Chapter 474
Qin Mo withdrew his hand, then stroked his head and looked at her and said, "We know that Liu Qingcheng made you angry, but you have to be so angry that it makes her uncomfortable. Why are you making things difficult for yourself?"

It's a pity that more than 2000 million taels of silver.

"I'm not going to make things difficult for myself." Qin Luoyi knew that they had misunderstood, thinking that he wanted the Huo Dazzle Stone to avenge Liu Qingcheng, and resisted the urge to roll his eyes. She wanted to clean up Liu Qingcheng, and she didn't have to hurt others like this. Method: "There is something in the Huo Dazzling Stone, so I want to buy it."

Qin Tian raised his eyebrows and smiled lightly: "So you cut the Huo Dazzling Stone like this because you want to dig out the contents?" He was very curious, how did she find out that there was something in it, one must know that the strong man who came to the auction yesterday was not Few, even quite a few Zifu monks.

"What is it?" Qin Mo was also curious, and leaned over to ask her.

Qin Luoyi took the bodhi seed out of the storage space.The bodhi seeds are emerald green and crystal clear, only the size of mung beans, very inconspicuous.

Qin Tian stretched out his hand to pick it up, and a pure force was quickly transmitted to him, causing the spiritual power in his body to fluctuate violently.

His expression suddenly changed.

"Could it be a bodhi child?"

Qin Mo opened his eyes wide and exclaimed in surprise.

Although he has never seen bodhi seeds, the Qin family has a book of secrets, which specifically records the rare things on this continent for hundreds of thousands of years, including bodhi seeds.

I didn't expect that there are bodhi seeds in that unremarkable Huo Dazzling Stone, which only female cultivators pay more attention to. It's incredible.If Liu Qingcheng knew what he was giving up, he might vomit blood and die without them doing anything.

"Are you sure this is a bodhi child?" Qin Tian's expression became solemn, but his pitch-black eyes were shining brightly, like stars in the dark night.He has not been in Xuantian Continent for a long time, and he has been cultivating all the time. As soon as he got the thing, although he felt that it was extremely extraordinary, he did not expect it to be the legendary bodhi seed.

He handed the things to Qin Tian.

Qin Tian took it and took a closer look, then nodded with certainty: "It is indeed a bodhi seed." His expression became extremely joyful, and he burst out laughing.

Bodhi seeds that can quickly cultivate soul power are priceless, not to mention more than 2000 million taels. If people who participate in the auction know that there is such a thing in the Huo Dazzling Stone, and add ten times and a hundred times the price, they will also rush to grab it. to buy.

He handed the Bodhi back to Qin Luoyi, his eyes were extremely hot: "How did you find out that there is something in it?" She actually found something that even the monks in Zifu hadn't found.

Qin Luoyi smiled at him: "I didn't know there were bodhi seeds in it before, so I decided to buy it because I thought this Huo Dazzling Stone was different from the one I got before."

She didn't lie, she just felt something strange, and said that the one with bodhi seeds inside was the demon owl, but she didn't have the ability to see through the spar and see through the things inside. You must know that the spar is a very strange substance, no matter how powerful it is. His spiritual consciousness cannot be penetrated.

"Brother, I'll give it to you." She put the bodhi seed in Qin Tian's hands.

Qin Tian refused.

Bodhizi's ability to cultivate the power of the soul has great benefits for monks, especially the higher the cultivation base, the more obvious the benefits. Qin Luoyi is an alchemist, and it will be more useful to her.

"This is for you." Qin Tian looked at her with a smile.

Qin Luoyi directly stuffed the things into his hands, and said with a smile: "Brother, take it, not only you have it, but Brother Qin Mo also has it." With a thought, three bodhi seeds appeared in her palm.

She handed one of them to Qin Mo.

Qin Mo is drinking tea.

Seeing the three crystal green bodhi seeds appearing in her palm, she spurted out a mouthful of tea. Fortunately, Qin Luoyi was prepared, moved his feet, and dodged away, so he didn't get wet by the water.

Qin Tian couldn't hide his excitement and stood up.

"Cough cough..."

He choked on the water, coughed, put down the cup in a hurry, and looked at her with fiery eyes: "There are four bodhi seeds in the Huo Dazzling Stone?"

Qin Luoyi smiled and nodded.

She didn't expect yesterday that there were actually four bodhi seeds inside. Fortunately, she knew that bodhi seeds were treasures for cultivation and were extremely rare. She was afraid that she would accidentally hurt them, so she was very careful when cutting them, so the Huo Dazzling Stone was cut Very broken.

"It's unbelievable." Qin Mo murmured, still a little unbelievable, there are four of the legendary things in one Huo Dazzling Stone.

Qin Luoyi handed him the bodhi seed again.This time Qin Mo didn't refuse, he couldn't close his mouth with a smile: "Thank you, Sister Luoyi."

There are two more, Qin Luoyi is going to keep one for himself, and give the other to Jian Yuyan, he has already condensed a spiritual flower, and with bodhi seeds, I believe he can condense the second spiritual flower faster.

"Have you heard that Liu Qingcheng was expelled from the Piaomiao Sect?"

"No way, who did you listen to?"

"This matter has been spread throughout Xiaguang City. The woman who was with Young Master Tuoba yesterday is a disciple of Piaomiao Sect, and also Liu Qingcheng's junior sister. Liu Qingcheng was expelled by Piaomiao Sect just because she sent people to hunt and kill her. "

"Ah, no wonder Liu Qingcheng has been in the Xuantian Continent for the past few years, and has never been to Penglai Xiandao... Hehe, the Liu family really kept this matter a secret."

"Of course they are embarrassed to talk about such embarrassing things. Let me tell you, don't look at Liu Qingcheng's arrogant appearance on weekdays. He is very flamboyant in private, and even has a hot fight with the flower picker Ye Feifei. Tsk, Didn't you hear her screaming with Ye Feifei, that voice is really disturbing to the bone."

"She and Ye Feifei are together...Impossible? Who is Ye Feifei? Who is Liu Qingcheng...Impossible! It's also called \The sound of the bed, as if you heard it with your own ears, Liu Qingcheng likes Feng Young master of the family, you can't talk nonsense, I heard that Liu Qingcheng's father is still in Xiaguang City, let him hear it, and see if he can tear you into pieces."

"I'm not talking nonsense, let me tell you, not only did we hear her calling Chang, hehe, we also saw her with Ye Feifei with our own eyes. Liu Qingcheng came here from Linghang City on a flying boat with me. A homicide happened on the flying boat, Mr. Wei led people to check the room to find the murderer, just broke through the adultery between her and Ye Feifei, but not only I saw it, but many people on the flying boat saw it..." The voice lowered a lot, obviously Still afraid that Liu Hanqing would hear it.

Standing outside the teahouse, Liu Hanqing looked at the few monks chatting together in the teahouse, her elegant face became extremely distorted.

After he came out of the auction house, he had already heard many people talking about his daughter in private. Although Liu Qingcheng had already told him about it, he also expected that it would be spread badly, so he had already made some mental preparations, but Hearing it now still gave him the urge to kill.

(End of this chapter)

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