Brother is too evil

Chapter 621 Hunyuan Dzi Bead

Chapter 621 Hunyuan Dzi Bead (2)
"Later... Mr. Qin Ao and his wife were really powerful. They almost killed all the people who took Liu Hanqing away. Although they were injured, the injuries were not fatal. Hmph, when Liu Hanqing saw Mr. Qin Ao rush He rushed over, frightened to death, but it's a pity that Mr. Qin Ao and his wife failed to kill him, and Liu Hanqing actually summoned two ghost cultivators!"

"It turned out to be like this... I said that Mr. Qin Ao is amazing and beautiful. How could ordinary people take their lives? This Liu Hanqing is really hateful. The collusion with ghost monks not only killed so many fellow Taoists in Xuantian Continent, but also He also used them to take the lives of his sworn brothers."

"What is it that actually made him want to kill Master Qin Ao?"

"It's too cheap for a bastard like Liu Hanqing to kill him with one knife, so he should be killed three thousand times, and then throw his soul into the soul refining pool. He will never be freed forever."

All the monks around stared at Liu Hanqing with righteous indignation.Liu Qingcheng staggered and almost fell to the ground. His face was so pale that there was no human color, and he felt that his future was gloomy.

"Those two ghost cultivators couldn't kill Mr. Qin!" Dahei heard the voices of discussion around him and denied it loudly: "Although Mr. Qin Ao was seriously injured because of dealing with those two ghost cultivators, the two ghost cultivators The injury was even worse, and he almost lost his life. In the end, he ran away in embarrassment, and took Liu Hanqing away before leaving. Those two ghost cultivators were also capable, and they were able to take people away under Mr. Qin's nose , otherwise... Humph, how could Liu Hanqing still survive till now!"

"It wasn't my father who killed it!" Liu Qingcheng heard these words, and couldn't help murmuring joyfully, his face was finally not so pale, but a blush appeared on his face because of being too excited, and the corners of his mouth were even crinkled. An erratic smile.

Liu Hanfei also seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Qin Ao didn't chase after him. The husband and wife took the child and quickly ran out of Fuyang Mountain. After leaving Fuyang Mountain, they met Qi Wan, a ninth-rank monk from the Qin family's Zifu."

But Qi Wan didn't meet Qin Ao and his wife by chance, she was already inside Fuyang Mountain, because she knew the reason why Liu Hanqing led people to hunt down their husband and wife, so she deliberately waited outside Fuyang Mountain, pretending to meet by chance Taking advantage of Qin Ao's serious injuries, he directly attacked Yu Lian. Yu Lian was seriously injured immediately, leaving only one breath.

On normal days, with Yu Lian's cultivation, it is impossible for Qi Wan to hurt her, but at this time, she did not expect Qi Wan to sneak attack, and the other is because she was already seriously injured.

Hearing this, the corners of old master Qin's eyes became moist.

Qin Mu clenched his fist even more tightly, with a pained look on his face.

Yu Lian... was actually killed by Qi Wan!
"Fortunately, the child was held in the hands of Mr. Qin Ao at that time. Qi Wan only hurt Yu Lian, but not the child. When something happened suddenly, after Mr. Qin Ao realized it, he rushed towards Qi Wan, while following her Tisha took the opportunity to feed Yu Lian medicine pills, but unfortunately, Miss Yu Lian was injured too badly, those medicine pills could not save her life, so she died soon."

Having said that, he glanced at Liu Hanqing coldly.

Liu Hanqing also looked at him, her eyes were extremely dark, her face was extremely pale, and there was a strange blue color in the whiteness.

"Just after Miss Yu breathed her last, a green bead flew out of Miss Yu's body. The bead exuded green light. Qi Wan was overjoyed and wanted to snatch the bead, but the bead was very strange. I couldn't grab the bead with all my strength, and the bead circled around and flew directly into the child's body." When it said this, it deliberately described the bead well.

Feng Feili couldn't hide the shock in her heart.

The shape of the bead that Dahei mentioned is clearly the Hunyuan Dzi!
After seeing the white clothes of Hunyuan Dzi in Qin Luoyi's body, Jian Yuyan, Chu Yifeng, Duanmu Changqing and others also understood instantly, and their eyes could not help but fall on Qin Luoyi.

Qin Luoyi was also completely shocked.

Unexpectedly, this matter went around and around, and it actually came to her.If the Hunyuan Dzi that flew out of Yu Lian's body was indeed the Hunyuan Dzi, wouldn't it mean that... he was not the child of Xie Ruyan and Qin Lingyun at all, but the child of Qin Ao?Is she the child that the Qin family has been looking for for more than [-] years, but has never given up?

She turned to look at her father.

Qin Lingyun and his wife were looking at her pitifully, Xie Ruyan opened her mouth to speak, but in the end it turned into a murmur, calling her name: "Yi'er..." Her voice was hoarse and full of love.

Qin Luoyi couldn't help feeling sour in his heart.

"That's the Hunyuan Dzi?" Old Master Qin also asked in a hoarse voice, but his eyes were rightly looking at Qin Luoyi.

For the great sects and aristocratic families in Xuantian Continent and Penglai Xiandao, Hunyuan Dzi Beads are no strangers.After all, these people have been around this Hunyuan Dzi for hundreds of years.

Qin Luoyi's eyes resembled Qin Ao's, but his face was not like that, so that he saw her many times, only felt that he had an inexplicable affection for her, but never thought that she would be his granddaughter .

Dahei nodded.

"That is indeed the Hunyuan Dzi."

Old Master Qin's eyes lit up, Qin Mu's eyes lit up too, and Qin Mo couldn't help muttering: "So you are really my sister..."

"It's no wonder Liu Hanqing took action against Mr. Qin Ao's family. It seems that it is because of the Hunyuan Dzi." The monks around also whispered: "Because of the Hunyuan Dzi, they don't care about any brotherhood." .”

"Qi Wan went to snatch the child in the arms of Mr. Qin Ao again. Mr. Qin Ao, who lost his wife, went on a killing spree. Holding the child in one hand, he fought more and more bravely. It's a pity that he was injured too badly, and he still had a child in his hand. , he is naturally not very good at it... I often walk on the Xuantian Continent, and I have heard a lot about the prestige of Mr. Qin Ao. I also admire Mr. Qin Ao very much. Being hurt again by someone trusted by the Qin family, after hesitating for a while, he couldn't help but rush out to help Mr. Qin..."

Hei Di couldn't help but glanced at it.

I always feel like that's not the case.The one who can't move his legs after seeing a baby before will go out to help a stranger out of compassion?No matter how you think about it, it's impossible.

Dahei noticed his suspicion, and his face suddenly became hot. The facts are indeed somewhat different, but... the real situation is hard to tell at this time. It can't tell everyone here. It's because I saw The Hunyuan Dzi, ran out excitedly, trying to fish in troubled waters, and snatched the Hunyuan Dzi, but in the end, he watched helplessly as the bead was snatched by a child who was only a few days old. The ship capsized, but was contracted by a child... Of course, what made him vomit blood the most was that he was actually contracted with a soul contract, which made Dahei, who was so desperate to steal money, finally had to stand up bravely , and Qin Ao teamed up to deal with Qi Wan.

(End of this chapter)

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