Brother is too evil

Chapter 487 Hello, I'm Just Like You

Chapter 487 Hello, I'm Just Like You (2)
Relaxed in her heart, Bing Mei, who knew that her life should not be in danger for the time being, finally sensed something was wrong with her body.

The clothes were in tatters, and there were blood cuts on the white and tender buttocks that looked like knives, and there was even blood gurgling out of it, because there were too many wounds, the pain was numb, she only realized it now, she stood up Finally, there was even sticky liquid running down her face, and she stretched out her hand in horror to wipe it, and her hand was full of blood.

"Ah, Qin Luoyi, what are you doing to me?"

Hearing the ear-piercing scream, Qin Luoyi glanced at Mo Xiao at the side. At this time, Mo Xiao's expression was not good, but he had to be good, but the out-of-control violent aura on his body had subsided a lot.


Look at Bing Mei's miserable appearance.

I can't accept the reality of disfigurement at all. Women, especially beautiful women, value that face the most. An ugly woman is nothing to be ugly at first. She is used to being ugly, and she is also used to seeing strange eyes from others. However, a beautiful woman suddenly becomes ugly. Being an ugly girl, the blow would be more painful than killing her.

"Qin Luoyi, I'm going to kill you." Bing Mei, who had taken Mizuishan, but her cultivation level had not recovered at all, roared and rushed towards her viciously.

Sure enough, I went crazy.

Qin Luoyi sneered.

But she went crazy and found the wrong partner, but she didn't make her like that.Before Bingmei rushed to her side, she flicked her robe sleeves lightly, Bingmei was rolled up by a powerful force, fell tens of meters away, and fell heavily on the ground with a bang, half a day Neither could get up.

Qin Luoyi walked over slowly.The pitch-black phoenix eyes looked at her contemptuously and said, "You still want to kill me now? Just dream. Tell me the method of engraving the coordinates of the Tiandaozong's teleportation formation, and I can leave you a whole body If not..."

"You ruined my face, and you want me to tell you the method of engraving the coordinates of the teleportation formation...Qin Luoyi, I don't think I'm dreaming, it's you who are dreaming!" Bing Mei interrupted her with a ferocious smile : "Unless you let me go!"

You still want to negotiate terms with her?
Qin Luoyi hooked the corners of his lips in disdain, and then said unhurriedly: "I forgot to tell you, I am an alchemist, a twelfth-level alchemist, if you don't tell me, I don't mind using my pill fire Come to refine your soul, and you will want to say something after practicing."

"You...the devil!" Bing Mei's ferocious smile froze, and instantly became even paler, with overwhelming despair.

Soul refining is to extract the soul from the body. The consciousness of the soul that is drawn out to refine the soul is immortal. During the soul refining, it is extremely painful. You can't live or die, and you can never find liberation on your own.

There are not many soul refining pools on Xuantian Continent, but Tiandaozong has one, and only those who have committed the crime of betraying the sect will be thrown into it. She also heard that there are high-level alchemists who can also refine souls, but the soul refining It consumes a lot of soul power. Unless there is a deep hatred, the average alchemist will not do such a thing that hurts others and is not good for oneself.

"Hurry up, my patience is limited." Qin Luoyi looked at her pale face, frowned impatiently, raised his finger lightly, and a ray of golden flame appeared on her hand: "You know, heaven Zongli is not the only one who knows the method of engraving the coordinates of the formation."

Bing Mei bit her lip and glared at her angrily, her eyes wished to tear her into pieces, taking advantage of this moment, she used her mental skills, unable to mobilize the spiritual power in her body and the mansion at all.

There is a life-saving magic weapon in the storage ring, but the storage ring is clearly not on her body now, it must have been searched by Qin Luoyi long ago.In front of Qin Luoyi, with no self-cultivation, it is impossible to seek death.She didn't want to be refined, but she didn't want to tell Qin Luoyi the secret of the formation, she wanted Qin Luoyi to die.

"Help me kill her. I will tell you the secret of the formation. Not only will I tell you the secret of the formation, but I will also tell you a secret about Tiandaozong. There is a treasure in the sect, and that treasure can make your cultivation In order to advance by leaps and bounds, it only takes a short period of time to advance to many levels." Bing Mei wiped off the blood on her face, and seduced Mo Xiao who was standing with her hands behind her back, who had been silent all this time.

Qin Luoyi's face changed, and an unpredictable dark light flashed in his phoenix eyes.Bing Mei is really a smart person who can cultivate to the Purple Mansion, and actually played a trick of alienation between herself and Mo Xiao. If it wasn't for the fact that the two of them had a natal contract, she would be really worried.

Demon Xiao smiled.

The thin lips were slightly hooked, and she was as beautiful as a demon at this time, making people lose their minds if they didn't pay attention. The beautiful black eyes were full of playfulness, and they stared at her for a moment.

A hint of obsession flashed in Bing Mei's eyes.


Compared with him, Lan Zhen is like a god in the sky, and the other is mud on the ground. It can't be compared at all... How did I think Lan Zhen was good-looking before?
Qin Luoyi resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

Mo Xiao moved his feet and moved in front of Bing Mei, and the smile on his lips became stronger: "What kind of treasure are you talking about? Tell me, if it is really a good thing..." He picked out the beautiful one while talking. Brows glanced at Qin Luoyi.

Qin Luoyi frowned slightly, and gave him a displeased look. Did he believe what this woman said when she was dying?

It's a waste of time.

"My lord, you believe me, it's really a good thing, our suzerain has prepared thousands of times and just prepared it." Bing Mei was overjoyed, thinking that Mo Xiao was moved, she was more sure in her heart, Qin Luoyi's repair Because he must be not as good as him, he dared to ask her in front of Qin Luoyi.

"My lord, if you help me kill her, I'll tell you, if I lie to you, if you don't like the treasure I see, Bing Mei is willing to let you refine your soul." Bing Mei stared and tried harder to convince him .

Seeing his handsome smiling face, she couldn't help throwing a wink that she thought was charming, but unfortunately she forgot that her face was covered in blood now, and there were several bloody cuts on her face, so she flirted so contrivedly. The winking eyes, not to mention the lack of beauty, looked terrifying, and Mo Xiao's smile froze at the corner of his mouth.

Qin Luoyi was somewhat interested in what she said, and was dissatisfied... Did he actually want to let Mo Xiao refine his soul?

The stakes were high enough.

A hidden golden light flashed in Mo Xiao's eyes, and continued with a smile: "Tell me what is that?" The voice was clear and pleasant.

"Our suzerain has spent thousands of years collecting rare treasures in the world and refining a pool of spiritual water. I heard that the spiritual water can make people reborn, improve their cultivation, and become the supreme in the world. It's a pity that there is one thing missing... "Bing Mei, who had been staring at him, was suddenly taken aback and became dazed.

"Where is the spiritual water hidden?"

"In the south of Tiandaozong, where the suzerain retreats, no one else can approach it except the suzerain, the holy son, and brother Lan Zhen."

(End of this chapter)

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