Brother is too evil

Chapter 618 The Death of Qin Ao

Chapter 618 The Death of Qin Ao (1)
Feng Jin asked out her doubts.

"When Xie Luo fled into the void and was caught up by us, he chose to explode himself. It is reasonable to say that he should have died at that time, but in fact he did not die, because a small drop of inconspicuous blood essence protected him. After we left, it used a strange spell to condense its body again, and then took Zhou Qing's house."

And she noticed something strange at that time, and Bai Yi also noticed it, but neither of them made a sound, as if they didn't notice, they left straight away, but Xie Luo didn't know that Qin Luoyi had been letting the puppet in Tsing Yi follow him after he left. , pay attention to his whereabouts, so it is very clear that not long after she and Bai Yi left, Xie Luo was reborn.

"How could the ghost monk seize the did he do it?" All the monks still felt a little inconceivable.

"It is naturally impossible for ordinary ghost monks to seize their homes, but Xie Luo is different, because he has formed a contract with human monks, someone sold his soul to him, and he has practiced a strange spell, relying on this spell , he finally successfully seized his home and was reborn." Of course, he still took a lot of risks during this process.

The result is also beautiful. If Qin Luoyi hadn't pointed out that he was a ghost monk today, and Bai Yi had taken action to confirm his identity, he would be able to live freely for thousands of years under Zhou Qing's identity, without having to suffer from ghosts. Restrictions on where monks practice.

The ghost monk who can seize the body and rebirth, Xie Luo is the No. 1 in all ages.

"Who is the person who sold your soul to you?" Knowing that Xie Luo would never die if he did not kill the person who sold his soul to him. He said coldly, his voice was full of cold evil spirit.

It didn't take him much time to heal his wounds in the two months since he came out of the Shushan Mountains, and after returning to Feng's house, he began to investigate the matter of Luocha Mountain.

There are too many monks missing in Luoshashan. As the overlord of the central region, the Liu family has never noticed it. No matter how you look at it, it is a bit abnormal. Unfortunately, no favorable evidence was found.

Just thinking about what Qin Luoyi said just now, there is already someone in his heart.

Zhou Qing lowered his head and said nothing, completely planning to ignore the people around him to the end.If he doesn't tell that person, he still has a chance of life. If he tells him, he will only have a dead end, and a fool knows what to do.

"Girl, you should know who that person is?" Old Master Qin suddenly asked her, "Speak out, we can't let such a disaster continue to harm the world."

Qin Luoyi smiled and nodded: "I know, fellow Taoist Liu Hanqing has been in contact with him, and he is the one who led Zhou Qing to Xie Luo's side. The news about you is quietly released on your old birthday."

"Qin Luoyi, you speak nonsense without proof. I actually sold my soul to a ghost monk. What is your intention?" Liu Hanqing was completely angry.

Liu Qingcheng glared at her even more angrily, wanting to curse at her, but when he saw the white clothes standing to the side and Feng Feili and others with cold expressions, he dared not speak at all.She knew her current cultivation level, and they could crush her to death with just a casual pinch.

"You still don't want to admit it?" A gleam flashed in Qin Luoyi's eyes.

"How unreasonable! How do you want me to admit what I haven't done?" Liu Han said angrily.

Liu Hanfei also opened his mouth: "Everyone can get ghost monks and punish them. Since Zhou Qing is a ghost monk, he should kill the person who sold his soul to him. Announce to the world, and the adults will search together, and the real demon will always be found. I also know that you and my niece Qingcheng are a little unhappy, but because of this you insist that my brother bought his soul to a ghost monk, this is too childish!"

Qin Luoyi didn't even look at Liu Hanfei, but looked sideways at Bai Yi, and said with a smile, "They don't want to admit it yet."

"Don't worry, I'll let them admit it." Bai Yi looked at her and hooked the corners of her lips, and a purple magic seal quickly formed on her hand, which directly pierced Zhou Tian's eyes.

He fixed his head again so that he would not hang down.

Vivid pictures appeared in front of everyone, and even the voices of the people inside could be heard. They saw that Xie Luo was forced out of the pool of blood by Qin Luoyi and others, and then escaped again. Self-explosion in the void...

"Sure enough, it was Liu Hanqing who helped him seize the house!"

"You actually sold your soul to a ghost monk, scum, kill him!"

When the pictures were frozen in the direction of the gate of Kaiyang City at this time, those pictures completely disappeared.

Xie Luo's face turned gray.

" can only go back one month, how come it's two months now!"

He is naturally very afraid of Bai Yi. Bai Yi can only know what happened a month ago from his eyes. He remembers clearly. He calculated the time of Qin Yanzhi's birthday, and purposely arranged everything in advance until a month and a half later. , except for the members of the Shangguan family, he never touched anyone else.

Qin Luoyi naturally wouldn't tell him that it was because of Bai Yi's strange state in the ice field, and Bai Yi's cultivation base had greatly increased, and it would be no problem to look at it for a month or two later.

Liu Hanqing also looked ashamed.

Liu Qingcheng's chest heaved violently and almost passed out.

Facing the extremely angry monks around him, Liu Hanfei quickly weighed it up, knowing that he would not be able to keep his younger brother today, and if he failed, the Liu family would be implicated by him.

"You bastard!"

With one palm, he sent Liu Hanqing flying.

Liu Hanfei is not a peak cultivator in Zifu, but Liu Hanqing is only a fourth-rank cultivator in Zifu. Liu Hanqing took a slap and managed to stabilize her figure, but suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood, looking extremely pale. With Liu Hanfei.

Liu Hanfei's expression was cold and angry.

His heart sank suddenly.


Liu Qingcheng was stunned by this scene, she didn't expect that her uncle would actually do this in front of the monks at the gate of the city without saving any face.

She rushed out, supported her father, stared at Qin Luoyi angrily but viciously, and said sharply: "Uncle, how could you do this! That man clearly used sorcery. What everyone saw just now It's an illusion, how could my father collude with ghost monks? Can our Liu family collude with ghost monks! It's just some false pictures, even you don't believe my father, what kind of person is my father? Don’t you understand? How could you treat my father like that because of that man’s sorcery! My Liu family is one of the seven great families in the Xuantian Continent, and today even my direct disciples can only swallow their anger and allow me to be eaten by mermaids… ..."

(End of this chapter)

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