Brother is too evil

Chapter 559 Separation

Chapter 559 Separation (1)
The sound has changed.

Everything on it is extremely precious, priceless, and extremely rare. Some are holy things for cultivation, and some are extremely poisonous things. Even monks with extremely high cultivation bases dare not touch them. The things that are only found in legends have never been seen by the world. There are dozens of such rare things written on that piece of paper.

"Hehe, it seems that my junior sister's alchemy skills must have improved again." Feng Feili also finished watching, and after being shocked, Taohua's eyes flashed brightly, and she said with a smile: "If you want these things, what kind of alchemy are you going to make?"

He was really curious.

Even if he doesn't know alchemy, he still knows that these extremely rare things can at least refine the thirteenth and fourth-rank pills, and even higher ranks. Thinking that Qin Luoyi could refine the twelfth-rank top-grade pills before, it's only a few. Months... But her talent for alchemy cannot be deduced by common sense. It is likely that her soul power has improved again in the past few months, and she can refine higher-level pills. That's why she came up with all kinds of strange things.

As for whether Qin Luoyi's higher-grade pills would waste these rare spiritual plants, he didn't think about it at all.

Not to mention just some spiritual plants, she wants the stars and moons in the sky now, and he will find a way to pick them off for her, as long as she likes them.

Duanmu Changqing and Chu Yifeng folded the papers and put them away carefully. The corners of their lips curled up and down, and they looked at Qin Luoyi with dark and deep eyes. Although these things were hard to find, they were just like Feng Feili. He felt that as long as Qin Luoyi needed it, no matter how difficult it was, he would try to find it for her.

"This is not for alchemy..." Qin Luoyi's bright eyes looked forward, and he understood what she wanted to do. He stared at Qin Tian, ​​who was staring at her, and then smiled at Chu Yifeng and the others: "Jin Dongyan I have identified all the contents of the spiritual water that I made, and as long as I gather all the contents on this paper, I can also refine a portion."

The most important thing about this spirit water is that it can be of great help to the cultivation of spirit flowers after cultivating to the peak of Zifu. Now that she knows this spirit water and she has identified all the ingredients in it, she naturally also I have to make a copy.

"It's no wonder that the power inside is so terrifying. This spiritual water is actually refined from these rare treasures. No wonder it took thousands of years to refine it with Jin Dongyan's cultivation base and the entire Heavenly Dao Sect." Chu Yifeng He sighed faintly.

"Don't worry about this thing. If you encounter it, you can't ask for it. As long as you know it, don't let it go when you see it." Qin Luoyi gave him Chu Yifeng's spiritual water directly.

There are two copies for Qin Tian, ​​one is for Qin Tian and the other is for Qin Mo. She will naturally prepare a gift for Mr. Liu's birthday, but there is no rush right now. I will give it to him on his birthday in two months. Not too late.

Chu Yifeng already knew that she had the Hunyuan Dzi on her body, so he didn't refuse, and put it away unceremoniously. He didn't want to be thrown too far by Qin Luoyi, so he could only practice hard, improve his cultivation, and stand beside her He will not be ashamed of himself.

Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing also put away the spirit water.

When they were discussing the spiritual water and the spiritual plants, Qin Tian pulled Qin Luoyi over to the courtyard.

He knew exactly how much spiritual water was left... Qin Luoyi had taken out all of it, and there was nothing left on her body.

"You can take my share. You can use this spirit water better than me. Maybe you can produce another spirit flower." He handed back his spirit water to Qin Luoyi, and the pitch-black He stared at her with gentle and pampering eyes.

Qin Luoyi tried not to look at his mouth.

Just look into his eyes.

It's not easy for her to tell her brother about the Hunyuan Dzi Bead, it's not that she can't trust him, it's better for one less person to know about it than one more person to know about it, not to mention that walls have ears, and she doesn't want her brother to worry about herself.

"Do you still remember what Mo Xiao said?" She leaned closer to Qin Tian and whispered to her brother, glanced at Feng Feili and the other three in the room, and said in a very low voice: "My cultivation base can't advance too fast, three points One of the time is used for cultivation, and the other two-thirds of the time is used to practice the power of the soul first with Bodhi. The higher the cultivation of the power of the soul, the better it will be for the future. The Devil Heart Sutra belongs to him that day, listen to him There's nothing wrong with that."

The scorching breath blew in Qin Tian's ears, and a suspicious blush appeared on Qin Tian's ears, but the two were standing side by side, not facing each other, Qin Luoyi didn't notice it.

Qin Tian glanced at her fair and beautiful face.

He always felt that Qin Luoyi's attitude towards Mo Xiao was very strange. She would firmly believe what Mo Xiao said without any reason, and never doubted it.While thinking about it, he raised his hand to wrap his arms around Qin Luoyi's shoulders, Qin Tian smiled and said, "In that case, I'll keep it for you."

The voice is low and clear, full of affection.

Qin Luoyi, who was suddenly grabbed by him, felt stagnant, a little bit like crying, but she used to touch his brother, but now Qin Tian was actually assimilated by her.

Slightly raising my chin, I smiled at him and said, "No need, your sister and I have a lot of good things on me. In fact, more than half of the things written on the paper are already on me, and there are not many things that are missing. When the time comes I'll make another portion myself, just take that spiritual water and use it, but for those things, you have to remember to inquire for me in the future, the more the better, as long as you can refine a few more copies of that kind of spiritual water. "

Seeing her ecstasy, Qin Tian's expression softened even more.He couldn't help tightening the arms around her shoulders, but there was a hint of bitterness in his heart.

He didn't reject the spiritual water anymore.

Old Master Qin asked Qin Tian and Chu Yifeng to wait at the gate of Qilong City at the moment of Xu Shi, and while there was still a little time, Chu Yifeng pulled Qin Luoyi into the other courtyard of Duanmu Changqing, and put all the Qin Luoyi gave Qin Luoyi all the things that had been cleaned up and brought to her from the Holy Dragon Continent.

Then he inserted the aqua-blue phoenix hairpin made of gold and stone blue that was not sent out last time on Qin Luoyi's head. The delicate phoenix hairpin swayed on her head, her black hair was like clouds, and it was even more beautiful. Her fair skin is as fluffy as an egg membrane, and her red lips are as bright as cherry blossoms. In the afterglow of the setting sun, her whole person is even more charming and charming.

"Yi'er, I knew this hairpin was suitable for you." After Chu Yifeng inserted it, he looked around, embraced her slender waist from behind, rested his chin on her shoulder, and looked forward. On the case table was a large glazed mirror, which reflected the figures of the two very clearly.

Qin Luoyi also looked into the mirror.

Chu Yifeng's beautiful long eyebrows slanted into his temples, and his dark eyes were as bright as glass.The bridge of the nose is high and straight, and the thin lips are as perfect as Zhu Dan.The chin is firm and delicate, the lines of the whole face are deep yet soft, and the elegant temperament is even more peerless and noble.

Because his chin was resting on his shoulders, looking in the mirror, the faces of the two were tightly pressed together, and they were very intimate. Both of them looked in the mirror, and Chu Yifeng's lingering gaze was reflected in the mirror. Being obsessed with her made her heartbeat suddenly speed up.

(End of this chapter)

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