Brother is too evil

Chapter 633 Sendai Forbidden Area

Chapter 633 Sendai Forbidden Area (2)
"Why is the Liu family helping the ghost monk to attack Miss Qin... What's going on?"

Everyone asked each other what happened, but no one knew, because there was a defensive formation in the sky above the Qin Mansion, they couldn't rush in even if they wanted to, so they could only stand in the sky above Xianyang City and watch all this closely, but they were furious in their hearts And puzzling.

At this time, the sky above Xianyang City suddenly shook violently. A huge golden warship tore through the void and shot out from the void. Thousands of monks stood on the warship!
Except for the Liu family and the already destroyed Shangguan family, the other five great families are impressively among them, and everyone else is impressively the strongest in the Xuantian Continent. After the golden warship rushed out of the void, it really rushed towards the Liu family's family. .

The seven-colored rays of light in the sky above the Liu Mansion shrouded the Liu Mansion, which is nearly a hundred miles wide, and the seven-colored rays of light represented that there were a total of seven extremely powerful defenses covering and protecting the important place of the Liu Family.

The golden warship headed straight for the seven defenses, and everyone on the warship saw Qin Luoyi who was besieged by countless Liufu monks inside.However, although Qin Luoyi was alone, she was obviously not injured, and the monks of the Qin family around her fell down in large numbers.

Mr. Qin and the others who were still very worried about her at first breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that the granddaughter whom they had just recognized was indeed kidnapped by the Liu family, their complexions became darker, and their eyes were fierce with endless murderous intent.

It's just that the seven defenses of the Liu Mansion are indeed very strong, and under the full blow of the golden warship, they just swayed and did not break.

The handsome face in white clothes was cold, he waited impatiently when he saw this, and flew out from the battleship directly, the white clothes fluttered, exuding an inaccessible icy aura around him, his slender figure, his thin lips tightly pursed, spinning in the air body, between the fingers waved a gorgeous light curtain, like stars falling from the starry sky, the light curtain fell on the colorful defense of Liu Mansion, and instantly disintegrated the defense that was so powerful that even a golden warship could not be blasted away Lost.

"Too perverted!"

The eyes of all the monks watching the battle in Xianyang City lit up, and they cried out excitedly.

Bai Yi rushed out.

The golden warship took the opportunity to rush in too.

Thousands of monks on the battleship rushed down like a tide, holding various magical weapons and long swords, and soon fought with the disciples of the Liu family.

Seeing this, many monks in Xianyang City rushed in, and there were also many people from the five great families in Xianyang City.

"The Liu family colluded with the ghost monks. They sold their souls to the ghost monks, joined forces with the ghost monks to persecute fellow Taoists all over the world, and even set up an altar to refine their power for their own use!"

"Mr. Qin Ao and his wife were killed by Liu Hanqing, and Liu Hanqing has already been killed by the Qin family."

"It was Miss Qin Luoyi who killed that bastard Liu Hanqing, and Miss Qin Luoyi is the daughter of Mr. Qin Ao..."

"Liu Ziyu kidnapped Miss Qin to Xianyang City."

Soon everything that happened in Kaiyang City this morning spread quickly as if it had grown wings. All the monks in Xianyang City were angry, and they all joined the battle with flying swords, the magic weapon. The Liu family soon bled into rivers , The sound of shouting and killing rang out.

Ming Luo was injured, but he had a lot of magic weapons, all of which were used on Qin Luoyi. Qin Luoyi was very impatient with Ming Luo's entanglement, knowing that he would not be able to find Liu Ziyu unless he solved it. Simply turn around and take the initiative to attack him.

Ming Luo wanted to use delaying tactics like before, to avoid Qin Luoyi's sharpness, but Qin Luoyi's body skills became very strange, following him like a shadow, he couldn't get rid of her no matter what, and soon succeeded in pulling Ming Luo away. Luo Zhen turned into a cloud of blood mist, and took the opportunity to destroy the blood essence and soul he got from Liu Ziyu, and instinctively told her that Liu Ziyu's forbidden area in Xiantai was weird, otherwise Ming Luo would not just let him escape Going there, something even more strange happened. The blood mist in the air slowly faded away, and then disappeared.

Qin Luoyi raised his eyebrows.

No wonder so many people died, and the smell in the surrounding air was not strong.

She looked down again.

It was only then that it was discovered that not only the blood splashed in the air by Ming Luo disappeared, but also the blood of those murdered monks soaked into the ground paved with black stones, and disappeared very quickly.However, because of the many monks who died, the blood disappeared, and some people were killed, and there were some dark blood stains on the black ground, so she ignored it before.

She quickly thought of the ancient sacrificial altar in Shushan. The Liu family probably also had an altar here, using the altar to absorb blood, and then refining them for the cultivation of Liu family disciples.

I just didn't expect that there is such an altar in the place where ghost monks practice, and there is such an altar in the important place of the Liu family... Could it be that the Liu family had expected today's battle?
Although Liu Hanfei was dead, someone rushed towards her again. It was an old woman directing them. Liu Ziyu left for a while, but Qin Luoyi didn't care about dealing with them, and rushed towards the forbidden area of ​​Xiantai again. Go, no one can stop her now.

A stream of black light has risen around the forbidden ground in Xiantai, and many skeleton puppets have emerged from the ground outside the forbidden ground. Those skeleton puppets are very eerie, and many of them even carry a strange The color is obviously very poisonous, and the cultivation base is many times stronger than those that Liu Hanfei summoned in Kaiyang City before.

If the rumor that the Liu family colluded with ghost monks just now made a small number of monks in Xianyang city skeptical, what do those who see those skeleton puppets at this moment not understand?
The Liu family indeed colluded with Ghost Xiu!
As a result, more people began to join the battle. On the Xuantian Continent, ghost monks and human monks are natural enemies, and they will never die!
Qin Luoyi didn't care about those skeleton puppets, she went directly to the forbidden area of ​​Xiantai, only to find that the black air on the forbidden area of ​​Xiantai was getting thicker and thicker, and the defense formed by that black air was not weaker than that of the Qin family. Those imperial guards set up by Kaiyang City.


She slammed towards the black defense with a palm, and the ground began to shake, but the defense was not broken, and she was even more surprised, even the defense of the Qin family could not hold back the power of her palm. , it seems that she underestimated here.

The more solid the defense, the more she felt that there was a ghost here.

The white clothes rushed towards her like lightning.

Qin Luoyi's eyes lit up, and he didn't care about talking, he lightly parted his red lips and said to him, "Liu Ziyu is making trouble inside, let's go in quickly." She knew that no amount of defense could stop Bai Yi, even the ice field If he could go in, there would be no place in the world to stop him.

Seeing Qin Luoyi looking at him with a smile, complete trust and anticipation in the dark and bright phoenix eyes, Bai Yi's heart suddenly warmed up, and his whole body was instantly filled with a strange sweet feeling. The feeling of leaning on is so beautiful, not to mention Liu Ziyu who went in to catch trouble, even if she wanted the sun and stars in the sky, he would try his best to pick them off and give them to her, just to make her smile.

(End of this chapter)

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