Brother is too evil

Chapter 478 True Dragon Art

Chapter 478 True Dragon Art (2)
A large yard with a natural artificial lake built in the middle, a small pavilion on the left, and a circle of willow trees planted around the lake, because it rained last night, the surrounding area was wet, and Tuo standing in the pavilion Ba Yuanxu was dressed in a brocade robe of moonlight, and his handsome face was as bright as the autumn moon.

Du Guanshi brought Qin Luoyi into the pavilion, and quickly retreated respectfully.

"Didn't you say that your father was looking for me? Why are you here?" Qin Luoyi raised his eyebrows, walked over to sit on a chair in the pavilion and looked at him suspiciously with his chin propped up: "Could it be that you falsely preached the imperial decree? "

Tuoba Yuanxu laughed.He poured her a cup of tea with his own hands. "Of course not. He just went out beforehand and will be here in a while."

He sat down opposite her.

Qin Luoyi picked up the teacup and took a sip.

"You really want spiritual plants, not pills?" Tuoba Yuanxu looked at her bright and pretty face and said, with a touch of hesitation in his eyes.

"Of course." Qin Luoyi put down the exquisite jade teacup, saw the hesitation in his eyes, paused for a moment and said to him, "Let me tell you the truth, I am an alchemist, and I just brought Lingzhi when I asked for it." Practicing hands, the spiritual plant you gave me is much more useful than the elixir."

Tuoba Yuanxu looked at her in surprise, and the corners of his eyes couldn't help twitching fiercely. He was surprised that she was not only high in cultivation, but also an alchemist, and that she wanted to use those pills to refine her hands. The statement was shocking.

One must know that he was planning to make two top-grade twelfth-grade pills for her, and was about to ask her what level of alchemist she was, when a middle-aged monk leaped into the courtyard with the magic rainbow.

"Young master, everything you want is ready." The middle-aged monk walked into the pavilion quickly, and handed Tuoba Yuanxu a bronze storage ring.

Tuoba Yuanxu reached out to take the storage ring and handed it to Qin Luoyi, with a playful smile on his lips: "The things here are all for you to practice."

The storage ring is full of high-level spiritual plants, each of which is full of age and quantity, and is a good thing for refining the twelfth-level top-grade pill for healing.

"Is this too much?" Qin Luoyi was surprised when he saw the contents of the storage ring clearly. If all the spiritual plants in it became pills, it would be enough to refine four twelfth-order healing pills.

"The success rate of high-level elixir is not don't want it?" Tuoba Yuanxu said, after a pause, a look of narrowness flashed in his eyes: "If you don't want it, give it to me, and I will let someone refine it." I will give you the elixir."

Fools don't want it.

Qin Luoyi couldn't help but slander.

"No need, I'll save these and I'll practice slowly by myself." She quickly took her hand back, feeling that Tuoba Yuanxu was really interesting and kind, and it was worth her effort to save him. He had one life, and she didn't think too much about the amount of spiritual plants he would give her to refine four twelfth-order pills. In her opinion, everything Tuoba Yuanxu did was to repay her for saving her life. That's all.

Seeing her quickly putting away the storage ring, the smile in Tuoba Yuanxu's eyes became even stronger. The two talked for a while, but Tuoba Xiaoyao hadn't come yet, but Manager Du came instead, with a rare expression on his face. anxious. "Young master, something happened earlier, and some people say that the Dragon Chanting Art is a fake."

"What's going on?" Tuoba Yuanxu stood up abruptly, a sharp light flashed in his originally warm eyes, and the aura of his whole body suddenly became very fierce, like a sword out of its sheath.

Du Guanshi quickly explained what happened.

There was a monk surnamed Chen in the auction venue, who was the descendant of the casual cultivator who got the Dragon Yin Jue by chance. It's in the jade slip, but the jade slip is clearly oval, why is this round?

Although his muttering was low, the monks who were passing by listened attentively. Now the auction house is talking about Liu Hanqing buying back a fake after spending a lot of money.

"How could such a thing happen? Who brought the things to the store for auction, didn't they read it carefully before the auction?" Tuoba Yuanxu asked solemnly with his hands behind his back.

"Of course I have read it. My master was not in Xiaguang City some time ago. I asked the elders of the clan to read it. It is indeed the Dragon Chanting Art, but... the monk said convincingly that the shape of the jade slip is slightly different. It's different, although their family lost the Dragon Chanting Art, they still have the shape of the jade slip handed down, and it has been confirmed that he is indeed a descendant of the Chen family." Director Du said hastily.

The auction house in Xiaguang City belongs to the Tuoba family. Everyone in the Xuantian Continent knows it well, and the auction house has a very good reputation. It has been tens of thousands of years since the auction started, and there has never been a precedent for selling fake items.

Qin Luoyi also stood up.

He secretly thought that the so-called descendant of the Chen family might belong to Duanmu Changying and his gang. Tuoba Yuanxu was going to the auction building in front, and Qin Luoyi walked out with him.

In the square in front of the auction building, many people gathered. Those who had already left all heard the news and went back and forth. She even saw Brother Qin Tian and Qin Mo outside, as well as Song Wuhen and Mo Han. .

The protagonist Liu Hanqing and his daughter are also there.

The expression on Liu Hanqing's face was a bit ugly, and there was a cold light in his eyes... Qin Luoyi saw it, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his lips.

"Nephew, you have to give me an explanation as to whether this Dragon Chanting Art is true or not." Seeing Tuoba Yuanxu coming out, Liu Hanqing fixed his eyes on him and said slowly.

A powerful soul imprint was set on the jade slip, which should have been set by the top cultivator of the Zifu. When he heard someone say that the dragon chant formula was fake, he used his spiritual sense to read it. Unfortunately, his spiritual sense is still there. There is no way to break through the original soul mark on the jade slip.

"It's natural, senior, don't worry, if this jade slip is really not the Dragon Song Jue, and my auction house made a mistake, we will take back the jade slip and compensate you at double the price." Tuoba Yuanxu made a public promise promise.

The monks in the square were shocked.

Double compensation!

In such a short period of time, he actually earned more than 1 million banknotes.The sympathetic gaze that originally fell on Liu Hanqing's face became hot and envious.

Standing not far from Liu Hanqing's side, Shangguan Rui couldn't help being shocked when he heard Jian Yuyan's promise, a look of pity flashed in his eyes, and he thought to himself that if he knew this earlier, it was a fake, so he bought this jade slip with all his heart. Get down, and now you can earn a lot of money.

Liu Hanqing's face also looks much better.

To know whether the Dragon Yin Jue is true or not, naturally the only way to erase the soul imprint on it is to erase the soul imprint on it. After knowing that the soul imprint on it may have been set by a peak cultivator in the Zifu, Tuoba Yuanxu sent someone to invite his father, and the entire Xiaguang City , only he can erase the soul mark on the jade slip.

Peacock King Tuoba Xiaoyao quickly rushed over.With a slender body and a long blue robe, there is a sense of heroism in his elegant eyebrows, and the majesty of being in a superior position for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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