Brother is too evil

Chapter 514 Over the Wall

Chapter 514 Over the Wall in the Middle of the Night (1)
Duanmu Changqing and Feng Feili have always suspected the mysterious power that has been rampant on the Duanmu family's territory, but it's just that the power comes and goes without a trace. Will commit suicide, so that they can't follow the clues to figure out who is behind the scenes.

They even suspected that Duanmu Changying was related to Tiandaozong, but there was no conclusive evidence. Duanmu Changying had been missing for more than three months. Coincidentally, Qin Luoyi and Qin Tian also disappeared for three months, and finally got together again. Appearing in Qilong City, this made their guesses more certain.

Reminiscent of Duanmu Changying's soul-stirring technique on Qin Luoyi in Penglai Xiandao back then, Feng Feili and the three were even more disturbed, Qin Luoyi would follow Duanmu Changying to live in his other courtyard, could it be What did he do to fail?
The sun finally disappeared completely, and a bright moon with a sky full of stars proudly radiated its unique light to the earth.Some slightly scorching wind, after being gently caressed by the moonlight, also becomes cool, blowing on the body, very comfortable and pleasant.

Qin Luoyi sat on the stone bench in the small building built on the stream, resting his hands on the railing, lazily looking at the water.The bright moon is in the sky, and the flowing stream is shining with metal-like fragments, which is very beautiful. The sound of the ding-dong-dong-dong water flow is really pleasant in the quiet night.

"I've already arranged the matter. I'll take you there when you thoroughly study the Dementor Art." Duanmu Changying stood beside Qin Luoyi, looking at the beautiful woman who was sitting casually, with clear eyes and half-lidded eyes, slightly He smiled and said softly, but he couldn't help but ripples appeared in the lake of his heart.

Yesterday morning, when Qin Luoyi promised to come to Qilong City, he gave Qin Luoyi the secret book of Soul-hunting Art, so that she could thoroughly understand the secret of Soul-hunting Art.

Qin Luoyi glanced at him, then moved his gaze to the distance.

When the wind blows in the bamboo forest, the bamboos are swaying.The moonlight, as cold as glass, hits the bamboo forest and casts the shadows of bamboo leaves like phoenix tails on the ground.Mottled halos flicker among the black shadows of bamboo leaves.

At this time, the night was already very deep, and there was silence in the other courtyard. Jian Yuyan and her brother Qin Tian both returned to their own courtyard. Although her brother's courtyard was next to hers, Duanmu Changying's other courtyard was very large. Close together and far apart.

The two senior brothers, Chu Yifeng and Tuoba Yuanxu have also left, and went to a courtyard not far from Duanmu Changqing. It is said that the layout is the same as Duanmu Changying's here.

"No need to wait, since you have already made arrangements, go tomorrow, I will go to see the depth of his soul-stirring technique first." Qin Luoyi said, she has already studied the soul-stirring technique thoroughly, although it is different from her before The one I saw in the original world was somewhat different, but it was the same, especially the spell to dispel the soul-absorbing spell, which was not difficult for her who had already cultivated the spirit flower.

Although the spell is not difficult, whether it can be dispelled in the end has a lot to do with the cultivation base. Generally, people with low cultivation bases cannot undo the spells cast by people with higher cultivation bases than themselves.

Of course, there are exceptions, that is, people with extremely strong soul power. Speaking of which, the soul-absorbing technique is actually a kind of spiritual spell. The stronger the soul power, the harder it is for the controlled person to break free.

Duanmu Changying felt that what she said was very reasonable, and looked at her softly: "In that case, I will pick you up tomorrow morning."

Qin Luoyi nodded, his eyes fixed on the water, still looking very careless.

Duanmu Changying noticed her absent-mindedness, and knew in her heart that it must be the reason for Feng Feili and others, so she left quickly after not staying for long.

The night breeze was refreshing, the fragrance of flowers was overwhelming, and the moist night dew that hit his face gradually became more dignified. Qin Luoyi sat for a while, then stood up, turned around and walked into the house.


A slender figure came out of the shadows and stopped in front of her, like smoke like ink, elegant and handsome, with a cool aura on his body, but his eyes were very hot looking at her, softening the pain on his body. cruel.

Qin Luoyi twitched the corners of his lips: "Second Senior Brother."

His expression was calm.

She was not surprised that Duanmu Changqing would come here, after all, she saw him, Feng Feili and Chu Yifeng's hesitation when they left just now.

A faint light flashed in his eyes, Duanmu Changqing looked at the person in front of him.The skin is more snowy, the eyes are bright, the waist is slender, the curve is exquisite, the summer clothes are thin, revealing the round shape of snow-white and plump, just standing there quietly, but also feels infinite charm, for the person who has been looking for her for several months For Duanmu Changqing, who has been worried for a few months, that kind of temptation is fatal. Now he just wants to hold her tightly in his arms, love her fiercely, and melt her into his flesh and blood .

He lifted his feet and continued to walk towards Qin Luoyi, his eyes became more and more hot, and he stretched out his hand towards Qin Luoyi. He wanted to do that when he first saw her, but when he saw her brother Qin Tian From the side, and the indifferent look on her face, he knew that she hadn't calmed down yet, so he had to suppress it forcibly.

Qin Luoyi flicked lightly, easily dodged his hand, and said to him with a half-smile: "It's late at night, second senior brother should go back to rest early."

Ignore him and move on.

She dodged so fast that Duanmu Changqing didn't even touch her sleeve, he was slightly startled, and then remembered the news that she had been promoted to the Zifu in Xiaguang City.

"Without you by my side, I can't sleep alone." The evil charm in Duanmu Changqing's eyes flashed away, and he smiled at her and said, "Yi'er, I miss you."

"Since it's hard to sleep alone, let's put another pillow. I believe this trivial matter will not trouble the young master of the dignified Duanmu family." Qin Luoyi smiled, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

Duanmu Changqing was stunned.

This kind of Qin Luoyi reminded him of the indifference in her eyes when the two of them confronted each other when she first arrived at Piaomiaozong, which made him even more startled.

Thinking of Duanmu Changying who left just now, and thinking of his soul deterring technique, his face changed, he looked at her closely, and asked doubtfully: "Why did you come to pray for Dragon City with Duanmu Changqing? Is he right? what have you done……"

"You don't need to know why I came to Qilongcheng with Duanmu Changqing..." Qin Luoyi glanced at him: "Second senior brother, this is all my private matter, you are too meddling."

Duanmu Changying told her about Duanmu Jinyu's instigmatism, and she didn't want Duanmu Changqing to know about it. He even decided to keep it a secret from him about his poisoning.

He sighed to himself.

Seeing Duanmu Changqing's and Duanmu Changying's very similar faces, she suddenly had an urge to speak out, but she swallowed the words again.

Forget it.

Duanmu Changying has his own considerations, she can't make decisions without authorization, not to mention that if she mentions the matter of soul-destroying, it will definitely involve Jin Dongyan, and it will also involve Duanmu Changying's identity as the son of Tiandaozong. A very smart person, if he didn't make it clear, he might misunderstand that Duanmu Changying's soul-hunting technique was performed by Patriarch Duanmu, and he would definitely hate Duanmu Changying even more at that time.Duanmu Changying's time is running out.

(End of this chapter)

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