Brother is too evil

Chapter 648 Surprise

Chapter 648 Surprise (1)
Qin Tian reached out and took it.

But not only did he catch Yujie, but he also took her hand.

Qin Luoyi's heart was shocked.

I just felt that Qin Tian's hand holding him was extremely hot.In the past, it was fine, and it was not that the two had held hands before, but now they felt very strange, and what she said to Qin Tian last night suddenly appeared clearly in her mind.

Recalling everything, she had the urge to raise her head to the sky and scream... No wonder people misunderstood such ambiguous words!She pretended to inadvertently break away from Qin Tian's hand, then smiled and said, "I'll go and explain to them."

Turn around and walk towards the courtyard.

Qin Tian's eyes dimmed, but he still raised his feet and followed her to the courtyard, looking at Qin Luoyi's meandering figure beside him.

Just after entering the courtyard, Feng Feili and the others actually came, and Duanmu Changying, who hadn't seen him for a few days, came with them.

Feng Feili had a smile on her face, but the smile obviously didn't reach her eyes, she glanced at Qin Luoyi with a half-smile, and then looked at Qin Tian.

The eyes of other people also fell on Qin Tian, ​​but no one spoke, and the atmosphere in the courtyard was a little strange for a while.

Qin Luoyi looked at Qin Mo.

Duanmu Changying's eyes flashed across everyone's faces, and suddenly walked to Qin Tian's side, patted him heavily on the shoulder, and chuckled softly: "No wonder you and Luoyi were photographed by Jin Dongyan back then." Soul art, he wants you to be together for the rest of your life without getting rid of your inner demons, but these days you don't see you worrying at all, it turns out... Haha, did you know that Yi'er is not your sister? Haosheng said to us, When did you fall in love with her?"

Qin Luoyi's pupils shrank sharply, his eyes moved away from Qin Mo, and he stared at Duanmu Changying in a daze.

She and Qin Tian were not the only ones who had mastered the Soul Conjuring Technique back then, but also Duanmu Changying. I didn't expect him to talk about it at this moment. His pretty face changed color instantly, and embarrassment flashed across his eyes quickly.

"Being hit by the soul-stirring technique...will you always have demons?" Chu Yifeng narrowed his dark phoenix eyes slightly, and his eyes wandered on the faces of Qin Luoyi and Qin Tian.The embarrassment in Qin Luoyi's eyes did not escape his eyes, and he immediately knew what Duanmu Changying said was true.

Qin Luoyi couldn't help but secretly sighed, now he might not be able to clean himself up even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

Facts have proved that she is not unfounded.

With Duanmu Changying's words, no one really believed that she and Qin Tian were both innocent. Even if she explained to Tao Xiangning in private, Tao Xiangning just looked at her with a half-smile and pulled her hand. He said with his hands what he should be responsible for, and said that the two of them were not related by blood, they didn't have to worry about anything else, they would take care of everything, and if they just wanted to be together happily in the future, it made Qin Luoyi very helpless .

"Go and explain to me about the soul-stirring technique." Seeing that the wedding is only less than two months away, the Qin family has already started writing invitations, and in a few days they will probably send out invitations. Qin Luoyi found Duanmu Changying and said to him angrily.

It's really not enough to succeed, but more than to fail. This person hasn't figured out what's going on yet, but he actually said what happened at the beginning, and what he said is so plausible, it's hard for people not to misunderstand. Sometimes she really doubts He did it on purpose.

Duanmu Changying raised her eyebrows: "Explain? What do you want me to explain? Do you want me to tell them that you haven't had a soul-hunting spell? Isn't that a lie...Luoyi, obviously you are already together, and everyone also I know, uncle and aunt didn't object, neither did Mr. Qin, what on earth do you have to deny? Could it be...Feng Feili and the others disagreed?" He stroked his perfect chin, his beautiful eyes slightly squinted.

Qin Luoyi glared at him again: "Nonsense, and...we're not together..."

Duanmu Changying's beautiful eyes stared at her with a half-smile, and a strange luster shone from the bottom of the dark eyes, obviously not believing it.

"You can't take care of Feng Feili and disregard your brother's feelings, there is no one like you who can't accept it after eating like this, tsk, your brother's heart is all on you, you can't do this... ..."

Thinking of the conversation between his father and brother he heard in the pavilion before, and the strange silence, Qin Luoyi's heart froze suddenly.

Chu Yifeng stood in front of the window of Qingfeng Pavilion, with his thin lips tightly pursed, his handsome face was expressionless, and he looked at the two figures at the foot of the mountain in the distance without blinking.

Although they were a little far apart, with his current middle-level cultivation in the Purple Mansion, it was easy to see clearly that the two figures were Qin Luoyi and Duanmu Changying.


A crisp sound suddenly sounded.

Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing, who were sitting in the Qingfeng Pavilion drinking and talking, glanced at him, and there were pieces of the wine glass that seemed to be crushed inadvertently in his hand.

"That's my cup. I know you're upset, but don't shoot at my cup if you're angry. I found these cups ten years ago, and there are only three of them..." Feng Fei Li sneered, and gracefully walked over from the table. He walked to Chu Yifeng's side, followed Chu Yifeng's gaze, and stopped in the middle of speaking.

He also easily saw Qin Luoyi and Duanmu Changying in the pavilion in the distance.

Looking from the direction where he was standing, Qin Luoyi and Duanmu Changying were very close. You couldn't see the expression on Qin Luoyi's face, but you could see Duanmu Changying squinting his eyes and talking with a smile. Seems to be in a good mood.

The hand holding the white jade cup tightened violently.

Just as Chu Yifeng turned his head, Feng Feili loosened his hand reflexively, and the white jade wine glass was spared.

Holding up the glass to drink the wine in one gulp, Feng Feili looked away and glanced at Duanmu Changqing.Then he twitched the corners of his lips and said, "It seems... not long after, the groom will have another one."

His voice was very light, not loud, deep and clear, as distant as an ancient clock, although his face was light and calm, but his heart couldn't help beating a few times, the bottom of his long and narrow eyes flickered, It seems that the whole person is becoming more and more unpredictable.

Chu Yifeng didn't speak, but the temperature in the pavilion seemed to suddenly turn cold.

A glimmer of light flashed in Duanmu Changqing's eyes, and he got up and walked to the window, but just in time to see Duanmu Changying suddenly opened his arms and hugged Qin Luoyi tightly, but Qin Luoyi just let him hug him quietly , did not push away, the two figures appeared so harmonious and intimate in the bright moonlight.

Feng Feili snorted coldly.

The extremely delicate white jade cup in his hand slapped, but he couldn't keep it, and turned into powder all over the place.

Duanmu Changqing's originally cold gaze became even colder, and there were flashes of light and undercurrents at the end of his pupils, making it difficult to distinguish.

(End of this chapter)

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