After Jian Yuyan left, Qin Luoyi was taken to another courtyard by a man in black, and Huangfuyan wanted to see her.

Huangfuyan is Jian Yuyan's adoptive father and the head of the Huangfu family, one of the seven great families in Xuantian Continent.

Standing in the courtyard was a middle-aged man in Tsing Yi, with a square face, sword eyebrows and starry eyes, with a majestic aura of a long-standing high position in his expression. Although he tried his best to conceal it, there was still a weakness in his body.

The slightly familiar aura made Qin Luoyi quickly confirm that this man in Tsing Yi was Huangfu Yan... She walked over calmly.

"Three years ago, I heard from your Uncle Wu that you are the pinnacle of martial saints, and you have cultivated the power of the stars after practicing the Supreme Sutra for only a dozen days... Unexpectedly, in just three years, you have cultivated the Jade Mansion, and It's the middle class of Yufu." Huangfuyan looked her in the eyes, a smile appeared on the corner of his usually serious lips, but a hint of doubt flashed in the bottom of his eyes.

For his praise, Qin Luoyi just listened quietly. She already knew that Huangfuyan and Wu Shishu had a very good relationship, but even so, I believe that Huangfu deliberately avoided Jian Yuyan and asked her to come, and it was definitely not just for praise. her.

As the head of the Huangfu family, one of the seven great families in the Xuantian Continent, Huangfuyan didn't have any fluctuations in his spiritual power. More than three years ago, he went crazy in his cultivation and was poisoned and plotted against him. He almost lost his life.

Fortunately, Uncle Wu arrived in time with Jian Yuyan.

(End of this chapter)

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