Brother is too evil

Chapter 557 Touched, Surprised

Chapter 557 Touched, Surprised (1)
Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing also knew that she had originally planned to go back with Qin Tian. Without the chaos caused by Tiandaozong, the two of them were completely free. Qin Luoyi was going, so they naturally decided to follow.

Finally, because of Duanmu Changqing's madness, Qin Luoyi's heart softened, and even his heart softened towards Chu Yifeng and Feng Feili. They naturally wanted to strike while the iron was hot, seize the opportunity to cultivate their relationship with her, and it was best for her to agree as soon as possible He held a double cultivation ceremony with them, and in Qilong City, there are quite a few young men who admire Qin Luoyi.

Qin Luoyi originally wanted to go with them, and it happened to be with Qin Tian and Qin Mo, but... the incident of falling down with Qin Tian that night made her change her mind.

Qin Tian was drunk, and judging by the way he woke up in the afternoon, he obviously had no memory of what happened the night before, but he was drunk, not himself, and he remembered everything at that time clearly.

As soon as she saw Qin Tian, ​​she would think of that night... Now facing Qin Tian, ​​she felt a little awkward and uncomfortable.

She dare not underestimate the shrewdness of her elder brother. When she saw him this afternoon, she tried her best to act as if nothing had happened, but she still felt a little strange. Seeing Qin Tian like this a few times, he must see something. She was not alone in the embarrassment.

What's more, she knew that her soul and body were not the same person. Qin Tian didn't know it, and only regarded her as his own sister. She already felt that something was wrong with Qin Tian during that accident in the misty valley. Fortunately, if Qin Tian really knew that he was drunk and molested his sister, I'm afraid he would have to make a detour when he saw him in the future.

There are still two months to go before Mr. Qin's birthday, and he will be separated for two months. When he sees him again at that time, he should not be so embarrassed anymore, and Qin Tian should not be aware of the strangeness.

"Dahei and Heidi haven't heard from each other for so long, and I don't know where they went. There are still two months before Mr. Qin's birthday. I'll go back to Penglai Xiandao to have a look, and then go to Qin's house. " Qin Luoyi pondered slightly, this is not entirely an excuse, she is really worried about Dahei and Heidi.

Although Penglai Xiandao is far away from Xuantian Continent, she does not have a white jade platform, but she has space skills, which can tear space.During this period of time, Zong Wuying, who felt that his life was short, passed on his space technique to her without reservation.

Her cultivation base is higher than Zong Wuying's, and it is easier to travel through space than Zong Wuying's. With the space technique, she can come and go freely on this continent.

Duanmu Changying also told her a lot of secrets about the teleportation formations, but all the teleportation formations of Tiandaozong were arranged by Jin Dongyan himself, not fake hands.Duanmu Changying only knew some secrets because he was the holy son of the sect, but it was a pity that they were not complete, relying on the setting of teleportation formations that could not be successful alone.Duanmu Changying even told her some things about formations that he had figured out over the years, as well as many secrets about Jin Dongyan.

As a demon owl, she is somewhat interested in Jin Dongyan.

As she expected, the wave of monsters that broke out on Penglai Xiandao was caused by Jin Dongyan. He controlled the Demon Emperor with soul-stirring techniques and made the Demon Emperor obey him. At that time, Zong Wu was also with him. Ying, Jin Dongyan moved his hands and feet, the monster was not only controlled by Jin Dongyan, but also controlled by Zong Wuying.

He used monsters to attack Penglai Immortal Island. On the one hand, he wanted to plunder all kinds of cultivation resources on Penglai Immortal Island, and on the other hand, he wanted to severely injure many monks on Penglai Immortal Island, so as to clear the way for his Heavenly Dao Sect to dominate the world in the future.

Because of the attack on the blessed land of Dongtian, the people of Tiandaozong got limited things, and none of them were particularly good. Jin Dongyan was very angry. Although he took advantage of the situation to rob Yaochi Wonderland and got a lot of things from Yaochi Wonderland, Jin Dongyan was not angry. How much relief, if it weren't for the fact that he was going to use the spirit water to advance to the rank and needed to use the source of chaos, Zong Wuying would have been severely punished by him.

At that time, there was a big wave of monsters. Fortunately, there were powerful warships from the Piaomiao sect, and the white clothes that finally came out, so Jin Dongyan's treacherous plan did not succeed.Even so, as long as Qin Luoyi thought of the tragic battle during the tide of monsters and beasts, the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, she would have the urge to destroy Jin Dongyan again.

Qin Tian's dark eyes flickered, and a strange light flashed away, then he lowered his eyes slightly, and with his slender fingers, he played with the piece of suet white jade hanging by his side, but didn't say much what.

"Going back to Penglai Xiandao? I'll go with you." Feng Feili smiled wickedly, looking at her peach blossom eyes, there was a trace of magnificent waves, and in an instant, she felt infinitely glamorous.

Qin Tian paused the hand that was playing with the jade pendant, and glanced at him seemingly intentionally or unintentionally.

Duanmu Changqing also expressed that he would go back to Penglai Xiandao with Qin Luoji. Qin Luoyi didn't want to go to Qin's house. Chu Yifeng was a little bit reluctant to leave her like this, but he already knew that when Qin Luoyi left, although he was angry, , but still worry about them.They also purposely left Dahei and Heidi with them all the time.

It’s just that they never showed up, and Chu Yifeng and the others didn’t know about it until Qin Luoyi asked a few days ago... I don’t know when Dahei and Heidi disappeared. Qin Luoyi wanted to find them. Naturally, he couldn't stop those two, just to let her stay by his side, although he really wanted to do so in his heart.

Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing also had embarrassing expressions on their faces.

After knowing that Dahei and Heidi were missing, they immediately ordered people from the Feng family and the Duanmu family to look for them, but unfortunately there was no news for a few days.

The places they have been to, except under the Shihu Cliff of the Piaomiao Sect, and the extremely dangerous place in the deepest part of the Tianlong Mountains that cannot be penetrated, have searched for other places, and Dahei and Heidi seem to have disappeared out of thin air. Generally, there is no trace.

"I got a good thing when I came to Xuantian Continent this time. There are still two months left before Mr. Qin's birthday, senior brother, second senior brother, you just happen to be practicing in seclusion, so don't run around with me, now The battle between the Shangguan family and the Liuzi family is getting more and more fierce, and there is also the Dragon Shocking Art. I am afraid that there will be chaos in the Xuantian Continent, so you will stay in the Xuantian Continent for the time being. Besides, I still need you to help me find some Something." Qin Luoyi blinked, with a smile on his lips, and took out the spiritual water from Tiandaozong.

Jin Dongyan spent thousands of years preparing the spiritual water. She practiced in the Yanbo Valley, and it took less than a quarter of the time she spent cultivating a spiritual flower from the middle rank of the Zifu to cultivate a spiritual flower. She guessed that if Jin Dongyan used this spirit water, she might be able to cultivate four spirit flowers, maybe five spirit flowers could be cultivated.

Qin Tian cultivated from the first level of Yu Mansion to the third level of Purple Mansion, because the spiritual power in the spiritual water was too strong, compared to cultivating the spirit flower by himself, he spent very little spiritual power, at most only one-tenth of it.

(End of this chapter)

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