Brother is too evil

Chapter 469 Meeting Brother Qin Tian

Chapter 469 Meeting Brother Qin Tian (2)
Tuoba Yuanxu looked at her soft face, a scorching fire flashed in his eyes, and then he returned to the original warmth, raised his glass and took a sip of tea.

Standing in the auction square, Liu Qingcheng saw Tuoba Yuanxu sitting by the window, and then moved to the person facing him, the smile on his lips froze suddenly, and a cold fire flashed in his eyes, even if it was just A silhouette, she also recognized that it was Qin Luoyi.

Since Shangguan Wuyou was taken away, she hasn't seen him once these days. She only heard that the cloth left over from Xiao Liang's house was indeed on Shangguan Wuyou's body. Not only that, the fatal wound on Xiao Liang's body , It was also caused by the flying sword on his body. Based on the conclusive evidence, the murderer who killed Xiao Liang was confirmed to be him, and Shangguan Wuyou was brought back to the Tuoba family.

Before, she was sure that it was Shangguan Wuyou who killed Xiao Liang, since the day she knew that Qin Luoyi was already a cultivator in the Zifu, and she had planned to make her stay with Ye Feifei, but it was her who was in the house in the end Herself... the more she thought about it, the more something went wrong.

The one who killed Xiao Ran was probably related to Qin Luoyi.

It's just that she couldn't find the evidence.

What's more, Tuoba Yuanxu made an alibi for her. If someone else said such a thing at that time, other people on the flying boat might have doubts. Tuoba Yuanxu, who is very prestigious in the northern region, said this, Everyone believed it.

"What's the matter?" The man in black standing next to her noticed her strangeness, raised his eyebrows slightly, followed her gaze, and saw a young man and a woman sitting opposite each other in the restaurant.

The man was dressed in a black robe, elegant and elegant, with a smile on his lips.When the woman looked in his direction, she could only see a graceful silhouette.

"Father, that woman is Qin Luoyi who caused me to be expelled from the Piaomiao Sect." Liu Qingcheng's chest heaved violently, and she gritted her teeth. The new hatred added to the old hatred, and now she hates Qin Luoyi even more.

"She is Qin Luoyi?" The man in black narrowed his eyes slightly, the smile on his lips remained unchanged, but his gaze towards Qin Luoyi became a lot colder. He is Liu Qingcheng's father and the relative of Liu Hanfei, the head of the Liu family. Younger brother Liu Hanqing.

"Hmph, she's so courageous, she actually dared to come to Xuantian Continent." His daughter was expelled from the Piaomiao Sect, which made him very embarrassed in the clan. If it wasn't for his brother's repeated hints, he would not get Xuantian. The mainland is looking for trouble, he sent someone to kill her long ago.

After living for more than 2000 years, he was only Liu Qingcheng's precious daughter. He never expected that Qin Luoyi would cause his daughter's cultivation to be almost abolished in the Piaomiao Sect.

No one knows the danger of Tiger Cliff better than him. When he was young, he once went there with others, and almost lost his life there. With his daughter's cultivation, if she was really thrown down there for a month, she would probably die. There is not even a bone scum left.

Liu Qingcheng clenched her hands tightly in her sleeves. She hoped that her father could help her kill Qin Luoyi. With her current cultivation level, she would definitely not be able to kill Qin Luoyi. Qin Luoyi actually cultivated in just a few years After entering the Zifu, the speed of her cultivation is too terrifying. If she is not killed early, it will be even more difficult to kill her when her cultivation becomes stronger in the future.

He looked sideways at his father.

Seeing the chill in his eyes, she hesitated for a moment before telling what happened on the flying boat.Of course, she didn't say that she wanted to design Qin Luoyi, but alluded to Qin Luoyi's design to frame her, so she was with Ye Feifei and was bumped into by many people on the flying boat.

Liu Hanqing was even more furious.

In an instant, his eyes became very dark. Fortunately, he still knew that he was standing outside the auction house, where people were coming and going, so he quickly put away the evil in his eyes.

His daughter likes Feng Feili, and he has long known that she joined the Piaomiao Sect because of Feng Feili. Although she was expelled from the Piaomiao Sect more than two years ago, he still holds some hope for the marriage with the Feng family. , Now Liu Qingcheng's words completely shattered his hopes.

Thinking about it with my knees, I know that it won't be long before this matter spreads across the Xuantian Continent. It is impossible for the Feng family to let the scandalous daughter in again, not to mention the Feng family, even other powerful families. Accept her daughter again, and all this is thanks to Qin Luoyi!
The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, Ru Ya's face became very distorted, and she was about to walk over to vent her anger for her daughter.

Liu Qingcheng hastily pulled him back.

Leaning close to his ear and whispering a few words, Liu Hanqing's expression became even more shocked, and she lost her voice: "She is a cultivator from the Zifu...Are you sure?"

The source of chaos in the fire domain was missing and Liu Qing was dead. These two news made him very surprised, but Qin Luoyi was actually a monk of the Zifu, which surprised him even more.

Tuoba Yuanxu stood up and walked towards the back of the restaurant.

Liu Hanqing's eyes fell directly on Qin Luoyi's body. When Qin Luoyi turned his head, he saw Qin Luoyi's face clearly, and his body shook violently. After a while, he couldn't help but mutter: " It took me a few years to cultivate to the Purple Mansion..."

There was an unusually dazzling scorching light flickering in the pitch-black eyes.

"Father, you must avenge your daughter." Holding his hand, Liu Qingcheng acted coquettishly with a face full of grievances. She spoke in such a low voice that no one else could hear her except Liu Hanqing, but her enchanting way of stamping her feet and acting coquettishly The appearance still attracted the attention of many people.

The male monk's eyes were hot, but because of Liu Hanqing's presence, he didn't dare to look at him wantonly. When some female monks saw it, they curled their lips secretly, scolding vixen in their hearts, and shamelessly seduced people in public.

Liu Hanqing withdrew her gaze, patted her hand and said, "Don't worry, this matter has to be discussed in the long term. Don't worry, I won't let you be bullied for nothing."

He took her into the auction building.

Qin Luoyi, who had been paying attention to them all the time, withdrew his gaze, propped his chin on his fingers, and looked across thoughtfully.

A dark figure walked past the corner of the street, at a leisurely pace, and quickly turned into an alley beside it.

Qin Luoyi was taken aback by the familiar aura, and then a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he didn't care about waiting for Tuoba Yuanxu to come out of the bathroom, he jumped down from the second floor and chased after him.

With her speed, she quickly caught up to the man in black, hid her body on a big tree, and looked at him from afar.

The face is elegant and handsome, the skin is smooth and flawless like white jade, the two sword eyebrows are handsome and handsome, the nose is straight like a sculpture, and the eyelashes are black and thick... Every gesture is full of elegance and confidence.

Who is that cheap big brother who is not her?

The phoenix eyes became brighter, the corners of the lips curled up, and she couldn't help but chuckle, the clear laughter rippling like silver bells, and the body jumped down from the tree.

The black-clothed man paused slightly, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes. When he saw the person standing in front of him clearly, he frowned, smiled, and walked towards her quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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