Brother is too evil

Chapter 655 The Wind and Clouds Move

Chapter 655 The Wind and Clouds Move (1)
Yu Haitang's face turned pale in an instant, and she pinched his wrist. After all, Duanmu Changying only had a cultivation base in the Yu Mansion, while Yu Haitang was a high-ranking person in the Zi Mansion. It is also very easy for a Yufu monk.

Duanmu Changying made a living, but soon gave up.

After a while, Yu Haitang let go of her hand, looked at him in a murmur and said, "Jin Dongyan... is he still alive?" Her voice was erratic, full of anticipation.

"He's dead." Duanmu Changying didn't hide it. Although she couldn't bear her mother's sadness in her heart, she would know even if she didn't tell her.

Yu Haitang's face was pale, she suddenly hugged him into her arms, and hugged him tightly, seeing his mother and son like this, Duanmu Jinyu only felt panic in her heart.Duanmu Changqing pursed her thin lips tightly, her eyes full of doubts.

"Changying, you kid, why don't you speak up when you're poisoned?" Duanmu Jinyu said, "Are you poisoned by the same poison as your mother? It doesn't matter. There must be a way to find it.”

Duanmu Changqing couldn't help tightening Qin Luoyi's hand.

Qin Luoyi obtained many spiritual fruits in the ice field, as well as lion and tiger cliffs, and even Death Valley. Let alone refining one detoxification pill, it is no problem to refine ten. The poison in Ying's body is clearly unsolvable!He had a very bad premonition that the poison in Changying might not be the same poison as his mother.

"What poison have you been poisoned by?" He walked over, staring at Duanmu Changying closely, his tense voice revealed his nervousness.He was holding Qin Luoyi's hand, and as soon as he passed by, Qin Luoyi also walked over.

"I don't know." Duanmu Changying glanced at him: "The poison can't be detected." Then he turned his eyes to his mother, and said with a smile: "Mother, don't worry, the clothes are very bad, she not only I refined a [-]th-level antidote for you, and took my blood to make an antidote to poison, maybe I will cure the poison like you in a short time."

His finger pointed at Qin Luoyi.

"Don't comfort me." Yu Haitang twitched the corners of her lips, still holding his hand tightly: "Jin Dongyan said at the beginning that the poison... no one can recognize it except him, and no one can recognize it." I can understand, you silly boy, why are you in such a hurry to take his life, mother is fine, it’s just a little bit of poison, mother is fine..."

"You knew about his poisoning, didn't you?" Duanmu Changqing asked Qin Luoyi, holding back his shock and sadness.

Qin Luoyi nodded.

"Can you solve it?" He asked again, his voice was very hoarse: "How long will it take for the poison to develop?" Only the last sentence, he used sound transmission to enter the secret, and no one except Qin Luoyi heard it.

"I haven't found a way to detoxify yet." Qin Luoyi felt uncomfortable, and comforted him: "When Bai Yi is out of the customs, I will let Bai Yi show him, maybe Bai Yi can recognize the poison." Yinrumi told him that Duanmu Changying still had half a year of poisoning.

Yu Haitang finally looked towards the two of them, and when she saw Qin Luoyi's face, she couldn't help shaking violently.

"Qi Lian!"

Qin Luoyi was startled.

Yu Haitang looked at her and called out an unfamiliar name.A hint of doubt flashed in her eyes, could it be that she looks a lot like that Qi Lian?

A gleam flashed in Duanmu Changying's dark eyes, and she said, "Mother, her name is Qin Luoyi, and she is the granddaughter of Mr. Qin, not Qi Lian."

Yu Haitang's eyes suddenly lit up when she heard the words: "Grandpa Qin's granddaughter... Could it be Qin Ao's daughter? The child has been found?"

There was inexplicable excitement in her voice.

Duanmu Changying nodded.

"Sure enough, it's Qi Lian's daughter!" Yu Haitang kept staring at Qin Luoyi, then stood up and walked towards her. Duanmu Changying was supporting her by his side, with a hint of bewilderment on his handsome face.

Seeing Yu Haitang walking towards him, Qin Luoyi took the initiative to go over. Duanmu Changqing stood beside her, looking at Duanmu Changying with a complicated expression.

"Like, they look alike!" Yu Haitang took Qin Luoyi's hand, and when she saw Qin Luoyi, she eased a little of the unresolved sadness caused by Duanmu Changying's poisoning: "You and your mother really look alike, it's a pity you Mother left early, and I can't see you growing up."

Having said that, her expression became gloomy again.

Feng Feili moved her dark and deep gaze away from Duanmu Changying's face, and landed on Yu Haitang.He had seen Qin Luoyi's mother Yu Lian before, she looked nothing like Luoyi, and it was because of this that they hadn't recognized Luoyi as Qin Mo's younger sister all these years.

But Yu Haitang said that Yi'er looks like her mother... and who is that Qi Lian? Could it be that Yu Lian is not Luo Yi's mother at all, but Qi Lian is?

Countless thoughts flashed through my mind quickly.

Knowing that Duanmu Changying had also been poisoned, and that the poison was obviously more severe than his wife's poison, after being shocked, Duanmu Jinyu pulled Duanmu Changying over and questioned him. Anxious and angry.

"Damn Jin Dongyan!"

"Do you know my mother?" Qin Luoyi was puzzled when she heard Yu Haitang say that she looked like her mother. When she came to Shenglong Continent by accident, she thought that Xie Ruyan was her mother, but it turned out that Yu Lian was the one. Her mother, unexpectedly another Qi Lian appeared now.

The life experience of this body is really complicated enough.

"It's more than acquaintance." Yu Haitang looked at her, sighed and said, "Your mother and I are sworn sisters."

She pulled Qin Luoyi's hand closer, and looked at Duanmu Changying on the side, her eyes darkened.

When Qi Lian was pregnant, they even joked that if she gave birth to a daughter, they would become in-laws and let her choose their two sons.


After waiting for several months, I didn't get good news about her, but I waited for the bad news that both her husband and wife were killed, and even the newborn child was killed... Fortunately, God has eyes, and the child was finally left behind. life.

"My mother's name is Yu Lian, why do you call her Qi Lian?" Qin Luoyi opened his mouth again, and asked the doubts in his heart: "My uncle and grandpa said that my mother and I don't look alike, why do you say I look alike?" My mother, what does my mother look like?" Yu Lian and Qi Lian, although they differ by only one word, their surnames are different.

"Qi Lian is your mother's real name, Yu Lian is her pseudonym." Jin Dongyan is dead, and what Duanmu Changying said to her husband Duanmu Jinyu just now has entered her ears. Her son is a member of Tiandaozong. Even Zong Wuying and others were also poisoned... Obviously, everyone knew about these things.

Although she didn't know what happened in Xuantian Continent during the past few months when she was asleep, Yu Haitang no longer had any scruples in speaking, and told the truth of the matter.

(End of this chapter)

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