Brother is too evil

Chapter 489 The same room 1

Chapter 489 In the Same Room (1)
Qin Luoyi twitched the corner of his mouth.

It became.

Next, she not only asked about the array, but also asked a lot about Tiandaozong. Duanmu Changying was indeed the holy son of Tiandaozong, and Tiandaozong was founded not long ago, less than ten thousand years. It is the founder of the sect.

It's a pity that I couldn't find out the name of the suzerain from her mouth, and all the disciples of his cultivation base only knew that his cultivation base was strong, and no one had seen how strong he was. There is very little time, and most of the time is in retreat.

When Bing Mei regained consciousness from the trance again, she knew that she would not survive, and then thought of what Qin Luoyi said before to refine her soul, her whole body couldn't help shivering, but it's a pity that she has no spiritual power in her body , the body was restrained again, and it was impossible to seek death.

Mo Xiao waited interestedly for Qin Luoyi to refine his soul.

Qin Luoyi directly raised his hand and slapped Bing Mei to death.

Bing Mei was overjoyed, and before she died, a contented smile appeared on her lips—finally she could die happily, without worrying about being refined.

Mo Xiao had a look of pity on his face: "Why don't you refine your soul?"

"I know everything I need to know. Why do you still refine your soul? It's no good after all the effort." Qin Luoyi glanced at him strangely. What kind of spiritual water was made by kung fu, she has the source of chaos in her body, if she can take the things in the spiritual pool, it will be great.

After solving Bing Mei, Qin Luoyi didn't go out in a hurry, but stayed in the bracelet space and groped for the method of engraving the coordinates of the formation. Mo Xiao didn't continue to meditate, and took a soft couch and placed it near her. With her head resting on her hands, she watched her comfortably thinking hard for a while, and gestured in the air with her hands for a while... A hint of interest flickered in her eyes that were shining like glass.

After a while, Qin Luoyi discovered that the coordinates of the carved talisman formation were somewhat similar to that of refining talismans. Fortunately, she had some skills in making talismans—it was not using pills to make talismans, but real talisman drawing , although the rank of the talisman she drew is not high, the doorway inside is clear.

After spending more than an hour, she completely figured it out.The coordinates of this formation are actually not too difficult, not to mention that Mo Xiao used means to get information from Bing Mei's mouth. She doesn't have to doubt it at all, just follow what she said, and even which coordinates lead to where She also figured it out.

In addition to leading to the other sides of the Tiandao Sect, this formation has established a coordinate on the territory of each family in the Xuantian Continent. The entire sect is divided into four large areas. The suzerain is in the northeast. The elders live in the northwest of the domain, and the ordinary disciples live in the southwest. Lan Zhen lives in the southeast. Apart from a few junior monks from the Purple Mansion, there are the holy sons of the Zongmen and Lan Zhen.

There is also a formation in the northwest where the elder lives, but Bing Mei doesn't know where the formation leads to. The only formations that Bingmei can use are the formations here and the formations used by ordinary disciples in the southwest.

Glancing at Demon Xiao who was lying there doing nothing out of the corner of her eye, she proposed to go quietly to the secret teleportation room, and she wanted to try with her own hands whether she could really activate the teleportation circle in the secret room.

Mo Xiao pursed his lips and looked at her with a smile, just when she thought he would probably reject her, he stood up and jumped out of the bracelet space.

Qin Luoyi followed him and quickly jumped out... All the way into the secret room very smoothly, Qin Luoyi sighed secretly, as expected, just like Bai Yi, it was easy for Mo Xiao to avoid those guards.

The two guarding the door of the secret room of the teleportation array were enchanted by the magic owl, and they walked past them swaggeringly, and the two guards turned a blind eye.

Knowing the coordinates of the teleportation formation and the engraving method, it is really easy to start the transmission formation again. Put the special spar specially made for the transmission formation that she brought from the steward of the tube spar in advance, and the formation will start. It started smoothly - ordinary crystals are useless, and the special crystals don't have much spiritual power, so the value is not very expensive.

It's a pity that the teleportation formation in the Tianlong Mountains has been destroyed. During the few days when she and her brother Yi Rongcheng Lan Zhen and Bing Mei pretended to be in a coma, the man surnamed Tie took someone to destroy the formation in person, making her want to Taking the opportunity to find Jian Yuyan would not work.

She tried all the coordinates leading to the outside world. Fortunately, the teleportation formation was built in the secret room to provide her with a lot of convenience. She came and went and activated the formation all the time, and no one else could see it.

After leaving the secret room, before dawn, she sneaked back to the next door to Qin Tian, ​​fell asleep on the bed, and woke up at dawn.

After tidying up, she went to the next door, chatted and laughed with her brother, and there was a sound of dignified footsteps outside the house.

"Master Lan, Lord Bing, the Holy Son is here, in the flowing water pavilion ahead." Fang Hong quickly reported at the door.

Qin Luoyi and his brother looked at each other, and they walked out quickly.

Duanmu Changying stood in the pavilion, looking at the blooming crabapple outside the pavilion with his hands up and down, and they only saw a back.

Beside him, stood a vigorous old man in green clothes. It was Zong Wuying who brought Qin Luoyi from Penglai Xiandao to Xuantian Continent. Besides Zong Wuying, there were also several strange men in green clothes. Standing not far away, his expression is solemn.

Hearing Fang Hong's report, Duanmu Changying turned his head.

The eaves of the pavilion blocked the morning light and cast a shadow on his face. Standing tall and tall, he couldn't see the expression on his face clearly.He could only clearly see the purple gold crown on his head shining with glazed light, his whole body shrouded in glistening brilliance, and there was a rare sharpness and indifference in his elegance.

"I heard that you were all injured? It was a woman named Qin Luoyi who did it? Aren't you looking for the source of chaos? Could it be that the source of chaos is on her?" Duanmu Changying's gaze skipped over Bing Mei, and settled It fell firmly on Lan Zhen's face, his eyes were deep and unpredictable, his tone was calm, and there was no sign of concern at all.

A slight sarcasm flashed in Qin Luoyi's eyes, did he bring Zong Wuying here on purpose when he heard the news that Lan Zhen had arrested her?

Qin Tian glanced at him, and pulled the corners of his lips sinisterly. He was a very smart person, but he could tell from a few words that the relationship between the Holy Son of the Heavenly Dao Sect and Lan Zhen might not be right. After getting some news, there will be a solution soon. "I don't know if there is a source of chaos, but Qin Luoyi has been to the fire domain."

"Just because she has been to the fire area, you are going to arrest her?" Duanmu Changying looked at him coldly, and snorted softly: "I heard that you not only arrested her, but also arrested a lot of people who died a while ago." The people in the fire domain... why, you want to find the source of chaos in those insignificant people?"

"It's impossible for people who take the source of chaos to go to the fire area silently. Maybe some of these people will see it." Seeing the group of people locked in the secret room, it's easy to guess Lan Zhen's previous thoughts .

(End of this chapter)

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