Brother is too evil

Chapter 539: A Blockbuster

Chapter 539: A Blockbuster (1)
"I heard that your master came here to catch assassins, did you find anything?" Shangguan Zhan had a bad temper, his eyes were like lightning, and his voice was like a bell, glaring at him, "How dare you hurt my son, I brought someone over to help, you guys Hurry up and look around, I'll go and see Brother Duanmu first."

Both of them were at the top of the Purple Mansion, and they had already discovered Duanmu Jinyu's whereabouts before they landed in the other courtyard, and they didn't need anyone to lead the way, they just led people over there.

Zong Wuying and the others couldn't stop them at all.

Duanmu Changqing glanced at him sullenly, and quickly followed with Feng Feili and Chu Yifeng.

Jian Yuyan had already sensed the arrival of the people, and before they approached, she laid a transparent barrier around them to prevent the idlers from approaching.

He glanced coldly at Old Ancestor Liu, Tuoba Xiaoyao and others who were swiftly approaching from a distance, then withdrew his eyes and continued to focus on Qin Luoyi.

Duanmu Changying frowned slightly, and her face sank.He traveled carefully, and he didn't expect to be found by someone so soon. This matter is quite strange.

But this is not the time to care about it. Duanmu Changying was a little shocked by the enchantment set up by Jian Yuyan. He only saw Jin Dongyan make such an enchantment before, and he became a little curious about Jian Yuyan's cultivation.

"How is this going?"

"Hey, isn't that Miss Qin? How could Senior Duanmu be with Miss Qin? Are they fighting?"

"The Second Young Master Duanmu is also here, who is the man next to him?"

"Senior Duanmu seems to have lost consciousness... What's with that silver light? It's so weird."

"We can't get in, it's blocked by an invisible barrier!"

Everyone found Duanmu Jinyu, and saw Duanmu Jinyu sitting motionless on the chair, with his hands hanging down, a strange silver light flickered in his eyes, and the target of that silver light was actually Qin Luoyi.With such a weird picture, everyone couldn't help but look at each other and whispered.

A look of surprise quickly flashed across Old Ancestor Liu's eyes, and then his eyes turned.Turning his head to Duanmu Changqing who was still expressionless, he said solemnly: "Changqing, something seems wrong with your father. I heard that Changying has been against you. I understand why, but I didn't expect him to You are so bold, and you and your junior sister secretly brought your father here... Fortunately, we rushed here today by mistake, otherwise your father would be in danger."

While speaking, he shook his head and sighed.

"How dare you plot against your own father? I, Shangguan Zhan, hate this kind of criminal the most in my life." Although Shangguan Zhan was tall and thick, and his voice was like a bell, he was an extremely smart person. , I quickly got concerned, and said with a sneer: "Nephew Changqing, don't panic, we will definitely help you rescue your father today."

Duanmu Changqing glanced at the room, there was a dark tide surging in his eyes, his eyes fell on Qin Luoyi, then Jian Yuyan, and finally looked at Duanmu Changying, turned back to Shangguanzhan and smiled and said: "Everyone misunderstood , my father is not in any danger..." He very politely asked everyone to rest in the spacious area in the other courtyard ahead.

Why did his father appear here? Although he doesn't believe in Duanmu Changying, he can trust Qin Luoyi, and during this period of getting along, he can also see that Qin Luoyi does not have Zhong Changying's soul-hunting technique, but instead The cultivation base of the whole body is even more unpredictable.

Everyone in the Duanmu family who came with him had a moment of shock in their eyes. After Duanmu Changqing opened his mouth, he quickly breathed a sigh of relief. He quickly thought in his heart that the Patriarch would be here, and the young master should know about it.

Half a quarter of an hour ago, Liu Ziyu suddenly received a secret report that the assassin was found in the other courtyard of Shu Han City. Liu Ziyu and Shangguan Zhan immediately rushed over with the white jade platform. Duanmu Changqing felt that something was wrong, and originally wanted to send People came to see it, but they couldn't stop it, so they had to follow them with them.

"What do you mean there is no danger?" Liu Ziyu sighed, and looked at him with pity: "Did your brother tell you something in advance? Changqing, I didn't say you, you know your Brother is not good to you, you can't trust him too much, can you believe what he said? Your father's consciousness has been controlled by someone, his eyes are open, but he has no consciousness at all, since we met today , we must not let their tricks succeed."

Shangguan Zhan nodded in agreement.

Both of them could see that Duanmu Jinyu's state was very wrong, and they could even feel that if they made a move now, they were afraid that Duanmu Jinyu, who was usually able to fight against them, would have no fighting power. The seven great families maintained a superficial balance. Who doesn't want their territory to be bigger?
It's just that there is no chance on weekdays.

Both of them can see now that this is an excellent mobile phone opportunity.Especially Liu Ziyu, whose eyes were extremely sharp.

It would be best if Duanmu Jinyu can be easily dealt with when rushing in. If it can't be solved, the matter can be pushed to Duanmu Changying and Qin Luoyi... Hmph, isn't Qin Luoyi a disciple of Piaomiao Sect? Isn't he Duanmu Changqing? Do you like to protect her?

If something happened to Duanmu Jinyu today, let's see how Duanmu Changqing still protects Qin Luoyi, haha, Qingcheng wants to kill this woman and let her die in Duanmu Changqing's hands, she will definitely be more relieved, What's more, if today's matter is done, it will kill birds with one stone.

Shangguan Zhan was also extremely excited.

If Duanmu Jinyu is killed, only one Zong Wuying of the Duanmu family has reached the peak of the Zifu, and it has only been a few hundred years since he reached the peak of the Zifu. Compared with Duanmu Jinyu's cultivation, it is not enough. For concern.

In the future, the Duanmu family will not be a concern, and with the assassination incident last night, if he finds an excuse to deal with the Duanmu family, the monks on the Xuantian Continent will not be able to fault him.

His eyes were shining brightly, as if he had already seen that the territory where the Duanmu family was located had already been taken into his pocket.

The surrounding air trembled violently, and he raised his hand to shoot towards the barrier set up by Jian Yuyan. Duanmu Changqing's face darkened, and he led people to block him and Shangguan Zhan, who was also about to attack, and said in a deep voice: "The two seniors misunderstood, my father is really fine."

Zong Wuying led Tiandaozong and a few people forward, seemingly blocking those who wanted to approach the barrier, looking into the barrier from the corner of his eye, the silver light from Duanmu Jinyu's eyes was already weak A lot, and if you persist for a while, the soul-hunting spell will definitely be solved. At this time, no one can break in.

"Nephew, you are confused!" Shangguan Zhan stumbled, looked at him and shook his head: "This is not the time to talk about brotherhood. If something happens to your father, it will be too late for you to regret it."

Then he moved, avoiding the crowd, and the spiritual power around him rioted. He sacrificed the purple mansion, and attacked the barrier set by Jian Yuyan fiercely, showing all his cultivation without reservation.

(End of this chapter)

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