Brother is too evil

Chapter 520 Seeing Liu Qingcheng Again

Chapter 520 Seeing Liu Qingcheng Again (2)
Duanmu Yun is very beautiful, with black hair and a pretty face, which is different from Duanmu Changqing's coldness. There is a pleasing smile on the corner of her lips at any time, her voice is as sweet as a yellow grass, and her appearance is also very different from the two. An older brother, who presumably looks like their mother.

Knowing that Duanmu Changying brought Qin Luoyi here because of alchemy, Duanmu Changqing finally let go of the heart he had been carrying all along: "Since my junior sister is going to the alchemy room to make alchemy, I will take you there."

Qin Luoyi was too indifferent to him, he wanted her to change her mind, and he couldn't find a chance to be alone, and it happened that it would take her several hours to make alchemy, so he should help her.


Duanmu Jinyu, who was sitting and drinking tea with the teacup, spit out the tea in his mouth, coughed twice, and then put the teacup on the table calmly, his astonishingly bright eyes fell On Qin Luoyi's body.

His movement had already alarmed several people in the room, Duanmu Changying and Duanmu Yun brothers and sisters stopped talking, and their eyes fell directly on Duanmu Jinyu.

Their father is a peak cultivator in the Zifu, how serious is it that he was so excited and shocked that he spit out his tea?

The more I think about it, the weirder it becomes.

"Father, what's wrong with him?" Duanmu Yun patted his chest carefully, and approached Duanmu Changqing in a low voice, his two smart eyes turned straight, full of suspicion.

Thinking back to what happened just now... It's a pity that she was only talking to Duanmu Changying, whom she hadn't seen for a long time, and even though she was thinking about it, she didn't think of anything strange.

"Is she your junior sister?" Duanmu Jinyu pointed at Qin Luoyi with burning eyes and asked Duanmu Changqing.

"Yes." Duanmu Changqing's eyes flickered, he glanced at Qin Luoyi, and after a little thought, he quickly understood.

The cause of his father's gaffe was actually Qin Luoyi.

He knows the rules of the Duanmu family for recruiting alchemists. All recruits must be twelfth-rank alchemists. Changying will bring Luoyi. He must have told his father that she is a twelfth-rank alchemist. , I'm afraid that my father didn't know her age before, but now he is shocked when he hears that she is his junior sister.

"How old are you?" Duanmu Jinyu asked Qin Luoyi, who was standing leisurely by the side, with bright eyes.

"Luoyi is 23 years old this year." Before Qin Luoyi could speak, Duanmu Changying took the initiative to say with a smile, and there was a kind of pride in his dark eyes.

"Ah! An alchemist in your 20s, you are so powerful! You are actually younger than me." Duanmu Yun's eyes lit up, and he ran up to Qin Luoyi, sizing her up with those black eyes , a twelfth-level alchemist in her 20s, this is too perverted, she thought she was at least 2000 years old, so she didn't care.

Duanmu Changqing didn't miss the burning in Duanmu Changying's eyes.

Duanmu Jinyu's expression became even weirder.

A monk in his 20s can actually refine a twelfth-level alchemist, which has never happened in Xuantian Continent.

Unexpectedly, the Piaomiao sect was so lucky to accept such an outstanding disciple. Of course, what surprised him even more was that her soul power was stronger than his. When the eyes of the two of them met just now, he was clearly lost. Downwind.Such a young alchemist has such a powerful soul, which is more terrifying than the soul power of the thirteenth-level alchemist he has seen before, it is simply inconceivable.

Seeing the shock in his father's eyes fade away, and the undoubted admiration appeared in his eyes, Duanmu Changqing was also happy in his heart, and his cold expression softened a little. After all, he is the person he likes, and he has already decided that no matter what, he will be the one in this life. For those who are by her side, it is of course best if her family can like her.

"Since Miss Qin is your junior sister, you should take her to the alchemy room and take good care of your little junior sister." Duanmu Jinyu nodded, smiled and said to Duanmu Changqing and Qin Luoyi, and then put Duanmu Changying and Duanmu Cloud stayed.

Duanmu Changqing is naturally willing.

A glimmer of light flashed in Qin Luoyi's eyes, and then he lifted his foot and walked out with Duanmu Changqing. Duanmu Changying looked at the back of them leaving, his eyes darkened, and then he pulled the corners of his lips in a self-deprecating manner.

Duanmuyun was several years older than Qin Luoyi, she looked at Qin Luoyi and then at her second brother, bent her lips, and when Duanmu Jinyu was not paying attention, she sent a voice transmission to her brother : "Second brother, do you like Miss Qin?"

It's not that she is boasting, her elder brother, Yushu Linfeng, is extraordinary, has a noble status, and has extremely high cultivation talent, just like her elder brother, and is a famous cultivation genius in Xuantian Continent. In ten years, I have never seen him look at a girl with such eager eyes.

It's a pity that her mother is in seclusion. I heard that this retreat has lasted for decades or hundreds of years. I'm afraid she won't be able to get out of it. Otherwise, she must go and tell her mother that the second brother has a woman he likes, and let her mother come to see her too. .

Miss Qin is beautiful, not to mention her talent in cultivation, if she can really refine a twelfth-level pill... that alchemy technique would be amazing, and she is the elder brother's junior sister, a disciple of the Misty Sect, and the Misty Sect is The first sect on Penglai Xiandao, if the two of them are together, they are a match made in heaven, and they are a perfect match.

Duanmu Changying laughed.

Ghost spirit.

He reached out and rubbed her hair vigorously, but didn't say anything, and followed Duanmu Jinyu into the study.Duanmuyun stroked his head, but he was even more sure that his second brother really liked Miss Qin.

It is not far from Duanmu Jinyu's main courtyard to the alchemy room. Even though Duanmu Changqing had deliberately slowed down, he arrived in a short time. What made him even more discouraged was that he was the one talking all the way. Qin Luo Yi listened, but didn't answer, and didn't know if she was listening to him or if she didn't hear anything at all.

"Young Master, Lord Li is back." When he was about to reach the door of the alchemy room, a gorgeous girl who was obviously dressed up deliberately rushed over and saluted Duanmu Changqing.

Qin Luoyi narrowed his eyes slightly.

The girl in front of me was no stranger, but it was actually Hanxiang.Her eyes fell on Hanxiang's face, and Hanxiang lowered her eyes, looking very respectful, but Qin Luoyi has cultivated the spirit flower now, even if Hanxiang's eyes are deliberately restrained, she can still Feel the hostility that seems to be there.

I couldn't help but sneered secretly in my heart.

This woman named Hanxiang seems to really hate her.

As far as she knew, there was no more Hanxiang among the guards around Duanmu Changqing these years, and Song Wuhen was the one he relied on the most. Evergreen is loyal.When he was attacked near Yatian Xiaozhu back then, he was clearly unwilling but because of Duanmu Changqing's words, he desperately wanted to protect her from leaving.

(End of this chapter)

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