Brother is too evil

Chapter 591 I Want Your Life

Chapter 591 I Want Your Life (1)
"Shangguan Nanqi, who are you trying to deceive with your sweet talk here...Girl, you must not believe his words. People from their Shangguan family never keep their promises, break contracts, take oaths, kill people and seize treasures. It’s commonplace.”

"Long Xiaotian!"

Shangguan Nan Qi's face darkened, his eyes were extremely gloomy.

Long Xiaotian coughed twice, snorted coldly and said, "Could it be that I said something wrong? Are you still doing less of these things?"

"kill him!"

Shangguan Nan Qi was impatient to talk to him, waved his hand, and several people rushed over in an instant.

Long Xiaotian raised up a powerful purple defense, covering the two of them, temporarily resisting everyone's attack.He said to Qin Luoyi in a very low voice: "Girl, is the snow fox in your hand?"

Qin Luoyi blinked and nodded.

Xuehu shook his head and looked at him.

Long Xiaotian's face was filled with joy, and he said eagerly: "Don't believe Shangguan Nanqi's words, not to mention whether you really have Hunyuan Dzi on your body, just this snow fox and you entering this place, he It is impossible to let you out, this is the important place of the Shangguan family!"

Qin Luoyi was silent, this mountain range and this valley are indeed not simple, there are powerful killing formations everywhere.

"Do you want to go out?"

"Of course I do." Qin Luoyi nodded.

"Girl, as long as you promise to help me take this storage ring out and give it to a man named Long Xiaohai, I will cover you to go out through a secret path, but the secret path is extremely complicated. Fortunately, you have Snow Fox In the body, the snow fox has a very good sense of smell, it can lead you out from inside."

Qin Luoyi's eyes flickered, he shook his head and said, "I'm afraid not, my cultivation has been sealed."

Long Xiaotian was stunned, looked at him with some regret, and then a look of determination flashed across his face: "I will help you break the seal, escape if you can, I will try to hold them all back, I will buy you time to escape, if you can escape alive... remember to hand over this storage ring for me."

He quickly stuffed a storage ring into Qin Luoyi's hand.

Qin Luoyi lowered his eyes slightly.

Immediately, he raised his eyes and hooked his lips, and returned the storage ring to his hand, with a dazzling brilliance like glass shining in his eyes: "This is your thing, you should give it to him yourself."

Long Xiaotian was stunned.


At this moment, the defensive cover of the Purple Mansion he had set up was violently blasted away by the people of Shangguan Nanqi. Long Xiaotian stomped his feet and went up to him. Before leaving, he inadvertently stuffed a map in the Qin Luoyi hands.

Shangguan Nanqi walked over with burning eyes.

The originally listless Xuehu, the size of a baby's head, snatched the map from her hand, glanced at it quickly, jumped out of Qin Luoyi's hand, ran for dozens of meters, turned around again, and a dazzling silver After the light flashed, its body suddenly became dozens of times larger, and it returned to Qin Luoyi's side, carrying her on its back and was about to run away.

Long Xiaotian was already caught in a fierce battle.

Qin Luoyi saw the snow fox that had already left and ran back, and even wanted to take him along with him... He smiled with eyes wide open, patted it on the back softly, and said: "We can't leave now, Just leave, it's too cheap for them."

Xuehu became anxious, and growled at her: "Go quickly, if you don't go, you won't be able to go." Long Xiaotian couldn't last long.

Qin Luoyi raised his hand, and a powerful force rushed towards the people who attacked Long Xiaotian like mountains and seas. In the blink of an eye, those people were all thrown to the ground hard.

Shangguan Nanqi's pupils suddenly shrank.

Something was wrong.

Quickly took a few steps back.

" haven't been sealed?" The voice was full of disbelief.

Looking at the group of people who fell to the ground and were seriously injured, Long Xiaotian was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped, his eyes shifted to Qin Luoyi, and his eyes suddenly became extremely hot.

After entering this canyon, he was unluckily discovered by Shangguan Nanqi's people. He never thought of getting out alive. He would give Qin Luoyi the map, and even thought of expending his cultivation to lift the seal for her to cover her going out. It's just because seeing her made him think of his sister who also fell into Shangguan Nanqi's hands and is now alive or dead.

He didn't expect the young girl in front of him to have such a strong cultivation, which really surprised him, and his eyes sparkled.

Xuehu stared, and then blinked after a while. Seeing this horrifying scene, it stopped running, grinned, and stood directly at Qin Luoyi's feet, its body shrunk like water. Younger, he nimbly jumped onto Qin Luoyi's hand.

Qin Luoyi bowed his head, smiled and stroked its head.

She knew that the huge figure of Xuehu just now was just a figure that it forcibly transformed with a strange magic, not that it could really change its body freely.

Then his eyes fell on Shangguan Nanqi again.

Shangguan Nan Qi took two deep breaths, and then forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart, waved his hands at the people around him and shouted coldly: "Take her down for me."

There were more than a dozen figures rushing over like arrows from the string, all of them were cultivators from the Zifu. Dare to go up to find death.

Protecting Shangguan Nan Qi and retreating, he felt relatively safe, so he stopped.Shangguan Nan Qi looked at Qin Luoyi carefully with a gloomy face.

What kind of cultivation is it that can instantly throw out all the people who besieged Long Xiaotian?
He thought of Jian Yuyan.

His complexion was even worse.

Contrary to his gloomy and gloomy expression, Long Xiaotian was suddenly shaken. With a snarl, he met one of the purple mansion cultivators. The purple mansion turned into a long sword and slashed at him fiercely.

The other people who rushed towards Qin Luoyi only felt a flash of silver light, and before they realized what was going on, they all lost their lives, and their bodies fell to the ground like rags.

"how is this possible?"

Shangguan Nan Qi was terrified by this scene.

The rest of the cultivators didn't dare to rush up again, staring at the fallen cultivator with fatal wounds on their necks.When he looked at Qin Yi again, his eyes became full of fear, and those with lower cultivation levels had already turned extremely pale.

These are all cultivators from the Purple Mansion, and any one of them is a famous figure in the Xuantian Continent, and they can dominate one side, but in the hands of Qin Luoyi, these strong men who can dominate one side cannot hide her hit.

At this time, Long Xiaotian's aura was like a rainbow, and he quickly dealt with his opponent. He stood behind Qin Luoyi excitedly and adoringly, his eagle-like eyes swept around, full of evil spirit, when he swept Shangguan Nanqi, that His gaze was so hard that he seemed to eat him raw.

Qin Luoyi glanced at Long Xiaotian.

(End of this chapter)

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