Brother is too evil

Chapter 492 Deal, stay

Chapter 492 Deal, stay (1)
Qin Luoyi's heart was shocked.Duanmu Changying's eyes were as fierce as if they wanted to tear her apart.Shouldn't he be happy to hear that she was hurt?
Suspiciously looking at him carefully, Duanmu Changying who was standing in front of her was suddenly taken aback, his face had returned to the previous unpredictable indifference, and he looked at her coldly: "You are not Bingmei."

"I'm not Bingmei, so who is it?" Qin Luoyi's heart shuddered, but his face turned into a smile: "Holy Son, you really know how to joke."

"You dare to pretend to be Bingmei to come to Tiandaozong. You are really brave, Qin Luoyi." Taking two deep breaths, Duanmu Changying suddenly smiled, and the indifference in his eyes faded away, with a touch of joy .

Qin Luoyi's breathing suddenly stagnated.He frowned and stared at him: "What are you pretending to be? Son, why can't I understand what you're talking about?" Could it be that he really saw a flaw in himself?

Her disguise is almost as real as it is.

Duanmu Changying smiled slightly, looked at her with narrowed eyes and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't admit it, I know you are." After a pause, he asked her again: "Then Lan Zhen came with you, or is it true? blue shock?"

Qin Luoyi stared at him without saying a word, many thoughts flashed through his mind, considering whether he should continue to deny it, or simply arrest Duanmu Changying and threaten Zong Wuying, Duanmu Changying is very close to her now , It is very convenient to start.

"It's fine if Lan Zhen is real, but if it's fake... I remember that before I came just now, the suzerain was sending someone to ask Lan Zhen to go to Yanbo Valley. He must have arrived at Yanbo Valley by now." Duanmu Changying looked at her. With a light glance, he seemed to be talking to himself.

Naturally, Qin Luoyi wouldn't be fooled, but he still couldn't help letting go of his consciousness, and quietly went down the valley. There was no sign of Lan Zhen in the study, nor in the whole valley, not even Fang Hong.

His heart suddenly sank, and a trace of anxiety flashed quickly in his phoenix eyes. Could it be that what Duanmu Changying said was true, that Qin Tian had already been called to the Yanbo Valley where the lord of Tiandao Sect was?Raising her slender hand, she quickly shot at Duanmu Changying, no matter what he said was true or not, since he was already suspicious, restrain him first.

Zong Wuying moved.

Before Qin Luoyi's hand touched Duanmu Changying, he quickly stood in front of Qin Luoyi and blocked her attack.


There was a loud noise, Zong Wuying stood still, but Qin Luoyi was shocked and retreated a few steps. After all, Zong Wuying was at the peak of Zifu, Qin Luoyi was not his opponent, but she had The golden flame on the tenth floor of the fire domain.

Qin Luoyi pursed his thin lips tightly, and his body jumped towards Guan Zong Wuying again like lightning, secretly summoning flames, ready to destroy Zong Wuying in one fell swoop, and then controlled Duanmu Changying to find Qin Tian.

Duanmu Changying was afraid that the movement would attract others' attention too much, so when the two were about to fight again, he shouted Zong Wuying back, Zong Wuying hesitated for a moment, and then retreated.

"Holy Son, be careful." He had already received news that Qin Luoyi was now a cultivator in the Zifu.

"Then Lan Zhen is also disguised, right? Tiandaozong, you can't stay any longer, I'll send you away immediately." The smile on Duanmu Changying's face retracted, and he looked at her with a strange solemnity.

No matter how good the disguise technique is, it may be able to hide it from others, but not the suzerain. No one knows the power of the suzerain of Tiandao sect better than him.He took her hand and rushed towards the valley.

Qin Luoyi knew that Duanmu Changying had really recognized her, so she stopped hiding it. At this moment, she was worried about Qin Tian. She took several deep breaths before suppressing the urge to kill. When she arrived in the valley, she He broke away from Duanmu Changying's hand and summoned a guard.

"Where is Master Lan?"

"Master Lan went to the Smoke Valley."

The guard's answer made her heart sink completely. Instead of following Duanmu Changying to the secret room, she pulled Duanmu Changying back into the study, and said coldly, "Take me to the Smoke Valley."

"Is Yanbo Valley a place you can go to?" Duanmu Changying sighed: "Come with me quickly, or it will be too late."

Zong Wuying frowned slightly, looked at Qin Luoyi and then at Duanmu Changying, but finally remained silent.

"Hurry up and take me there. The bone erosion pill I gave you last time should have been eaten twice. You take me to Yanbo Valley. As long as you find Lan Zhen, I will give you the antidote." Qin Luoyi threatened He, the Bone Corrosion Pill was the one she fed him when he came to the Tianlong Mountain Range, and he hadn't given him the antidote yet.

"Bone Corrosion actually gave the Holy Son medicine!" Zong Wuying raised his head fiercely, staring at her with fiery eyes, no wonder these days, the Holy Son would lock himself in the secret room for half a day every ten days , Every time I come out, my face is very pale.

"As long as you take me to Yanbo Valley, I'll give you the antidote for the bone erosion pill, how about it?" Qin Luoyi looked at Duanmu Changying with burning eyes, and discussed the terms with him.

She is not familiar with Tiandaozong, especially the Yanbo Valley where the suzerain is. Calculating the time, Qin Tian has been taken away for a while. If she finds it slowly by herself, it may be too late.Duanmu Changying is different, he is the holy son, the only one in Tiandaozong who can go to see the suzerain at any time, only by following him can he find the eldest brother as soon as possible.

Duanmu Changying was relieved of the last bit of doubt in her heart after she said Bone Corrosion Pill.

Zong Wuying stood on one side, looking at her coldly, thinking in his heart that when he got the antidote in Yanbogu, he must teach this woman a lesson.

"Who is he?" Duanmu Changying approached her suddenly, and looked at her eyes with a flash of jealousy that she didn't even notice: "You are in such a hurry to save him, who is that Lan Zhen?"

"You don't have to worry about it, you just take me there." Qin Luoyi glanced at him, counting the time, Qin Tian has been in for half an hour, and he hasn't come back yet, if he delays any longer, she is really afraid of going out What's up.

Duanmu Changying's complexion sank, and then he hooked his lips into a smile: "As long as you tell me who he is... I will take you in, Luoyi, don't think you can break in, a place like Smoke Valley, you just break in Go, but he can’t find anyone, after a long delay, maybe he’s already turned into a corpse.”

Hearing him talking about the corpse, Qin Luoyi's heart was shocked, and he even had the urge to slap him to death, "Don't curse my brother, if you talk nonsense, I'll turn you into a corpse right now." She is by his side, and she has plenty of ways to deal with him.

"You still have a brother?" Duanmu Changying's eyes lit up. The man dressed as Lan Zhen was just her brother?

Qin Luoyi glared at him angrily: "Nonsense, you both have brothers, why? I can't have brothers?"

Duanmu Changying's eyes dimmed, and a look of sadness flashed in his eyes, but the look of sadness was quickly suppressed by him, and after a little thought, he pursed his lips and smiled: "Yiyi, since I'm your brother, I have to go It’s been a while, so how about it, you leave here first, I will let Master Zong take you out, and I will go to Yanbo Valley to bring your brother out immediately.”

(End of this chapter)

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