Brother is too evil

Chapter 550 The Conspiracy Revealed

Chapter 550 The Conspiracy Revealed (1)
Yesterday, she gave Duanmu Jinyu the dementia technique, and later she treated Duanmu Changqing's wounds, her internal strength was overdrawn, and she had a big appetite at this time, and she ate a lot.

The three of Chu Yifeng were even happier.

Seeing that Qin Luoyi had a big appetite, the three of them also had surprisingly good appetites, and they ate a lot of food. Later, Duanmu Changqing asked someone to send another serving, and they ate it up.

"Brother Duanmu."

Early in the morning, Liu Ziyu and Shangguan Zhan Lianjin came to Duanmu's mansion, and when they saw Duanmu Jinyu, they both greeted him in a friendly manner.

"Brother Duanmu, several days have passed. You said earlier that you would definitely find the assassin. I wonder if there is any news about the assassin now?"

He was just such a precious son, yet he was injured so badly. Fortunately, the sword didn't hit his heart, otherwise how could he still be alive?
When he saw his son these days, he had the urge to tear the murderer into pieces, not to mention that he suffered a big loss in Jian Yuyan's hands.

This matter has now spread throughout Qilong City.

Thinking that as the head of the Shangguan family, he is actually not as good as a junior... Suddenly he felt ashamed, and what shocked him even more was how such a young Jian Yuyan managed to be stronger than them in such a short period of time horrifying?

In the past few days and nights, he has not closed his eyes, and sent many people to investigate the details of Jian Yuyan, and the results he got shocked him even more. Like Qin Luoyi, he has only entered the Piaomiao Sect for a few years, but his cultivation is so low The metamorphosis, this thing is really weird.

Duanmu Jinyu's complexion was not very good-looking today, it took a few days to finally arrange for his wife Yu Haitang, and she stayed there for another night. Just after she came out, the two men came to the door with a strange look.

Being able to enter his heavily guarded mansion to kill people, even changing the secret formation in his mansion, and then escaped smoothly... Is such an assassin an ordinary person?
Unhappy in his heart, there was no smile on his face, he frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice: "It's only a few days, you guys are... too anxious."

"It's not that we are in a hurry." Liu Ziyu smiled bluntly: "Brother Duanmu, I don't know if you have found the murderer and are unwilling to say it, or if you really haven't found it."

"What do you mean by that?" Duanmu Jinyu's pupils shrank suddenly, and she looked at him sharply.

"Brother Duanmu, the entire Qilong City belongs to you. I believe you haven't heard the rumors outside. In fact, I am also very puzzled. That assassin can kill people under our noses and run away. How can he enter the Duanmu Mansion?" How many people are there in this world who have entered no man's land?" Liu Ziyu pulled the corners of her lips and said: "Although because of my family's poor situation last time, I got a book of exercises and Qingcheng became the target of many people, but they all She was going for that jade slip, no one has ever tried to take her life, this time fortunately there is Mr. Shangguan... Otherwise, there would be Qingcheng's life."

When he said this, he looked at Shangguan Zhan, and the two exchanged a look. Because of this matter, the relationship between the two families is obviously much closer.

"Brother Duanmu, we all know who did it. My ugly words are up front. What we want is the real murderer. You can't delay like this, and finally find someone to tell us that it is the murderer. We But I don't agree." Shangguan Zhan echoed in a cold voice.

Duanmu Jinyu was very happy.

Which one is the murderer...they know it well?
There was a sneer in his eyes.

The two of them only said that the murderers were Qin Luoyi and Jian Yuyan without naming their names. The rumors outside were raging, and these two people contributed a lot!
Hmph, these two people suffered a great loss at the hands of Jian Yuyan and lost face. Later, he also knew that they did not dare to fight against Jian Yuyan and were afraid of him. Jian Yuyan did the right thing, and even used rumors to isolate Jian Yuyan, which made him want to be punished!
"Who is the murderer? In fact, we have already found out who the murderer is. Don't worry, our Duanmu family will naturally not just find someone to pretend to be the murderer." Duanmu Changqing walked in from outside the house, dressed in a black exquisite brocade robe, which made him look even more beautiful. Yushu faces the wind, dignified and domineering, looking at Liu Ziyu and Shangguan Zhan coldly and alienated.

Coming in with him was Qin Luoyi, who was dressed in a brocade dress of the color of the West Lake, with a hazy bun and cloud temples, and Mingren with phoenix eyes.The black eyebrows like distant mountains linger with the breath of Tsinghua, and the red lips like cherry blossoms are slightly raised.Feng Feili and Chu Yifeng from Yushu Linfeng stood beside her with smiles on one side.

"Oh, the murderer already has clues?" Liu Ziyu's eyes flickered, secretly surprised that Duanmu Changqing and Feng Feili's complexion was so good in just a few days, and there was no sign of serious injury at all: "Yes Who?"

Duanmu Jinyu's eyes flickered, but he didn't speak. When he saw Qin Luoyi and the others coming in, his expression softened significantly.

Duanmu Changying also came.

Duanmuyun followed beside him, her eyes were red, she took people to track down the assassin, she just came back early this morning, she already knew that her mother had been poisoned, and she went to see it with Duanmu Changying just now.

"Since you are afraid that we will find someone to pretend to be the murderer, please go with us later and watch us capture the assassin with your own eyes." It's getting colder.

Liu Ziyu and Shangguan Zhan looked at each other, then quickly turned their eyes away, a gleam flashed in their eyes.

"Since my nephew already has clues, let's go together in a while to see who is so courageous to sneak into Duanmu's mansion and assassinate Nan Qi and Qingcheng, without paying attention to our three great families." Shangguan Zhan sneered.His eyes were dark and unpredictable.

Pray for Dragon City.

The mountain behind Shangguan's other courtyard.

Shangguan Nanqi stood under the big tree, looking at the two people kneeling in front of him expressionlessly, his eyes were dark and fierce, and the two people's faces turned even paler when he looked at them like this.

"Young master, we really didn't do it on purpose." One of them couldn't stand such a depressed voice anymore and explained: "We don't know what happened that day, the sword stabbed into the young master's body."

Another hastily nodded in agreement.

The situation that day was really weird. The young master's seal was powerful, but the ancestor of the Shangguan family sealed it himself. They had tried it before, and the two of them couldn't break through the barrier of the seal no matter what. Go in, and by the time they realized something was wrong, one of their swords had pierced into Liu Qingcheng's stomach, and the other into the young master's chest.

"It wasn't intentional, so it was intentional?" Shangguan Nanqi was even more bleak and cold, smiling piercingly, and put one hand on his chest.

(End of this chapter)

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