Brother is too evil

Chapter 639 The Peach Blossom Blooms

Chapter 639 The Peach Blossom Blooms (1)
"Not interested in!"

Bai Yi said lightly, and then he seemed to lose the patience to tease him, a terrifying spiritual force gathered around him, and then quickly attacked Ming Luo.

Qin Luoyi hooked his lips.This time he did not hold back the attack on Bai Yi, and Ming Luo would definitely not be able to handle it, so he had to go directly to see Lord Yama.



Just when Qin Luoyi and even other monks thought that Ming Luo was dead, all the powerful power that Bai Yi attacked was absorbed by Ming Luo's body. The dazzling brilliance of black.

Seeing this, Bai Yi raised his eyebrows and didn't continue to kill him. Instead, he looked at him steadily, with a flash of light in his eyes, and his expression was thoughtful.

After the black dazzling light dissipated, the aura on Ming Luo's body suddenly became much stronger, but the pair of eyes looking at the white clothes showed more fear than before, and his chest heaved violently.

"Xuanyuanqing... so it's you!" His voice was hoarse, and his face was full of disbelief.

Hearing Xuanyuanqing's name, a gleam flashed in Qin Luoyi's eyes.

Ming Luo.

He actually knew Bai Yi.

"Haha, it's ridiculous. I didn't expect that after so many years, you didn't die, and I finally came back to life, and I ran into you again." Bai Yi didn't speak, but Ming Luo opened his mouth again, with a slumped expression, even tears He laughed, and then gnashed his teeth and cursed: "Jin Dongyan, you are a fucking bastard, you told me about the Heaven Devouring Blood Formation, but you didn't wake up my memory!"

If he had recovered and forgotten earlier, how dare he confront this person, there is actually the Heaven Devouring Blood Formation in front of him.

At the beginning, he gave up everything in that critical battle, and finally managed to get away and become a ghost cultivator, and survived again, but...but he also abandoned the memory of his previous life. If not, how could he be killed by Jin Dong Yan that dog is calculating?
Today it fell into Xuanyuanqing's hands again!

He thought of everything now, but it also indicated that he would not be able to live, because at the beginning, everything was covered with dust, and then he successfully cultivated and became a ghost cultivator. when the enemy.

Thinking of everything also means that he has reached his peak, and his life will burn out in a very short time.

Ming Luo has never been a good person.

Someone wanted to kill him. If he hadn't been sublimated just now, he would have died long ago. When he became a ghost cultivator, he would have kept such a trick, that is, he was going to die with the person who wanted to kill him before he died. Those who want to kill Ming Luo must be prepared to be dragged by him to the underworld.

Unexpectedly, he met Xuanyuan Qing!
Bai Yi looked at him indifferently, as if he was not surprised to see that he recognized him, and there was an unusually strange light floating inside.

Ming Luo's heart moved.

"You don't recognize me?" He thought of the rumors about Bai Yi's amnesia in Xuantian Continent, could it be true?

If the previous Xuanyuan Qing saw him, he would definitely have killed him without saying a word, how could he have wasted time fighting with him for so long!
His chest heaved slightly due to excitement, but he suppressed it as much as possible, not wanting him to see anything unusual.

"As long as you recognize me." Bai Yi said lightly, his voice was cold, but with an inexplicable coercion.

Ming Luo's eyes flickered, and his eyes quickly passed over the white clothes. Looking at the handsome man in front of him, he knew that the current Xuanyuan Qing was not the same as the previous Xuanyuan Qing, and he couldn't restrain the desire from the bottom of his heart. A surge of fear.

"Hehe, Xuanyuanqing, don't be too complacent! Today you forced me to sublimate to the utmost. Although I can't live, it is more than enough to drag you to die together!" He deliberately laughed, emboldened himself, and then The body rushed towards the white clothes like lightning.

"Extreme sublimation?" Bai Yi lightly opened her thin lips, and then smiled: "It's nothing more than that!"

Bai Yi raised his finger.

Ming Luo was fixed there, unable to move, eyes full of disbelief, only to see the purple light surrounding the white-clothed fingers, and the purple light fell into his eyes in the blink of an eye. income in hand.

"You..." Ming Luo was finally able to move, but the only things he could move were his eyes and mouth, his face was full of depression, and he murmured a wry smile: "Hehe, I didn't expect that I would be able to do nothing to you. "

As soon as the words fell, his body exploded. The huge sound and shaking caused large pieces of buildings in Liu's mansion to fall down. Some monks with lower cultivation levels were even more shocked by this powerful force. It boiled endlessly, and what's more, some couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, and jumped back hastily.

The barrier set by the white clothes did not break, and the white clothes stood quietly inside with their hands behind their backs, unaffected at all, and the monks looked at him with even more admiration.

Liu Ziyu is dead, Ming Luo is dead, Liu Qingcheng is also dead, Liu Hanfei was killed by Qin Luoyi long ago, and even Liu Xuanyi, the young master of the Liu family, was killed in the melee before, leaving no bones left. , the other Liu family members were almost all killed, but in one day, the Liu family was completely destroyed.

In the Liu residence, Qin Luoyi had seen a few familiar figures. Piao Miao, Zong Yuqingyan, who had a feud with her and Jian Yuyan at the beginning, unexpectedly joined the Liu family, and all of them died before in the melee.

The major families in the Xuantian Continent who originally came with Mr. Qin came here to destroy the ghost cultivators. Of course, the more important reason why they are so active is that the Liu family has a vast territory. They then destroyed the Liu family, so naturally they want to share Get a piece of the pie.

It's just that the Liu family was really destroyed at this time, but no one was running around in the Liu mansion. Instead, after the war ended, they all restrained their own disciples to leave the Liu family in a very orderly manner.

Qin Luoyi knew that it was all because of Bai Yi.

Without white clothes, few monks in Xianyang City would survive today, including the famous super family and other hidden families who came to Xianyang City on a golden warship, not to mention other small families.

Those who have not experienced the horror of the Heaven Devouring Blood Formation will never understand.

What's more, in the 43 big cities, although there are not many super families, there are several huge cities in each super family area where the Heaven Devouring Blood Formation is arranged.

Without Bai Yi's powerful means, the major families would suffer heavy losses this time, and because of the rich cultivation resources in many big cities, they are also the nests of many powerful families and hermit families.

Of course, the destruction of 43 cities is not the worst. If there is no white clothes to destroy the Heaven Devouring Blood Formation in time, it is really waiting for Ghost Xiu Mingluo to advance to the rank of five spiritual flowers in a day, and then eat them without knowing what to do. The human pill refined by some weird method is the beginning of the catastrophe of the entire Xuantian Continent and even the entire world.

(End of this chapter)

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