Brother is too evil

Chapter 628 Being Fooled Again

Chapter 628 Being Fooled Again (1)
He didn't even spare the ground.

Still no one!
There was a panic on the handsome face that was always as elegant as a fairy. When did Qin Luoyi disappear? He didn't feel it at all. She was worried about Mo Xiao. If he opened up the passage, he would get Mo Xiao down and separate Mo Xiao and Ouyang Ling so that she would not be worried, but unexpectedly, it put her in danger.

She still has Hunyuan Dzi in her body!
Thinking that not long ago, the Hunyuan Dzi Bead wanted to take her home... Although he sealed the bead at that time, the soul inside it should not break free from the bondage in a short time, but he is not afraid of ten thousand, Just in case...

The more he thought about it, the more anxious he became, his face was as dark as ink, his perfect thin lips were tightly pressed, and there was a terrifying storm condensing and raging in his eyes.

Jian Yuyan didn't see Qin Luoyi either.

I had a bad premonition in my heart.

Mr. Qin also felt that something was wrong.

Qin Luoyi obviously came out with Bai Yi, but at this time Wu Qu disappeared, but there was only Bai Yi's figure in the sky, not Qin Luoyi's figure, and he also saw the change in Bai Yi's expression.

"Liu Hanfei and his son are gone!" A cyan figure suddenly flew into the air, knelt down in front of Mr. Qin and said, with an extremely solemn expression: "All the disciples who arranged to guard them were killed."

The white-clothed figure moved and quickly disappeared into the distance. Even though he was far away, he heard the words of the green-clothed disciple clearly.

The place where Liu Hanfei and his son were originally imprisoned had a strong smell of blood, and there were bloodstains and broken limbs everywhere. The white clothes looked around with a cold face, and then rushed out quickly.

Soon they arrived at the place where Liu Qingcheng and Liu Qingyan were imprisoned, and it was the same inside. Liu Qingcheng and Liu Qingyan were no longer there, and the ground was covered with the corpses of the disciples of the Qin family who were guarding them.

The white-clothed general also looked around inside, and then he didn't care about the blood stains on the ground. He sat down cross-legged, and pinched a few strange spells with his fingers again. After that, several figures slowly appeared inside.

One of the women was Qin Luoyi who had suddenly disappeared just now.

On the high platform opposite her, there was a man dressed in gold sitting on the high platform with dark eyes. It was Liu Ziyu, the patriarch of the Liu family. Beside him stood Liu Hanfei and Liu Xuanyi.

Liu Qingcheng and Liu Qingyan were also there.

When Mr. Qin walked in, he happened to see the scene in front of Bai Yi. What else did he not understand?Qin Luoyi clearly fell into Liu Ziyu's hands!
"Liu Ziyu... really is a good skill!"

He actually robbed the person he was imprisoned under his nose, and even took away the granddaughter he had just found with great difficulty. He underestimated that person's cultivation after all!
Old Master Qin gritted his teeth, his dark and deep eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Old Ancestor, you want to avenge my father!" Liu Qingcheng originally thought that he was bound to die, but he didn't expect that he would come back to Liu's house alive. When he saw Old Ancestor Liu, he couldn't help but feel excited. Ten, crying and knelt down in front of Patriarch Liu.

From the corner of his eyes, he glanced at Qin Luoyi who was below the high platform, his eyes were vicious and vicious, and he had already thought of countless ways to torture her in his mind.The strength of Old Ancestor Liu was beyond his expectation. She never expected that Old Ancestor Liu would be able to rescue them from such a tightly guarded Qin family.

Qin Luoyi looked at Liu Qingcheng who was crying so ugly while holding Liu Ziyu's thigh, a faint sarcasm flashed in his pitch-black phoenix eyes.

Seeing this, Liu Qingcheng became even angrier.

He wanted to jump up, but from the corner of his eyes, he glanced at Liu Qingyan and Liu Hanfei, father and son, and finally endured it, crying while adding fuel to the story of how his father was persecuted and finally killed by Qin Luoyi Speak up.

Fortunately, after this incident, her father was dead, and knowing that she was different in the Liu family, she was smart enough not to tell Liu Hanfei to her face that Liu Hanfei had given up on his father in order to protect himself, and wanted his father to bear all the crimes alone. come out.

"Son, you have suffered, don't worry, your father will not die in vain, I will definitely avenge him. I will send those people to your father's funeral one by one!" Liu Ziyu patted her on the shoulder , and then walked down from the high platform, one step at a time, walking very slowly, but the gloomy but excited eyes kept falling on Qin Luoyi's body.

Liu Qingcheng raised her chin slightly and followed behind Liu Ziyu.

Liu Hanfei, father and son also came down, but they were afraid of Qin Luoyi's cultivation, so they were cautious not to get too close to Qin Luoyi, and when they got off the high platform, they stopped and stood far away.

Liu Ziyu stopped a few meters in front of Qin Luoyi.

"It's worthy of being an innate holy body, but it can be favored by the Hunyuan Dzi." Liu Ziyu stared at her intently with her dark eyes, sighed, and her voice was hoarse and low.

Qin Luoyi looked at him with a half-smile, Liu Ziyu's aura was a little unstable, and the part of his forehead next to his hair had a very light purple color, which was caused by practicing "Dragon Startling Jue", the purple color was very light, If you don't pay special attention, you can't see it at all.

Jin Dongyan's Dragon Shocking Art is half true and half false. Duanmu Changying told her that if she continues to practice, she may have a breakthrough, but after the breakthrough, she will not be far away from being insane. The very light purple mark on the forehead is A sign of madness.

Liu Ziyu's cultivation talent is quite good. It has only been a few months since he obtained the Dragon Shocking Art, and his forehead has started to turn purple, and it is obvious that he is about to break through the peak of the Zifu.

But it's just about to break through.

Thinking of the weird scene above Kaiyang City just now, with his cultivation at the peak of the Purple Mansion, it is really inconceivable that he captured her here without disturbing anyone.

Not only is his cultivation much stronger than before, but his appearance is obviously different from yesterday when she saw him in Kaiyang City, he is obviously still the same person, but that look...she always feels much more sinister than before, bringing There was a violent and blood-thirsty killing spirit.

Could it be because of Liu Hanqing's death that his temperament changed drastically?But upon closer inspection, she still felt that it didn't look like much. She didn't miss the excitement in his eyes. Although Liu Hanqing was his descendant, how many generations had passed.

The mocking smile on the corners of her delicate lips grew stronger.I'm afraid that in Liu Ziyu's eyes, that Hunyuan dzi is more important than the life of his descendants, otherwise why is he so excited at this time.

"I'm curious, Hunyuan Dzi Bead will have a huge vision every time it advances, no matter how hidden it is, how powerful the formation can't hide it, you have been practicing until you broke through the peak of the Zifu, That vision has never appeared, how did you cover it up?" Liu Ziyu looked her up and down, and then spoke slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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