Brother is too evil

Chapter 579 Mistake

Chapter 579 Mistake (1)
Qin Luoyi let out a sigh of relief, stood up and was about to go out, when the weather outside suddenly changed again, the sun rose again, the warm sunlight shone on the ground, and after a while, the ice and snow melted.Green leaf buds began to grow on those bare tree trunks. The leaf buds grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon the ice field became full of spring. After nearly an hour, many trees actually started to grow. It bloomed.

Then the result.

The summer fruit grows slowly.

The fruits begin to ripen slowly in autumn.

Qin Luoyi was stunned, his jaw almost dropped... He had an epiphany about his feelings, not only to demonstrate day and night, but also to demonstrate seasons?

Each season will last for more than two hours.

Looking at the trees full of rare spiritual plants near the house, Qin Luoyi was stunned for a moment, then stood up abruptly, swept out of the window like light smoke, came directly to a purple dragon tree, and picked it off. A purple dragon fruit was thrown into the mouth directly.

The taste is sweet and pure, with strong spiritual power inside, which is exactly the same as the one she ate before, and this purple dragon fruit, according to the normal ripening time, it takes 300 years to bloom, 300 years to bear fruit, and 500 years to mature. It takes a full 300 years from flowering to fruiting!
And the white clothes made them mature in just a few hours!

"This is the real pervert! It's against the sky!"

Seeing that Bai Yi was still standing there with his hands behind his back, his posture was exactly the same as at the beginning, Qin Luoyi couldn't help muttering, she was very curious, she also came out during the day and at night, and then came the four seasons, if he had been here all the time In this state, I don't know what strange things he will come up with next.

Just when she was thinking wildly, a icy cold fell on her face, and it started to snow again, like a few hours ago, the heavy snow like goose feathers was coming menacingly.

"Winter is here again... I'd rather pick them all this time than waste one more!" Qin Luoyi's pupils shrank sharply, and with a slender hand, he collected all the purple dragon fruit and the nearby mature spiritual fruit and spiritual plants. In the bracelet space, her movements were as gentle as possible, she couldn't let her changes affect Bai Yi's state at this time.

She didn't let go of the spiritual fruit and spiritual plant in the distance.

She was walking fast now, and it only took half a quarter of an hour to pick off all the spiritual fruits and plants in the entire ice field. When she came back to the vicinity of Baiyi, the snow had just covered the back of her feet.

When Bai Yi woke up from the chaotic state, he saw Qin Luoyi sitting not far from him, smiling at him with his chin propped up, the smile was bright and brilliant, the phoenix eyes were curved, and the inside was shimmering, very dazzling .

My heart skipped a beat.

A bright light flashed across the dark and deep eyes like a shooting star across the sky. He raised his foot and walked towards Qin Luoyi. Qin Luoyi looked at him, but smiled even brighter.

Bai Yi's heartbeat instantly lost its frequency.

Quicken your steps.

When he was about to walk in front of Qin Luoyi, he suddenly remembered the matter of her being taken away, narrowed his beautiful eyes dangerously, and slowed down the speed of his feet, looking at Qin Luoyi carefully.

The eyeballs are pure black, clear and transparent, not brown.

It was Qin Luoyi.

Not the strange soul hidden in the Hunyuan Dzi!

"White clothes, white clothes..." Qin Luoyi didn't seem to notice that he was looking at him, he smiled and called his name, beckoning him to come over quickly, his expression was very excited.

When Bai Yi had an epiphany, she kept evolving the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, and she kept harvesting the spiritual plants and fruits in it. After four days of his epiphany, she harvested the spiritual fruit in it five times. Zhi Zhi, for the last time, he stopped in the autumn of harvest, and then woke up suddenly, she naturally did not pick off the Ling Zhi from the tree again.

Those precious spiritual plants and spiritual fruits, which are extremely rare for the world to seek one, are now piled up as high as a mountain in the space of her bracelet.

When Bai Yi was sitting beside him, Qin Luoyi turned slightly and showed him his bracelet, and the joyful smile in his eyes grew stronger.

Bai Yi was holding the emerald green bracelet, and the bracelet that had just been taken off her wrist was still warm, like a warm current soaking into his body, which reminded him of the intimate skin between the two when they were in the pool blind date.

The skin on her body and face was white and smooth, as gentle and soft as white jade.Even more because the two of them were so close at this time, the tip of their noses could smell the fragrance of her body even more, and that fragrance was so refreshing that he couldn't help but be moved by it.

He secretly took a deep breath, and with his breathing, the fragrance instantly filled his internal organs.

Qin Luoyi saw that Bai Yi was holding the bracelet, and just looked at himself. His eyes were smiling, and they were extremely warm. He obviously didn't understand what he meant by giving him the bracelet, so he stretched out his hand, pointed at the bracelet with a smile, and gestured for him. look inside.

A faint light flashed in Bai Yi's eyes, and he finally looked away.

However, it was obviously just a simple and easy movement, but he found that when he did was actually very difficult.

He probed his consciousness into the space of the bracelet.

The corners of Qin Luoyi's pink lips were smiling, and the dark phoenix eyes flickered with a little light, quietly looking at the white clothes.

This is a delicate and handsome face that is impeccable.

He is as beautiful as a crown jade, with thick eyebrows and elegant, high nose bridge, beautiful lips, fair face, sharp edges and corners like an ingenious carving, without a trace of imperfection, but what is more beautiful is not his facial features, but his whole temperament.

It is a kind of beauty that shines from the bones, noble and elegant, elegant and elegant, combined with deep and restrained at the same time.And after the epiphany, the cultivation in the white clothes seemed even more unpredictable, making it impossible to see through. The person was clearly sitting in front of her eyes, but seemed to be far away in the sky.

I don't know if he remembered the past... and about the Hunyuan Dzi.

Bai Yi's spiritual sense probed into the bracelet space, and at a glance, he saw a mountain of rare spiritual plants and spiritual fruits inside. He couldn't help being startled for a while, and then quickly saw that those spiritual plants were all in the ice space.


Where did she get so many good things?

Even if she plucked all the things in the ice field, it would only be one-tenth of what is here.

Spiritual consciousness withdrew from the bracelet.

With a light glance from the corner of his eye, he found that the spiritual plants in the ice area were all in good condition, and there were many spiritual fruits hanging on the trees, and there were actually more spiritual fruits on those trees than before.

There was a rare flash of confusion and doubt in the eyes as dark as midnight stars, Qin Luoyi blinked, caught the confusion and doubt in his eyes, and quickly determined that Bai Yi must be stuck in that strange state I don't know what happened around him these days.

(End of this chapter)

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