Brother is too evil

Chapter 646 Brother and Sister Alone

Chapter 646 Brother and Sister Alone
She was going to let it rot in her stomach.

"Brother, why don't you drink two cups with me." With a thought, she took out a pot of spirit wine from the storage space, and took out two cups, giving Qin Tian one and herself one.

Qin Tian took the cup over.

Qin Luoyi took out a white jade table from the bracelet space, placed it in front of the soft couch, put the jade cup on it, first filled it for Qin Tian, ​​and then poured another full cup himself.

Putting the jug containing spirit wine on the table, she picked up the wine glass, raised it to Qin Tian, ​​and drank it all in one gulp.

Qin Tian brought the wine close to his lips, and smelled that not only was there strong spiritual power in the wine, but it was also very strong and mellow, and this kind of wine usually had a lot of stamina.

He also drank the wine in one gulp, only to feel the fragrance on his lips and teeth, and a strange warm feeling spread from his throat to his stomach.

Seeing that he had finished drinking, Qin Luoyi picked up the jug, filled it not only for himself, but also for him, and raised his glass to him with bright eyes: "It's done... This is my drink in the ice region." wine brewed by himself."

After speaking, he brought the white jade wine glass closer to his red lips.

"Don't drink too fast." Qin Tian suddenly stretched out his hand, covered the mouth of her wine glass, took it off, put it on the table, and stopped her from drinking it in one gulp: "No matter how good the wine is, wine alone is not enough , since you want to drink, I will accompany you to Xiaoyao Tower to drink."

Xiaoyaolou is a very famous restaurant in Kaiyang City. Not only is the wine good, but the food inside is even better.

Qin Luoyi didn't want to go to the restaurant.

Going to a restaurant to drink is not as comfortable as drinking in your own room?Besides, with her current cultivation level and status, if she really went to the restaurant, she would never be able to be quiet again.

A slender figure walked over gracefully in the distance.

It was Feng Feili.

A faint light flashed in Qin Luoyi's eyes.

Before Feng Feili came over, she sat up abruptly from the soft couch, shot out a burst of spiritual power, quickly rolled up the jug and wine glass, put them into the storage space, and took them directly Looking at Qin Tian, ​​it swept away from the window of the inner room like light smoke, and landed directly in Qin Tian's yard.

Qin Tian and Qin Mo's yards are adjacent, but far away from hers. Qin Tian likes to be quiet, he lives in the yard alone, and there is no one in the yard on weekdays.

After entering Qin Tian's room, she bluntly sat on her brother's soft couch.

Qin Tian looked at her languid and lifeless look, raised his eyebrows and said, "What's the matter, I don't even want to see him anymore, he made you angry?"

Qin Luoyi rested his chin.

shook his head.


In fact, she felt that Feng Feili should be the one who was angry, but maybe he concealed it too well, and she couldn't see it at all.

There are also Chu Yifeng and Duanmu Changqing.

Qin Tian didn't believe it. "Since it didn't make you angry... why did you run so fast when you saw him coming?"

"Cough, I have a premarital phobia." Qin Luoyi's eyes flickered, he bit his lip and looked at him, then sighed and stroked his forehead and said: "Brother, we are only getting married in two months , The day is getting closer, and I am getting more and more nervous, every time I see them, I am more nervous."

Qin Tian was angry and funny.

"You also know that you are going to get married." When he said this, his voice was a little strange, but he quickly returned to normal: "I will still be nervous after meeting my future husband, what should I do in the future?"

He reached out and stroked the hair on top of her head lovingly.

Qin Luoyi squinted at him.

There was a touch of pampering in Qin Tian's dark eyes, his handsome face was smiling, and his eyes were warm. Standing there, he felt pleasing to the eye.

Qin Luoyi felt warm in his heart.

This brother of hers is really handsome, elegant and elegant, his fair skin is like a piece of fine jade, exuding a lustrous luster, and his delicate eyebrows make people feel amazing every time he sees him.

I don't know what kind of woman he will like in the future.

"As the name suggests, premarital phobias are only present before marriage, and they will naturally disappear after marriage." Qin Luoyi curled his lips together, and smiled, half-true and half-fake.

Qin Tian laughed loudly.

There was a strange light flickering in the dark eyes, looking at her red lips, and then quickly and casually moved away.

Seeing her take out the wine glass again, he proposed to go to Xiaoyao Tower again, but Qin Luoyi shook his head and refused.

"It's not enough just to have wine, you have to have appetizers. Since you don't want to go out, I'll go out and get a table of food and come in. Let's drink slowly later." Qin Tian thought for a while and came up with a compromise.

"That's a good idea." Qin Luoyi's eyes lit up when he heard the words, there was a glaze-like brilliance flowing in his pitch-black eyes, and there was a touch of charm inadvertently.

Qin Tian's heart skipped another beat.

Taking a deep breath secretly, he turned around to buy food and drinks.

After half an hour, he turned around, avoided everyone in the Qin residence, and quietly returned to his courtyard.

Qin Luoyi was leaning on the soft couch, holding a white jade wine glass in his hand, sipping lightly with a lazy expression, his red lips were moistened by fine wine, with an attractive crimson and lustrous luster, Very charming.

There was also a touch of blush on her fair cheeks, as if she had applied rouge. When she saw Qin Tian coming in, a beautiful smile appeared on her delicate lips: "Brother, you are back."

Then he sat up slightly.

Qin Tian nodded, looking at Qin Luoyi's eyes at this moment, he knew that she was probably a little drunk, and he didn't know how much wine she drank by herself after he left the Qin residence.

Thinking of what she said before that she did something wrong... He didn't take it seriously at first, but now he is very interested. I don't know what it is that made her drink away her sorrow like this.

She quickly filtered the events that happened during this period of time in her mind, except that she ran away when she saw Feng Feili just now, there was nothing special about it.

Moreover, she was very happy when she came back from Xianyang City. Even though she knew that she might not be able to live in the Qin Mansion for many days in the future, because Mr. Qin was very interested, she still made many suggestions for the expansion of the house. People discuss it every day.

Except that Bai Yi came from Xianyang City a few days later than them, nothing special happened these few days.

Thinking that Bai Yi would suddenly become one of her husbands, Qin Tian had a flash of inspiration in his mind.

Is it white clothes?
Many thoughts flashed through his mind, but his hands were not idle. He took out a lot of food from the storage space, all of which were still steaming, and they were all Qin Luoyi's favorite food on weekdays.

Qin Luoyi felt even happier.

(End of this chapter)

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