Brother is too evil

Chapter 563 Ghost Cultivator

Chapter 563 Ghost Cultivator

Now that Jin Dongyan is dead, no one will know his original purpose, but Duanmu Changying, Zong Wuying and the others feel that this person has no good intentions.

Knowing that Hanxiang will cooperate with Shangguan Nanqi because Shangguan Nanqi has been pursuing Liu Qingcheng in a high-profile manner, and after she wanted to use Liu Qingcheng and Shangguan Nanqi's hands to deal with Qin Luoyi, Duanmu Changqing was furious. "You colluded with outsiders and trapped my Duanmu family in an unrighteous way. You should be punished for your crime!"

"No...young master, I was wrong, please forgive me this time." Hanxiang, who woke up from a trance, finally panicked when she heard Duanmu Changqing's cold mouth to kill her.

Duanmu Changqing waved his hand, making Song Wuhen gamble on her mouth and push her down.His eyes fell on Qin Luoyi's body, and a look of guilt flashed across his eyes.

Hanxiang... He will never spare her again.

Han Xiang, whose mouth was blocked and unable to speak, was even more panicked, but her cultivation base was not as good as Song Wuhen's, so she didn't need to struggle. Turning around, she glared at Qin Luoyi with eyes full of resentment.

Feng Feili was also angry.

The two brothers and sisters looked at each other, and there was a tacit understanding in their hearts.

This Hanxiang must die.

When Duanmu Jinyu returned to Qilong City, she knew that it was Hanxiang who changed the formation, and she was outraged, so she directly asked Yun Hong, who was still refining weapons in a secret place, to find him.

Knowing that his daughter had made a big mistake, Yun Hong not only found Duanmu Jinyu to intercede, but even got Duanmu Changqing's name, but Hanxiang was executed in the end. Because of Yun Hong's relationship, she died very simply and did not what suffering.

Of course, these are all things to follow.

That night, after leaving Duanmu's mansion, Qin Luoyi tore apart the space and left Qilong City. Before leaving, she gave Duanmu Changying the only bodhi seed left.

She could see that although Duanmu Changying deliberately concealed it, she still noticed the weakness revealed from the depths of his soul. Apart from Hanxiang, I'm afraid that he has used soul-stirring techniques on people these days.Moreover, he overdraws the soul power in his body without any scruples, probably because he feels that his life is numbered.

"There must be a way before the car reaches the mountain. Don't give up easily until the last moment..." When handing the bodhi to Duanmu Changying, she said to him cautiously.

Looking at her leaving figure, Duanmu Changying tightly clenched the bodhi seed in his hand, and after a long time, he smiled bitterly and turned around to leave. After he left, two slender figures fell silently He got down and stood where Qin Luoyi had once stood.

After Qin Luoyi tore through the void and entered the black void with no spiritual power, he sensitively sensed something was wrong behind him.

Something came in with her.

A sharp light flashed in the phoenix eyes.

She didn't look back, she deliberately pretended that she didn't notice the person behind her, and she let go of her consciousness while speeding through the void.

Following her was a man in a black robe. The man's face was pale and handsome, his eyes shone with a strange red light, and his body was shrouded in a faint black air, exuding a very faint smell of rotting corpses. Looking at Qin Luoyi's figure darting in front of him, he stretched out his long tongue to lick his lips from time to time.

It's actually a ghost monk who makes people talk about it!
The speed of Qin Luoyi's feet did not change, but her pupils shrank sharply. Even though she had never seen a ghost cultivator before, she was very sure that it was a ghost cultivator with that corpse-like aura.

A ghost monk is a monk who is not willing to re-enter reincarnation when he is about to die, so he uses a secret method to transform into a ghost and continue to practice. Of course, it is more difficult to successfully transform into a ghost than to cultivate an immortal. However, only a limited number of ghosts appeared on Xuantian Continent.

But as far as she knows, even if you successfully become a ghost monk and survive in another way, ghost monks can only stay in some specific places, and there are almost no ghost monks who can come out unscrupulously and travel through the void with others. I heard that ghost cultivators also have lifespan, the higher the level of cultivation, the higher the lifespan, leaving those specific places, the ghost cultivator's lifespan will be consumed at an extremely fast speed.

There was a cool smile on the corners of her delicate lips.

She was very curious, why this ghost cultivator would follow behind her, even at the expense of her own lifespan... But there was no movement behind her, and she did not move, continuing to keep the established speed towards Grape.

She wasted nothing but spiritual energy.

The people behind are consuming their lives with themselves.And since he is willing to choose to become a ghost cultivator, he must be cherishing his life... She can afford it, but she doesn't know how long he will spend it.

Qin Luoyi didn't wait too long.

A moment later, the speed of the ghost monk behind him suddenly accelerated, and he came to a distance of tens of meters behind her without a sound. He opened his mouth and spit out a black and terrifying corpse aura, attacking Qin Luoyi.

"You're finally willing to do it." Seeing that terrifying corpse aura was about to hit Qin Luoyi, Qin Luoyi suddenly turned around, moved his feet, and easily dodged his attack. There was a cold light in the middle, but there was a smile that was not a smile on the corners of her delicate lips.

The ghost monk was startled.

The red light in his eyes became even more strange.

He didn't expect that he would be discovered by being so careful.A strange howling sound was found in his mouth, and he rushed towards Qin Luoyi again. The strong corpse aura billowing in the black robe gushed out in an instant, turning into a huge ghost head of more than ten feet, and bit Qin Luoyi with his mouth open. Falling clothes.

Qin Luoyi stood gracefully in the void, not paying attention to his attack.

With a thought, he directly summoned a long sword from the storage space, bursting out clusters of purple light from the long sword, and quickly shot at the huge ghost head.

After a burst of hissing, the skeleton ghost head turned into green smoke and quickly dissipated into the void. After killing the skeleton ghost head, Qin Luoyi did not give up, and continued to attack the ghost monk.

"I underestimated you." The ghost monk's face changed, and he gave her a dark look, but the coercion on the long sword was too domineering. He took two steps forward, but he didn't dare to take it hard. Suddenly, the whole person instantly turned into a puff of smoke, turned around and ran away at an extremely fast speed.

Qin Luoyi chased after him.

While chasing, he greeted the ghost monk with the long sword in his hand.

But in a short time, the ghost monk was seriously injured, furious in his heart, but he didn't dare to stop, leaving the place where the corpse was strong to fight, not only wasting his lifespan, but also he couldn't exert his full strength.

When Qin Luoyi's long sword was about to strike down again, the ghost monk made a sudden move, tearing open the space and jumping out.

Qin Luoyi also jumped out.

Surrounded by tall mountains, these mountains were covered with a strange blood mist and ghostly aura, and there was a dead silence everywhere. Qin Luoyi immediately added a tough defensive barrier on his body.

(End of this chapter)

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