Brother is too evil

Chapter 499 The Ultimate Sublimation

Chapter 499 The Ultimate Sublimation (2)
The overwhelming golden flames rushed towards him, and he was forced to the end of the mountain. Jin Dongyan screamed up to the sky: "Stinky girl, if you have the guts to kill this suzerain, you will never get out alive. It's just a sky fire. Do you think I'm really afraid?" Kill you? Wait for me to sublimate, I will kill you all, and destroy your ten clans!"

His eyes were full of monstrous anger, if he hadn't been forced to the extreme, how could he use all his strength to sublimate?Sublimating all the unawakened energy in the body with the secret method, the cultivation level can be improved a lot in an instant, not to mention returning to the peak state of the past, it is still possible to recover more than half of it, but after this battle, his soul does not know what to do. How many years do you have to sleep.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, his monster eyes were blood red, he stared at Qin Luoyi, showing a cruel smile, his teeth were astonishingly white, a terrifying aura shot out from his body, his body glowed, his world-shattering aura, from He shot out from his body, as if to destroy the world.

The light was so bright that Qin Luoyi almost couldn't open his eyes, his heart was shocked, and more sky fire rushed towards Jin Dongyan.

"Haha, let me tell you, this sky fire is useless against me now..." He opened his mouth, his body was glowing, his hair was flying, and the golden sky fire poured directly into his mouth, but within a moment, The sky fire in the room was sucked clean by him.

Not only Qin Luoyi was shocked by his perverted behavior, but also Duanmu Changying, Qin Tian, ​​Zong Wuying and others were completely shocked.

"What the hell is this demon, and what kind of secret art is that ultimate sublimation, it's so powerful." Someone murmured.

After absorbing all the golden sky fire in the room, the temperature in the room dropped a lot. Jin Dongyan exuded a dazzling light all over his body, his bewitching eyes were cold, and he looked at Qin Luoyi like an ant.

With the sole of his foot stepping forward lightly, an unusually vast and majestic cold force surged out of him, like that huge wave, mixed with terrifying power, and swept towards Qin Luoyi viciously. To tear her to pieces.

"Go to hell!" Jin Dongyan was so angry that he was forced to sublimate to the utmost, and he wished to tear her to pieces.

Qin Luoyi's pupils shrank sharply, and his bright face was as cold as frost as he stared at the powerful force mixed with the loud rumbling noise.

With a soft drink, a purple mansion defense quickly appeared in front of her, and the sapphire blue warship was also summoned by her, and she quickly got into the warship, facing the extremely terrifying Jin Dongyan at this time, she dared not A little slack, that force is too strong, she doesn't want to be killed by him.

Seeing Jin Dongyan rolling up that terrifying force and attacking Qin Luoyi, Qin Tian's heart skipped a beat: "Be careful, Luoyi!"

He rushed out fiercely, holding the Blue Star Sword in his hand, which exuded dazzling light, forming a huge light curtain in front of him, with a handsome and cold face, blocking Qin Luoyi's front.

Jumping out with him were Duanmu Changying, Zong Wuying and others, and they all stood in front of Qin Luoyi, but Zong Wuying and a few Zifu monks were more powerful, and they disappeared without a trace. Duanmu Changying and Qin Tianhu stood behind them, a huge and tough purple light curtain covered everyone, trying to block Jin Dongyan's terrorist attack.


The terrifying power hit the purple defensive light curtain, bursting out with a powerful force, the purple mansion defense supported by all the people shattered in an instant, and Zong Wuying who stood in front of him spit out a mouthful With blood, he fell to the ground with serious injuries and passed out completely.

"Out of control."

Jin Dongyan looked at the fallen people with cold eyes, a disdainful smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and then he turned his gaze to Qin Luoyi.

At this time, besides Jin Zongyan, only Qin Luoyi, Qin Tian, ​​and Duanmu Changying who were guarded by Zong Wuying and others were left standing.

Qin Tian and Duanmu Changying were both seriously injured, after all, both of them were only at the beginning level of the Jade Mansion, and Qin Luoyi's Zi Mansion was not seriously injured, but the blood in his heart was surging violently.

"You guys, go die too." Jin Dongyan raised his hand again, intending to destroy them all, especially Qin Luoyi, who has the source of chaos on her body, although he will die after he reaches the limit of sublimation, use Not on the spiritual water, but even if he died, he couldn't let Qin Luoyi get the spiritual water.

A powerful spiritual force was brewing around him, but he was not in a hurry to take Qin Luoyi's life, he wanted to enjoy her struggle before dying.

Qin Luoyi didn't care.

Signaling Qin Tian and Duanmu Changying to come into the sapphire blue warship, with a thought, Zong Wuying and others, who were seriously injured and unconscious on the ground, were all put into the sapphire blue warship. Escape in the direction of the crystal coffin.

"You still want to go in? Dreaming!" Jin Dongyan laughed loudly, his hair fluttering in the air without any wind, and the light in his eyes became even more bewitching, and he rushed towards them fiercely.

Qin Luoyi squeezed a tactic in his hand, raised his hand and threw out the black bottle Mo Xiao gave him. With a loud bang, the black bottle shattered in the air, interweaving into a strange black giant net, Jin Dongyan was trapped in the net.

Taking advantage of the moment he was trapped, Qin Luoyi's sapphire blue warship had already arrived at the edge of the blue crystal coffin.

In the crystal coffin, Qin Tian's incarnation quickly pressed the mechanism.

Jin Dongyan, who was covered by the huge black net, was stunned for a moment, and then he snarled, trying to smash the black net, but the black net was very tough. The net split open, and with a sneer, he went towards Qin Luoyi again.

Qin Tian had already opened the blue crystal coffin, and the sapphire blue warship got inside in an instant.Jin Dongyan also wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to sneak in. Qin Tian's avatar rushed out holding the Blue Star Sword. The Blue Star Sword turned into a dazzling blue light and blocked the exit of the crystal coffin.

"go to hell!"

Jin Dongyan was so angry that he slapped Qin Tian's clone to death with his palm, and the Blue Star Sword emitting a dazzling blue light also turned into powder in his hands.

The lid of the blue crystal coffin closed smoothly.

Qin Tian felt relieved, and coughed up a mouthful of blood. Duanmu Changying was just like him. Both of them were seriously injured when Jin Dongyan shook the purple mansion's defensive shield just now, but they kept holding back the pain on their bodies. It's just the sharp pain and the urge to squirt blood.

"elder brother!"

Qin Luoyi supported Qin Tian, ​​who was bleeding profusely from his mouth, with a worried expression on his face, he took out a high-level healing pill and put it into his mouth, and said with concern: "Brother, are you alright?"

Duanmu Changying gritted his teeth and swallowed a lot of the fishy sweetness in his mouth. Seeing Qin Luoyi holding Qin Tian's hand, and the unconcealed concern and anxiety in his eyes, Duanmu Changying was envious. Zong Wuying and the others, who were unconscious, had a look of sadness on their faces.

Qin Tianpan smiled and shook his head at Qin Luoyi, and sat cross-legged to meditate.

Only then did Qin Luoyi set his sights on Duanmu Changying, seeing that he was clearly suffering but still holding back, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, he reached out and took out another elixir, and handed it to him On: "Eat it quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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