Brother is too evil

Chapter 583 Meeting the Qin Family

Chapter 583 Meeting the Qin Family (2)
Then, as if thinking of something, a faint proud smile appeared on the corner of her lips, and she successfully suppressed that anger.

Because of fighting openly and secretly with the Shangguan family for more than a month, and many hidden masters came secretly for the Dragon Shocking Art, the Liu family suffered heavy losses during this period, but... this is all temporary, and soon, all of these will come to an end. will pass.

Liu Qingcheng walked towards the city gate.

There were two rows of Qin family disciples holding swords standing at the gate of the city, and all of them had strong auras. Under their guard, people entering and leaving the gate were orderly.

Kaiyang City is the important place of the Qin family, not to mention a few days is the birthday of Mr. Qin, even on weekdays, just like Xiaguang City and Qilong City, no monk can directly fly into the city with the rainbow, and the magic weapon Spirit beasts can't do it either, they can only enter from the direction of the city gate in a regular manner.

Qin Mo, the young master of the Qin family, was talking to people at the gate of the city, and his dark eyes would glance at the monks who fell in the direction of the gate from time to time. "If Miss Qin Luoyi is here, you don't have to neglect, and notify me immediately."

Hearing that voice, Liu Qingcheng's silver teeth almost gnawed into pieces.

Qin Luoyi... No matter where she goes, she can always hear her name.

Qin Mo explained a few words, because he had other things to do, he was about to leave, and before he left, he took another look outside the city, and there were two divine rainbows rushing towards him at a very fast speed, he paused slightly, When the two divine rainbows were approaching, he saw clearly the people in the divine rainbow, his eyes lit up, and he walked out quickly without rushing away.

Coming down from Shenhong were two very young men and women. The man had a handsome face, a slender figure, and was dressed in white, while the woman had a fair and beautiful face, with a slight smile on her lips. Seeing Qin Mo walking towards him quickly, The dark and agile eyeballs looked him around quickly, and the smile in the eyes was even stronger.

"Haha, you are finally here."

It was Qin Luoyi and Bai Yi who came, but what surprised Qin Mo was that Bai Yi would come to Kaiyang City with her.

He knew about the pervert in Baiyi when he first went to Penglai Xiandao, and heard Feng Feili tell him about the battle of monsters and beasts in detail a few days ago... Baiyi can even subdue the demon king, with such a powerful cultivation base , which shocked him even more.

Qin Luoyi is his sworn sister. Bai Yi rescued Qin Luoyi from the demon king at a critical moment. He loves Wu and Wu, so he naturally has a lot more affection for Bai Yi. Seeing him and Qin Luoyi coming together, wait He is also very enthusiastic.

Seeing Young Master Qin Mo welcome the two into the city in person, and then let the two get into his carriage, and quickly headed towards the Qin family's mansion, the people gathered at the gate of the city couldn't help talking.

"I didn't expect Miss Qin Luoyi and Young Master Qin Mo to know each other. Seeing how happy Young Master Qin Mo is, I don't know what their relationship is."

"Who is the man in white who is following Miss Qin? He looks very familiar. I have never seen him before."

Others don't know Bai Yi, but Liu Qingcheng does.

It's just that of course she won't stand up to confuse these people. Instead, her face that has just eased has turned cold again. It has been several months since the news of the Penglai Xiandao monster war, and the Liu family naturally knows it, and even more. It is said that as soon as the white clothes appeared, the terrifying monster beast king would be frightened away.

"Let's go, let's go find the ancestor." Liu Qingcheng stomped his feet, said bitterly, and left quickly with two guards.

She wanted to tell Patriarch the news that Baiyi had come to Kaiyang City immediately, so that Patriarch could prepare early, and he must not let this person affect their upcoming plan.

Qin Luoyi naturally found Liu Qingcheng, but he kept his expression on the ground, not even glancing at her from the corner of his eye.

Sitting in Qin Mo's carriage, Qin Mo looked at her with unconcealable excitement in his eyes, but because of the white clothes, he did not rashly mention the matter of Lingshui.

Talking and laughing all the way, they soon arrived at the Qin Mansion.

The Qin Mansion occupies an extremely wide area. The mansion is tall and majestic, with a majestic appearance. The blue-gray color is simple and heavy. There are two Jinpeng carved with golden jade at the gate. The Jinpeng spreads its wings and is about to fly. Holding the long sword, he stood vigorously at the door, and when he saw Qin Mo coming down, he quickly saluted Qin Mo.

Qin Luoyi looked at the word "Qin Mansion" at the door, and raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect Qin Mo to take her directly into the mansion.

"Knowing that I have a younger sister, my parents have long wanted to see you. I will take you to meet them now, and my grandfather has also mentioned you several times."

Qin Luoyi's eyes flickered, but it was hard for her to imagine old master Qin talking about herself, and she just thought it was Qin Mo comforting herself, and didn't care.

Qin Mo quickly brought them into the house.

Bai Yi leisurely followed Qin Luoyi.

However, Mr. Qin was not there, and Qin Mu, the patriarch of the Qin family, was also not there. Qin Mu's wife, Qin Mo's mother, was in the mansion. Qin Mo wanted to take Qin Luoyi to see his mother himself, and introduce Qin Luoyi to his mother. Let his mother know.

It's not easy to throw away the white clothes.

Glancing at Bai Yi, he directly summoned the manager of the Qin family, and asked the manager to entertain Bai Yi first, but Bai Yi didn't even glance at the manager, and followed them directly to the courtyard where his mother Tao Xiangning lived.

The corners of Qin Mo's eyes twitched fiercely, he was a little speechless, and thought to himself, unexpectedly, Bai Yi had lost his memory for several years, and now it seems that he still doesn't understand many things, especially human affairs.

To be honest, Bai Yi was not familiar with him, and even less familiar with his mother, did anyone follow him into the inner courtyard like this?

Fortunately, the world of comprehension is not so particular, and the white clothes are a special situation, so he didn't say anything and let him follow in.

When Qin Mo brought Qin Luoyi in, Tao Xiangning was leading people to discuss matters related to the birthday banquet. There were people coming and going in the courtyard, and when he heard the announcement, his eyes lit up, and he waved quickly, making other idlers in the courtyard wait. Withdrew, leaving only a few confidantes.

"Mother, this is what I told you, Qin Luoyi, the younger sister I recognize." Pointing at Qin Luoyi, Qin Mo introduced Qin Luoyi to his mother with a smile on his face, and then pointed at Baiyi, with only a smile on his face. He vaguely introduced that he was Qin Luoyi's friend.

Tao Xiang looked at Qin Luoyi with a smile, and fell in love with this bright and beautiful woman with unusually clear eyes at just one glance.

As for why his son brought Qin Luoyi's friend here, although he was a little surprised, he didn't say much, and quickly ordered the mother-in-law to serve tea. Naturally, the white clothes were left to his son to accompany him, but she was affectionate. He firmly held Qin Luoyi's hand.

"Luoyi, I finally saw you today. After Mo'er came back from Penglai Xiandao a few years ago, apart from practicing in seclusion, she would say you twice every day when she saw me..." Looking at Qin Luoyi, Eyes, she was slightly dazed.

Those eyes looked very much like those of the Qin family. No wonder Qin Mo recognized her as his younger sister because he liked her.

(End of this chapter)

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