Brother is too evil

Chapter 600 The Arrival of the Men

Chapter 600 The Arrival of the Men (2)
Long Hengyu looked at her incomparably elegant figure in the air, turned around and exchanged glances with the monks beside him, and a flash of determination flashed in everyone's eyes.

"Miss Qin, it's better for you to go, the farther you go, the better, I only hope that in the future, after the girl's cultivation is complete, she can kill the bastards of the Shangguan family who care about human life, and I will rest in peace under the nine springs! "

Holding the long sword, he led people to kill again.

"court death!"

Shangguan Xiuzhu yelled sharply, and a silver light shot out from his body. A picture of the sun, moon and stars quickly appeared above his head. There were thousands of stars on it, and dozens of them were emitting dazzling light. And the terrifying rays of light shot towards the crowd who rushed forward.

A gleam flashed in Qin Luoyi's eyes.

This Shangguan Xiuzhu actually broke through to the peak of the Zifu, and even cultivated the map of the sun, moon, and stars. No wonder Shangguan Zhan was able to come to her without fear, but the stars on the map of the sun, moon, and stars are too bright. Too little.

The body shot out like light smoke, and quickly pinched out a hand formula in his hand. A black and white Tai Chi pattern quickly appeared in the air, blocking the front of everyone, and the stars on the sun, moon, and stars chart The power is all sucked into the Tai Chi Diagram.

"how is this possible?"

Shangguan Xiuzhu was shocked, and looked at Qin Luoyi with a stunned look, as if looking at her like a monster, no one knew better than him how lethal his sun, moon, and stars map was.

When he first cultivated the map of the sun, moon and stars, in order to test its power, he used tens of thousands of monks in a small town to test it. Among those monks, there were even monks from the Zifu, but no one escaped successfully.

Those who are touched by the light of the stars will instantly lose their souls!
But now he has cultivated the sun, moon and stars map for hundreds of years, and its power is dozens of times greater than that at the beginning.

He started his exercises, and with a livid face, he quickly injected more energy into the map of the sun, moon and stars, trying to strangle Qin Luoyi to death.

The light of the stars became even more dazzling, the sky and the earth trembled, and the spiritual power within a thousand miles around surged towards the sun, moon and stars map, but Qin Luoyi still stood there gracefully, and the Tai Chi map captured all his powers. The attack was sucked in, and it was like a chaotic bottomless pit, weird and unpredictable.

"It turns out that she has also broken through to the peak of the ninth rank of the Purple Mansion!" Shangguan De's face was expressionless, but the shock in his eyes could not be concealed, and then he looked at Qin Luoyi even hotter, and said to Shangguan: "You are too negligent. You should have informed us about Yuan Tianzhu's reappearance."

Time has dragged on for too long, but now it has become a serious problem.

"We didn't even know that the Hunyuan Dzi had already appeared in this world." Shangguan Zhan smiled wryly. Before that, he even suspected that the Hunyuan Dzi was in the hands of Jian Yuyan. How can people not block his blow?
A cold light flashed in Shangguan De's eyes.

"I don't know? Doesn't the Hunyuan Dzi bead have visions every time it advances? And the higher the cultivation level, the stronger the vision when it is promoted. She has already broken through the peak of the Zifu. How could you I don't know that the Hunyuan Dzi Bead has appeared?"

"I also find it strange, Qin Luoyi... It's only been a few years since she was promoted to Xuanfu, and her cultivation speed is many times faster than those who have obtained Hunyuan Dzi Bead before. I heard that she is still an innate holy body, but The vision has never appeared once, otherwise there are so many monks in the Xuantian Continent, how could they tolerate her living peacefully until now?" Shangguan Zhan was also very depressed.

Shangguan Xiuzhu's face was a little pale when Qin Luoyi was fighting, and the stars on the sun, moon, and star map gradually dimmed, while Qin Luoyi still looked calm and clear. Shangguande knew that Shangguan Xiuzhu's body I'm afraid his strength was exhausted, his face changed, and he snorted softly, no longer caring about being said to be bullying a junior together, he rushed forward with a flash of his figure.

"Get out!"

Shangguan Xiuzhu didn't hold on anymore, put away the star map with a pale face and retreated.

"Qin Luoyi, it's no wonder you dare to challenge my Shangguan family. With this level of cultivation, you really have nothing to fear, but do you think this Xuantian Continent can let you run amok? People from my Shangguan family can let you kill !"

With a sharp shout, a map of stars and stars appeared on top of his head again. Compared with the map of the sun, moon, and stars cultivated by Shangguan Xiuzhu just now, Shangguan De's map of the sun, moon, and stars is obviously much brighter. There are two stars lit up. There are more than a hundred stars, and those stars also exude terrifying and dazzling light, and there are more spiritual power rushing away between the heaven and the earth.

When Qin Luoyi and Shangguande were confronting each other, the embarrassed Shangguan Xiuzhu swallowed a elixir resentfully, and looked coldly at the excited Long Hengyu and others, feeling very upset. The idea of ​​killing them and allowing them to live for a while was forgotten. These people who were disloyal to his Shangguan family and rebellious could no longer stay.


He spoke coldly.

Shangguan Zhan understood the meaning of the ancestor, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he rushed out with all the monks on the golden warship. The monks held law enforcement weapons and flying swords, ready to slaughter them all.

The two sides quickly fought together.

The killing sound is shocking.

Shangguan Xiuzhu took the elixir, sacrificed the map of the sun, moon and stars again, and went towards Long Xiaotian and others with the strongest cultivation base. He wanted to cover Long Xiaotian and others into the map of stars and tear them apart Wash away the depression of Qin Luoyi's defeat just now.

At this time, Qin Luoyi was completely covered by the map of the sun, moon and stars sacrificed by Shangguande. Shangguande's eyes couldn't hide his color, thinking that he had the chance to win, but the figure that was originally shrouded moved, directly from the dazzling light. He stretched out a hand, that hand was as white as jade, extremely beautiful, and it landed on the top of Shangguan Xiuzhu's head, tearing his star map apart with a single movement of his fingers.

Shangguan Xiuzhu didn't even come back to his senses, his body was hit hard, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Shangguan De was so stunned that he forgot to continue attacking Qin Luoyi, and suddenly looked at Qin Luoyi who was covered by his star map as if he was looking at a monster.

Seriously injured Shangguan Xiuzhu - well, not seriously injured, in fact, he was already crippled, Qin Luoyi withdrew his hand again, and looked at Shangguan De calmly with his pitch-black phoenix eyes.

Shangguan De felt cold all over.

What kind of terrifying cultivation was able to break through the powerful restriction of his sun, moon, and star map, and seriously injure people outside?Qin Luoyi's cultivation was beyond his expectation!

Shangguan Nanqi, who was standing on the golden boat, had been complacently waiting to see Qin Luoyi be caught. At that time, he would take the Hunyuan Dzi from her body with his own hands. Seeing this scene, he was completely stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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