Chapter 605
"There is no magic."

She said lightly.

Shangguande didn't believe it, and wiped off the blood from the corner of his lips. He looked at Qin Luoyi with weird eyes, murmured words of disbelief, and at the same time walked towards Qin Luoyi unconsciously, looking very distraught, But when he was about to approach Qin Luoyi, he suddenly rushed towards Qin Luoyi, his body swelled rapidly, and he wanted to blow himself up and die with Qin Luoyi.

"court death!"

Bai Yi let out a soft shout, and a silver light suddenly shot out from his hand, shooting into Shangguan De's hand, and suddenly many strange runes and silver threads appeared on Shangguan De's body, covering his whole body He couldn't let himself go, and he couldn't get rid of it.

Shangguan De was terrified.

At this time, all the monks of the Shangguan family had been killed, and only Shangguan De was left. All the monks stared at this scene with burning eyes. burn to death.

Seeing this scene, Liu Hanqing, who was standing in the far corner, suddenly became cold all over, as if she had fallen into a hole in the ice for nine days.

The Holy Mountain is near Xiling City in the Western Regions. It was originally a very important forbidden place belonging to the Shangguan family. It is heavily guarded. The important place of the Shangguan family is in Xiling City. The important reason for choosing Xiling City as the core of the family is because of the nearby holy mountain.

But overnight, the current holy mountain no longer belonged to the Shangguan family. A great battle almost wiped out all the masters of the Shangguan family, and changed the sky in the Western Regions.

Although there are still many members of the Shangguan family in Xiling City, after the defeat in the war, many well-informed monks immediately fled Xiling City, but although their actions were fast, those monks who had enmity with the Shangguan family also moved quickly , Immediately went to hunt down.

Most of the people who escaped were intercepted, because there were no masters from the Zifu, and even few monks from the Yufu, less than one in ten managed to escape in the end.

Blood flowed instantly in Xiling City.

This time, because of rumors of the Hunyuan Dzi Bead, there were a lot of monks who came to the Western Regions. Taking advantage of the downfall of the Shangguan family, those monks who were no longer afraid to go to Qin Luoyi to snatch the Hunyuan Dzi Bead turned to looting.

They not only quickly attacked Xiling City where the Shangguan family was located, but also the forbidden land of the Shangguan family, wanting to seize all kinds of rare treasures accumulated by the Shangguan family for countless thousands of years that can help cultivation, and even other things that have nothing to do with the Shangguan family His family also suffered catastrophe in the chaos.

Apart from the destroyed Shangguan family, the most powerful family in the entire western region at this time is the Long family where Long Hengyu belongs.

However, the Long family did not take advantage of the downfall of the Shangguan family to dominate the Western Regions. Instead, they immediately surrendered to Qin Luoyi and swore allegiance to her. Those aristocratic families who have been standing firmly behind Qin Luo.

The other aristocratic families from the Western Regions who heard the news were very surprised, but seeing that the war in the Western Regions was about to start, without the family of Shangguan who was on par with the other six major families in the Xuantian Continent, the Western Regions could not escape being divided up by many powerful people in the Xuantian Continent. Fate, this directly and seriously threatened the status of the local family in the Western Regions.

Those families who were worried about being robbed and killed and had nothing to do with the Shangguan family were probably their lessons learned. They all knew that the Western Regions must be guarded by a strong man. Overlord, in just two days, Qin Luoyi replaced the Shangguan family at an incredible speed and ruled the Western Regions.

The elder brother of the direct relative is the direct disciple of the Qin family, the two senior brothers are the young master of the Feng family, the other is the young master of the Duanmu family, and the other is the young master of the Huangfu family. The grace of saving her life... coupled with her decisiveness in killing the Shangguan family, made those monks who wanted to take advantage of the chaos to plunder and carve up the Western Regions completely give up their minds.

With Qin Luoyi's deterrence, the bloody storm that permeated Xiling City quickly calmed down, and the several forbidden places of the Shangguan family were taken over by Long Hengyu, and they were strictly guarded. A war that was about to start disappeared without a trace .

The holy mountain is not high, but only a thousand meters, covering an area of ​​tens of kilometers, but the whole holy mountain is shrouded in thin mist, and occasionally there are colorful lights flashing on the mountain, covering the holy mountain with a layer of sacredness. And unpredictable colors.

Qin Tian was in a hurry, riding the divine rainbow, and shot quickly from a distance, and soon landed beside the gate of the holy mountain.

Several monks in green clothes with long swords were guarding the mountain gate. The leader was Long Xiaotian. Qin Mo was leisurely walking around the mountain gate with a folding fan in his hand. Seeing him coming, he rushed to the gate with a smile. He waved.

Qin Tian walked over quickly, his eyes were dark and bright, shining brightly, and his expression looked very happy.

"It's really extraordinary that this holy mountain can be listed as a forbidden place by the Shangguan family." Qin Mo smiled at Qin Tian. , so that the spiritual power inside the holy mountain is more than several times stronger than the outside, and what is even more rare is that there are many strange formations that complement this spirit-gathering formation, which can condense the power of stars between heaven and earth on this mountain. The power of the stars is also countless times stronger than outside, tsk, the speed of practicing here is at least three to five times faster than outside."

Qin Tian also studied the formation very well. Following the direction of Qin Tian's fingers, he quickly saw a lot of ways, nodded in agreement, and then said: "It's a pity that this formation has been lost. I heard Master Long said that the Shangguan family There have been people who have been studying the formations on the holy mountain and want to build a few more holy mountains, but unfortunately they haven't studied it thoroughly."

"It's also fortunate that he didn't study it thoroughly." Qin Mo smiled, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes. The Shangguan family actually had two monks who broke through to the peak of the Purple Mansion, and that incomparably powerful golden warship. With a few holy mountains coming out, this Xuantian Continent may never be peaceful again.

"How long have you been here?" Qin Tian had something to do. Although he was interested in the formation, he was not in a hurry to figure it out at this moment, so he changed the subject: "Do you know where they are?"

Because of the formation, although there is strong spiritual power and star power in the holy mountain, the range of spiritual perception is limited. Even if he is already a peak monk in the Zifu, he can only enter this small holy mountain. Can see with eyes like a normal person.

Qin Mo shook his head.

He was also here to find Qin Luoyi, Feng Feili and the others, but he came for a while, but when he arrived at the entrance of the holy mountain and saw Long Xiaotian curiously studying the formation, he couldn't help but went to study with him , so it took a lot of time.

He raised his hand to attract Long Xiaotian.

Although the spiritual sense in the holy mountain is limited, it is impossible to quickly use the spiritual sense to perceive where the person you are looking for is, but there is a strange gossip map hidden at the entrance of the mountain, where you can see the location of the person in the holy mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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