Brother is too evil

Chapter 631 Ghost Cultivator of Ming Luo

Chapter 631 Ghost Cultivator of Ming Luo (2)
The vortex soon reached Qin Luoyi's side. Qin Luoyi hooked the corners of his lips, and directly used the water spirit power. The five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth and the five elements mutually generate and restrain each other. To overcome Liu Ziyu's fire spirit power, the water spirit power must do his part.

A soft force like a spring breeze was blowing towards Liu Ziyu. Liu Ziyu was stunned for a moment, and then his face changed drastically, because it was this seemingly inconspicuous and non-aggressive force that formed his fire power. The vortex was completely torn apart, and soon disappeared into nothingness.

Qin Luoyi nonchalantly held the dagger, and walked towards him again. His skirt fluttered, and a strand of hair around her ears fluttered mischievously back and forth as she walked. It should be a graceful and pleasing figure. But at that time, there was a wave of Ling Ran's coercion invisibly, making people want to kneel down and submit to worship.

Liu Ziyu tried her best to resist her coercion, and attacked again in disbelief, and was easily dispelled by Qin Luoyi in the blink of an eye. Liu Ziyu's jaw was tense, her eyes were full of loss and annoyance, but she also knew He was indeed not Qin Luoyi's opponent, so he stopped fighting her and turned around to attack the white light curtain behind him.

His actions directly caused Liu Xuanyi, who was still standing outside, to turn around and leave. Before leaving, he took his father Liu Hanfei, who had lost his cultivation, out.

Liu Qingcheng and Liu Qingyan's complexion also changed, and they also turned around and left. Even the cultivators from the Zifu and a group of monks from the Yufu who were standing in the distance also retreated quickly.

If the ancestors of the Liu family couldn't deal with people, they would be complete cannon fodder standing here, and they wouldn't be enough to put people's teeth between them.

I don't know who moved his hands and feet when he was going out, but someone actually activated the altar again. In an instant, many dao patterns began to float on the altar, and then turned into blue light and quickly attacked Qin Luoyi and Liu Ziyu. It turned out that he wanted to trap Qin Luoyi and Liu Ziyu inside together without hesitation.

Seeing this, Qin Luoyi was startled for a moment, then giggled, with a mocking smile on the corner of his lips, the person who did it thought he was doing it secretly, but she saw it.

She glanced at Liu Ziyu.

At this moment, Liu Ziyu's face turned white and then red, red and then blue, and blue and black, like a colorful palette, and it looked good all of a sudden: "You bastard, you dare to plot against me!" Roaring loudly, while avoiding the blue light, his eyes fiercely looked in the direction of Liu Qingcheng and Liu Qingyan.

Qin Luoyi was not afraid of the blue light, and let the light fly around her, unable to get close to her body at all. She stroked her chin with a smile, looked at the direction Liu Qingcheng left, and then at Liu Zi Yu, think about whether to chop him to death with a single knife, or let him out and let them fight in the nest first.

With Liu Ziyu's current weird cultivation base, this altar can't trap him. With a little trickery, he should be able to get out, but with her enchantment, he will definitely not be able to get out.

not let go?

In the blink of an eye, many thoughts flashed through Qin Luoyi's mind, but in the end she gave up the idea of ​​letting him go. There was nothing to worry about outside, but Liu Ziyu was very weird.

Raising her bare hands lightly, she threw the daggers in her hands towards Liu Hanqing. They looked light, but there was a terrifying force in them. Liu Ziyu intuitively sensed the danger and wanted to avoid it, but the daggers As if she had eyes, she kept chasing after him, seeing him unable to resist, Liu Ziyu suddenly shouted: "Ming Luo!"

As soon as the words fell, a slender figure suddenly appeared in the altar. It was a man with long hair and a shawl. He looked very handsome, but his eyes were red, exuding a strange and cold light.

With a flick of his robe sleeve, the man slapped the dagger that was chasing Liu Ziyu to the ground. He didn't even look at the dagger, but looked at Qin Luoyi with a smile.

"Ghost monk, you're finally out." Qin Luoyi also had a smile on his face, looking at the man whom Liu Ziyu called Ming Luo, there was no smell of corpse on his body, if it wasn't for those red eyes, he might have Treating him as a normal person, no one would recognize him as a ghost monk, even those eyes were much lighter in color than the ghost monks she had seen before, but his aura was much lighter than that of the ghost monks she had seen before. Those ghost monks are countless times stronger.

She knew in her heart that this was probably the ghost monk contracted by Liu Ziyu. Liu Ziyu obviously did not break through the peak of Zifu to cultivate firepower, but she was able to use fire power, and even robbed people from Kaiyang City. This is a big deal.

"Hehe, what a smart beauty." Ming Luo smiled strangely: "I'm really flattered and surprised that she has been waiting for me." While talking, he walked towards Qin Luoyi, The look in those eyes was so hot that it made people feel completely disgusted.

Seeing him like that, Qin Luoyi almost vomited.

Liu Ziyu quickly took out a healing pill and ate it. Just now when he was going to cut Qin Luoyi's head to get the Hunyuan Dzi, he was seriously injured by Qin Luoyi's palm.

Ming Luo stood in front of Qin Luoyi and smiled strangely, but Liu Ziyu walked behind Qin Luoyi inadvertently. While smiling, Ming Luo suddenly attacked, and Liu Ziyu also attacked behind her. Join forces, and the attacking techniques of the two are the same, with a special tacit understanding, and the power of the attack is very terrifying.

With a quick movement of Qin Luoyi's body, she avoided the fatal blow. She didn't care about Ming Luo, and directly attacked Liu Ziyu, with a fatal move. According to her previous experience, Liu Ziyu must have killed him. The soul was also sold to this ghost monk named Ming Luo, and if Liu Ziyu was killed, he would die naturally, so she was smart enough not to confront Ming Luo at all.

Ming Luo would naturally not let her succeed.

Teaming up with Liu Ziyu and fighting with her, the three of them fought in a dark, inseparable manner.If it wasn't for the fact that the altar was made of a special material, I'm afraid it would have died long ago.

"I just said why the power on his body is so strange. It turns out that you transferred part of your cultivation base to him." After fighting for a few rounds, Qin Luoyi suddenly realized that the doubts in his heart had been answered. Meditation should have used a weird secret method. This method not only does not damage one's own cultivation, but also can inject one's own power into the body of one's contractor for a short time.

I'm afraid it has the same effect as Qin's family.

"Beauty, you are getting smarter and smarter." Ming Luo didn't deny it, with a smile on his face, but his attacks became more and more ruthless, and every move would kill her.

Qin Luoyi sneered.

"You're smart too."

A kick kicked Liu Ziyu fiercely, Liu Ziyu's body flew out like a kite with broken strings, the enchantment was over when Mingxiu came in, he directly broke nearly ten huge Only then did he stabilize himself on the pillars of the house.

(End of this chapter)

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