Brother is too evil

Chapter 598 Battle at the Peak

Chapter 598 Battle at the Peak (3)
Looking at the group of people around who were obviously going to advance and retreat with her, Qin Luoyi blinked, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

"It seems that you are deliberately trying to fight against me?" After taking a look at Qin Luoyi, he turned to Long Hengyu and said with a sneer: "She can kill Fairy Zixia, do you think she can defeat me too? Want to choose another master? Long Hengyu, I, Shangguanzhan, have not killed people for many years. I think everyone has already forgotten the Zhanding in my hand. Since you are bewitched and obsessed with obsession, I don’t mind letting you go here today. Rivers of blood flow!"

"Hand over Shangguan Nanqi." Long Hengyu was too lazy to talk nonsense with him.

"Kill them!"

With a wave of Shangguan's war hand, dozens of monks rushed out from the golden warship behind them, and rushed towards Long Hengyu and his party.

Soon the people in the sky were fighting together, dazzling light flickered, and the spiritual power in the sky was turbulent. Even the rising sun was obscured and dimmed by the fierce fighting light.

The only ones who didn't do anything were Shangguan Zhan and Qin Luoyi.

The two faced each other coldly, without making a move, but there was a terrifying coercion bursting out from each other's bodies. The monks with lower cultivation bases around them couldn't bear such a powerful coercion, so they hurriedly moved Yuhong towards the back. He jumped out, found a relatively safe position, and distanced himself from them.

Even Long Hengyu and others who were fighting in the sky were already very powerful existences among the thousands of monks who came here, and they couldn't stand the momentum, so they dispersed automatically, each occupying a corner and fighting.

Those who did not participate in the battle focused more on Qin Luoyi. Qin Luoyi was a twelfth-rank alchemist or a cultivator of the Zifu. Many of them had already heard about it. It didn't take much time to defeat Fairy Zixia. They were even more shocked, and they all wanted to see with their own eyes what kind of state her cultivation base had reached.

The Shangguan Zhan of the Shangguan family is the peak monk of the Zifu. Besides him, the Shangguan family also has several ninth-rank monks of the Zifu, and Long Hengyu of the Long family is only slightly weaker than Shangguanzhan on this continent. .

If it was just Long Hengyu fighting against Shangguan, even if Long Hengyu had many families of the victimized women in this continent, the chances of winning would not be great, because the Shangguan family is one of the seven great families in the Xuantian Continent after all, with a deep foundation. There are many strong ones.

However, it would be different if Qin Luoyi could stop the Shangguan battle. With Long Hengyu's cultivation base, he had a great chance of winning against those ninth-level monks in the Zifu.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the monks became even hotter. Shangguan Nanqi not only used female monks as a furnace to practice and abused female monks at will, but also more than a dozen genocide tragedies that occurred in the Western Regions in the past few hundred years were all related to him. He cannot be made to pay for his life today. He will really become the patriarch of the Shangguan family in the future. How can monks in the Western Regions survive in the next few thousand years?
The jade-colored Fang Ding flew out, spun rapidly towards Qin Luoyi, and soon stopped in the sky above Qin Luoyi's head. From the position of the tripod's mouth, a dazzling light suddenly flashed, and in the middle of the dazzling light was a The huge vortex wanted to suck Qin Luoyi into it.

Qin Luoyi threw the snow fox in his hand away.

With a thought, a silver long sword was summoned from the space of the bracelet. The long sword surged dozens of times, and the tip of the sword carried extremely strong power, and went straight towards the vortex.


With a loud noise, the long sword was swallowed by the vortex.

"Ha ha!"

Shangguan Zhan looked up to the sky and laughed, the heart he had been carrying was finally let go, and he felt elated, most of the depression that he had suffered at the hands of Jian Yuyan at the beginning was finally gone.

All the monks on the golden warship also laughed out loud.

But the surroundings of the villa fell into silence, and the worry in everyone's eyes was that Shangguan Zhan hadn't missed it, and he laughed even more freely.

Yu Ding crushed towards Qin Luoyi even more viciously.

Qin Luoyi summoned a long sword again, this time she avoided the Jade Cauldron, the long sword pointed directly at Shangguan Zhan, Shangguan Zhan finally stopped laughing, and with a cold snort, he directly recalled the Jade Cauldron to block Qin Luoyi's attack .

Qin Luoyi's sword is extremely flexible, like a swimming dragon. While avoiding the terrifying Fang Ding, he looked at the opportunity and slashed at Shangguan Zhan. After a while, the two were evenly matched. .

Shangguan Zhan raised his heart that had just been let go.

The people around watching the battle became more and more excited, their eyes burning.

Qin Luoyi was actually able to fight Shangguan Zhan.

That is the peak cultivator of the Zifu!

Those whose cultivation level is less than the middle level of the Purple Mansion actually can't see the figures of Qin Luoyi and Shangguan Zhan clearly. They can only see the phantoms of a jade tripod and a long sword appearing and disappearing in the air. The more intense it became, from mid-air to high-altitude, the sound of rumbling impact could be heard endlessly.

Without the existence of Shangguan Zhan, the peak monk in the Zifu, Long Hengyu and his party were so morale, but they killed a high-ranking monk from the Shangguan family in a short time.

The monks on the golden warship couldn't bear it any longer and rushed down from the warship to join the battle. Long Xiaotian and others who had been watching the battle on the ground shouted and also rushed up.



A golden figure fell from the sky, accompanied by fragments of the jade-colored square tripod.

"The cauldron is broken?"

This scene stunned the monks who were fighting fiercely, they all stopped and looked up into the sky.

Qin Luo's clothes were fluttering, and his meandering figure stood gracefully in the air. The falling golden figure was Shangguan Zhan. Shangguan Zhan's face was pale at this time. Two monks from the Shangguan family rushed up to catch him, but scoffed. With a bang, he spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Shangguan is defeated!"

Some monks cheered.

"Hand over Shangguan Nanqi!"

"Let Shangguan Nanqi pay for his life!"

Shangguan Zhan's face became even uglier, and he couldn't help but spit out another mouthful of blood. Looking at Qin Luoyi who fell from the sky, Long Hengyu and others immediately greeted him. Until now, he never imagined how he was defeated by the Qin Luoyi's hands, and her own war tripod was also destroyed by her.

Qin Luoyi walked towards Shangguan Zhan, there was no joy of defeating him in those pitch-black phoenix eyes, and the calmness made him startled.

He quickly crushed two jade slips.

Qin Luoyi hooked his lips.

She stopped.

Two old figures came directly tearing through the void, glanced at the pale Shangguan Zhan, and then landed on Qin Luozhu.

"Shangguan De!"

"Shangguan Xiuzhu!"

"God...they haven't been born for thousands of years, I didn't expect them to be alive!"

Shangguan Zhan stepped forward to salute them: "Old Ancestor, you are here." There was a touch of shame on his pale face.

(End of this chapter)

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