Brother is too evil

Chapter 596 Battle at the Peak

Chapter 596 Battle at the Peak (1)
She doesn't like that after killing Shangguan Nanqi and his son, a person will appear to sneak up on her from time to time. Although she is not afraid of their sneak attack, she has to prevent these people from killing her, and instead go to her teacher, or even herself. family troubles.

Qin Luoyi closed his eyes and meditated inside the house.

Xuehu stayed beside her quietly.

The Baiyu Terrace kept flickering for several hours, and more and more monks came here, some of them were good friends with Long Hengyu on weekdays, and more were the clansmen of the missing women.

Shangguan Nanqi was modest on the surface, but secretly kidnapped the proud daughters of the aristocratic families to make furnaces to improve his cultivation, and even tortured and killed them. Under Qin Luoyi's signal, Long Hengyu sent people to quickly spread out.

Of course, at the same time, there were also other heinous crimes of Shangguan Nanqi that Long Xiaotian had found out. These were just his guesses. evidence.

This is also what Long Xiaotian originally wanted Qin Luoyi to bring out.

By daybreak, nearly a thousand monks had rushed to the vicinity.

Shangguan Zhan also came.

With hundreds of masters, they came on a golden warship. The warship emitted a icy and dazzling golden light and was menacing. With their arrival, a terrifying air surged between the heaven and the earth.

Before they approached the villa, Qin Luoyi sensed their aura, opened his eyes and retreated from the practice, then opened the door and walked out.

Xuehu didn't jump onto her hand this time, but just held his head high and proudly followed beside her, step by step.

Seeing its incomparably cute appearance, Qin Luoyi bent his lips.

She liked this snow fox more and more.

I liked it before, but it was because it was specially caught by two senior brothers as a gift for me, but in the canyon, the snow fox could escape desperately - because it took her to find Shangguan Nanqi in the canyon, and With the intelligence and vigilance of those captured women, this snow fox has at least a [-]% chance of escaping.

This little thing didn't bother to run away by itself, but actually wanted to take her away, which made her fall in love with this little thing from the bottom of her heart.

Brothers and sisters Long Xiaotian and Long Jin were standing outside the courtyard, and even Yang Lian, Zhou Fan and others also came. They were talking in low voices outside the courtyard, and when they saw Qin Luoyi coming out, their eyes lit up.

"That old thief, Shangguan Zhan, brought people here."

Qin Luoyi nodded, and walked out unhurriedly. Long Xiaotian and the others were a step behind, and they all walked behind her, with solemn expressions and murderous aura.

Shangguan Zhan was dressed in a golden battle armor, holding a jade-colored square tripod in his hand. The square tripod had a strange luster and Dao patterns flowing on it. He stood majestically on the golden warship, staring coldly at the people in the other courtyard. monk.

The many monks he brought were also standing on the golden warship, each of them was holding a magic weapon and a long sword, exuding a strong murderous aura, standing behind Shangguan Zhan.

"Where is Long Hengyu?"

Standing in the air, Shangguan Zhan's eyes were like lightning, and he yelled angrily. That yell, implying powerful magic power, was full of energy, which shocked all the weaker monks around the villa to turn pale and tremble slightly. trembling.

Holding a blue long sword in his hand, Long Hengyu took dozens of old men into the sky and stood opposite the golden warship in an instant.The auras of the dozens of people beside them were also very powerful and terrifying.

Among the dozens of people, Qin Luoyi only saw a few of them, and the rest of them probably rushed over after receiving the news.

Shangguan Zhan glanced at them.

Disdain flashed in his proud eyes.

As long as the cultivation base is not the existence of the ninth level of the Zifu, they are all ants in his eyes, and he can take their lives at any time.

Among this group of people, Long Hengyu has the highest cultivation level, and it is said that he has reached the middle level of the ninth level of the Zifu.

His gaze was fixed on Long Hengyu.

"Long Hengyu, what do you want to bring so many people here?" Shangguan Zhan preemptively shouted, while talking, the jade-colored Fangding in his hand trembled slightly, and a more terrifying breath burst out from the tripod.

There was a cold light in Long Hengyu's eyes, and he looked at Shangguan Zhan like a knife. Sure enough, as they expected, Shangguan Zhan had no guilt for what his son had done.Hurting his son and killing Fairy Zixia, I'm afraid they will all become thorns in his eyes and thorns in his flesh at this time, and he will be unhappy if he doesn't pull them out.

Thinking of Long Jin, his gaze became even more serious.

Shangguan Zhan was shocked by his gaze.His pupils shrank sharply, and his expression instantly became more majestic and cold.

"What do I want to do? Shangguan Zhan, I would like to ask why you brought so many people here... Could it be that you brought your son here to punish the relatives of these victims?" Long Hengyu said in a deep voice. Dao, the sound is not loud, but the sound breaks through the clouds and reaches thousands of miles away.

A sneer flashed quickly in Shangguan Zhan's eyes.This Long actually so tough on himself, how confident is he?

The matter of Shangguan Nanqi could no longer be concealed, even he did not expect that it would spread so quickly, it only took one night, and it had already been spread throughout the hundreds of thousands of miles around.

But now he doesn't want to completely turn against these people. Yesterday, his partner Zixia Fairy failed to kill all the people in the forbidden area, and he has missed the best time to kill them. It is impossible for him to know about this now. All of them were killed, but this matter cannot be admitted.

"Long Hengyu, you watched my son grow up. Is he the kind of person who would do such a foolish thing? My Shangguan family has a holy mountain, which is a holy place for cultivation. His cultivation aptitude is also excellent. Yes, I can be satisfied with him as the panacea and spar for cultivation. Does he still need to use a woman as a cultivation furnace for cultivation? Think about it carefully, these are all framed by someone with a heart, trying to pick me up Relationship with everyone!"

Lin Yujiao was trembling with anger.

The two women who were rescued also stared at him angrily.

Faced with the more angry gazes of the crowd, Shangguan Zhan didn't care.

What about the facts?
What about the truth?
As long as he has the strength, these people will not be able to make any big waves if they don't get angry. Today he has more important people to deal with. These people can be temporarily let go, and they can be dealt with slowly in the future.

"Framed?" Long Hengyu sneered: "Shangguan Zhan, now that the evidence is solid, you still help him cover it up. Why, after killing so many people, you still want to cover the sky for him?"

Shangguan Zhan was furious, and said in a cold voice again: "Believe it or not, this is indeed a frame against my Shangguan family. As for who plotted against Nan Qi behind the scenes and killed so many monks, I will definitely find out the real culprit. "

(End of this chapter)

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