Brother is too evil

Chapter 608 White Clothes' Confession

Chapter 608 White Clothes' Confession (1)
Yu Shenhong quickly passed over.

She took out a crystal clear emerald green jade pendant from her body, and shook it at Qin Tian with a smile: "Brother, how about this jade pendant?"

Qin Tian looked at the jade pendant. The jade pendant was oval in shape, with exquisite cloud patterns engraved on it... There was a glimmer of light in his dark eyes, and the bottom of his eyes darkened, he curled his lips and nodded with a smile: "It's very beautiful."

Because of that faint smile, the already handsome face suddenly added a bit of charm.

Looking at his appearance, Qin Luoyi knew that he liked it very much, so the smile on his face became even brighter: "I specially picked this jade pendant for you, I saw this jade pendant yesterday, and thought it was very suitable for you. "

Qin Tian's eyes softened.

Qin Luoyi took out the tassels that he had prepared in advance, put on the jade pendant, sat on the jade stool on one side, and tied it around Qin Tian's waist himself.

Qin Tian lowered his eyes slightly, and he could see the blue hair all over her head, and even smell the nice and elegant fragrance on her body, as well as the bright red pendant on her ear shaking slightly with the movement of her fastening the jade pendant, His heart couldn't help shaking.

Reluctantly, he reached out and took her hand.

Qin Luoyi, who was busy and was about to tie it soon, raised his head and looked at him suspiciously: "Brother, what's wrong?"

Qin Tian held her hand tighter and tighter.

The slender hands in his hands are very delicate, and the muscles are like creamy fat. They are so warm that he is reluctant to let go. He just wants to hold them like this forever. The way she raises her head and looks at her with her dark phoenix eyes makes his heart flutter even more. When the two were very close, he could even clearly see the slender eyelashes on her eyes.

When her eyes fell on her red lips, her eyes became even hotter, with a touch of jealousy, that red lips were very delicate and beautiful at this time, and it was Chu Yifeng who made her so beautiful!

He couldn't help leaning down slightly, but when he caught a glimpse of the doubtful look in those phoenix eyes, he suddenly stopped, calmly and quickly suppressed the strange emotion in his eyes, let go of the soft pancreas in his hand, He smiled and said, "I'll do it myself."

Bowing his head, he quickly tied the jade pendant, and tied a concentric knot, which was very beautiful.

Seeing this, Qin Luoyi heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. It turned out that he disliked her for not looking good. Just now, when Qin Tian was like that, he suddenly grabbed her hand, which really shocked her.

Qin Tian has been paying attention to her expression. Seeing that her expression has returned to normal, he feels disappointed. He looked at the jade pendant hanging on his waist and the tassel, but said with a smile: "You give me this jade pendant. Don't be afraid of me. Broken it again?"

Qin Luoyi looked at him speechlessly.

In fact, the two jade pendants she gave him are not easy to break, okay?This jade pendant has been sacrificially refined, and there is a storage space inside.

"It's just a piece of jade. If it breaks, it will break..." She waved her hand indifferently, but secretly decided in her heart that if it was true that he would break even this jade pendant, she might as well get him ten yuan. Eight yuan is ready.

This jade pendant can be regarded as a close-fitting item, and she is really curious about how he broke these jade pendants.

"Hey, let's go, what do you brothers and sisters have to say now? How long will it take for you to finish talking, can't you talk about it tomorrow?" A clear voice came to mind outside the pavilion, and Qin Mo walked away quickly from a distance Come over, Chu Yifeng also walked over, Chu Yifeng's eyes fell directly on Qin Luoyi's body, and there was a scorching fire in his eyes.

But before they walked out of the pavilion, Qin Tian suddenly turned around and walked out quickly: "It's over, let's go." When he reached Qin Mo's side, he turned his head and said to Qin Luoyi: "Just now, mother Looking for you."

Qin Lingyun's cultivation is still at the peak of a martial saint.

It is because there is no skill that can cultivate a mansion in the Holy Dragon Continent, and the bigger reason is that the spiritual power and star power in the Holy Dragon Continent are too weak compared to Penglai Xiandao and Xuantian Continent. Even with suitable exercises, it is impossible to cultivate a mansion in such an external environment.

After all, Qin Lingyun is not a disciple of the Piaomiao Sect. She can't let him practice the most respected "Supreme Sutra" of the Piaomiao Sect. On the cultivation continent, if he is not a disciple of his own sect or a certain family, he can practice their skills. Taboo.

Now Qin Luoyi has no shortage of skills. There are many ready-made skills in Xueshamen, Dongtianfudi, and even the Shangguan family's bookstore. Among these skills, the Shangguan family's skills are counted. The law is the best.

Qin Luoyi took a lot of thought, and personally picked out a high-level exercise "Taishang Dafa" from it to prepare for her father to practice. To cultivate out of the mansion, one must be able to sense and absorb the power of stars between heaven and earth. The power of the stars, no matter how good the exercises are, are useless.

But Qin Luoyi has great confidence in her father.

In a place like the Holy Dragon Continent where spiritual power is scarce, he was able to sing all the way to the peak of Martial Saints, becoming No. 1 in the cultivation world of the Holy Dragon Continent. There should be no problem in cultivating the power of the Xuanfu.

It's just that Xie Ruyan can't practice, which makes her very worried.The nourishing elixir that she made in the past can only improve her appearance and delay aging, and it has no great benefit to her lifespan.

Even if she is now proficient in many alchemy techniques and supplemented with many rare spiritual plants, at most she can prolong her life for another hundred years.Qin Lingyun is now at the pinnacle of Martial Saint, and his lifespan is 500 years. If he cultivates out of Xuanfu again, his lifespan will continue to increase.

She was reborn in another world, Xie Ruyan, Qin Lingyun and Qin Tian are her closest people, and Xie Ruyan has always cared for her, just like her biological mother.

Whether you say she is selfish or hypocritical, she really doesn't want Xie Ruyan's life to be fleeting like fireworks—well, maybe longer than fireworks, but compared to her and her eldest brother's life, her life is really like a flash in the pan .

She wanted to keep this family affection as much as possible. Xie Ruyan didn't know that the soul of this body had changed, but she had truly regarded her as her own mother over the years.

Xie Ruyan knew that her trouble was that she couldn't cultivate, so she hugged her happily, stroked her hair and sighed, "Life and death are fate, wealth and honor are in the sky, in this life I can meet your father, and get to know him well." Shou, I have you again... Your elder brother also respects me a lot, I am content."

Looking at her eyes are full of love.

Xie Ruyan is open-minded and open-minded, but Qin Luoyi still does not give up. She knows that Chu Yifeng and Qin Tian's cultivation aptitude, as well as Qin Mo's cultivation aptitude, were all modified by Mr. Qin against the sky. They used the spirit marrow. The aptitude itself is excellent, especially Qin Tian and Chu Yifeng, who used to be limited to practicing exercises and heaven and earth spiritual power on the Shenglong Continent, and they were only about 20 years old when they became venerables.

After using the spiritual marrow, their cultivation aptitude has reached a perverted level. If not, it is impossible to cultivate from the Venerable to the Jade Mansion in just a few years, and it is only a short period of time to use the spiritual water. In a month or two, they successfully attacked the Purple Mansion again.

(End of this chapter)

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