Chapter 681
"Luoyi, you look at me like this...hehe, tell me, did you like me a long time ago? looked at me like this when we first met." Qin Tian said Her smile grew stronger, her eyes were tender like water, and even her eyebrows rippled softly.

When you saw him for the first time?
The corners of Qin Luoyi's lips twitched faintly.

I remember the first time I saw him, she seemed to be looking at erotic pictures...but he bumped into me right in the face.

As for seeing Qin Tian for the first time...

Such an outstanding man is naturally amazing, but...does she look at him like this now?

Why does she want to come?
Before she could speak, Qin Tian sighed, pinched her chin and laughed teasingly: "I want to know that you like me a long time ago, so I won't let you struggle for so long, hey, I should have told you earlier that we are not It's about brothers and sisters..."

Qin Luoyi was speechless looking at his smiling face, and said with a half smile but not a smile: "Brother, how did you know that I liked you so early?"

"Don't you like me?" Qin Tian raised his brows and looked at her intently, with a dignified and calm expression, even if he was lazily lying on the bed, he still felt like he was beside her.

"Naturally I like it." Qin Luoyi opened his mouth, then closed it again, and finally the word "like" came out.Now that the two of them are like this, she has already gnawed on her cheap brother, and if she wants to say something she doesn't like...she really can't say it.

Seeing the faint tangle in her eyes, Qin Tian couldn't help but smile.

In order not to worry Xie Ruyan, Qin Luoyi and Qin Tian went to the courtyard where Xie Ruyan lived early in the morning.

Not only Xie Ruyan was there, but Qin Lingyun was also there.

With the elixir provided by Qin Luoyi, and even a lot of crystals containing the power of the stars, Qin Lingyun's cultivation base has improved a lot in the past few months, and his skills broke through the pinnacle of Martial Saints half a month ago , Cultivated out of Xuanfu.

The breath on his body is much stronger.

Like Xie Ruyan, he didn't know about Qin Luoyi and Qin Tian's disappearance, but after practicing yesterday, he heard Xie Ruyan mention that Qin Tian's condition was not good. As soon as Qin Tian came in, his eyes fell on Qin Tian's body.

After Qin Luoyi's nourishment all night, Qin Tian's expression was as usual, full of energy, where could he see the slightest discomfort?

Qin Lingyun felt relieved, and only asked him a few words before changing the subject.

Qin Luoyi and the two stayed inside for nearly half an hour before leaving.First send people to Kaiyang City to call Zong Wuying, and at the same time, he and Qin Tian walked towards Baiyi's residence.

She asked Qin Tian carefully last night, and knew that he had mild symptoms of discomfort within a few hours after he came out of Mount Yan Luo, and it became more and more serious after that... She guessed that he would have such uncontrollable symptoms as if he had been hit by an aphrodisiac. [-]% of her symptoms are related to the blissful Dafa in her body.

In the bracelet space before, the two would be together every two or so hours. During the double cultivation, the exercises in her body had never stopped running. The two of them had fully activated their essence. Even if she deliberately controlled the power in the body, It will still cycle between the two.

Qin Tian must have been influenced by her.

Fortunately, he doesn't have the perverted exercise of Huanjile Dafa in his body, and the Qin family's exercise he is practicing now has not been affected or suppressed, unlike her, who was restrained to death by that exercise, what kind of exercise Fa cannot be cultivated.

When passing by the Qingfeng Pavilion, I saw Qin Mo, senior brother, and Chu Yifeng all standing in the pavilion talking.

Qin Mo waved at them.

Qin Luoyi and Qin Tian walked in.

"Your wedding dress was ready yesterday. I'll have someone deliver it to you in a while. You can pick a time to try it on first, and see if there is anything inappropriate so that someone can modify it in advance." Qin Mo looked at them The two passed by and smiled.

"I heard that you finished refining the soul-inducing pill yesterday and left the customs. I was going to tell you about it yesterday, and the master who made the clothes happened to be there. I heard Aunt Xie said that you were at Qin Tian's place, but in the end I went to make a fuss. You guys Neither of them are here, so they just showed up at this time, where did you go yesterday?"

Feng Feili's peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly.

He glanced at Qin Luoyi with a half-smile, and then looked at Qin Tian.

"Yeah, where did you go yesterday?" Chu Yifeng's eyes also fell on Qin Tian. He was close to Qin Tian, ​​and while talking with a smile, he patted his shoulder heavily.

Qin Tian's face remained unchanged.

Smiling extremely gracefully.

"You came to see me yesterday? What a coincidence, Luoyi and I went out to find some medicinal materials for alchemy." When he said this, he looked back at Qin Luoyi with a smile.

Qin Luoyi admired Qin Tian's face that didn't change when he told a lie, his extremely serious look, the corners of his lips twitched faintly.

Qin Mo believed it.

Although it was only for one night, with Qin Luoyi and Qin Tian's current cultivation base, they can tear apart the void on the Xuantian Continent, even Penglai Xiandao and Shenglong Continent can come and go freely, and they can go back and forth thousands of times in one night. Miles away.

Feng Feili was closer to Qin Luoyi, and he was half a head taller than Qin Luoyi. Looking down from his direction, he could see Qin Luoyi's neck as white as jade, and the faint pink kiss deep inside his neck. Mark, a smile in my heart.

What went out, probably went to the bracelet space.

Thinking of Qin Luoyi and Qin Tian who had been alone in the bracelet space for more than two months, now that she came out, she was anxious to make alchemy for Zong Wuying and the others, and after a few days of alchemy, she came out to find Qin first God, and staying for a whole night, it seems that they have been completely forgotten, and the heart can't be restrained, and there is a sour gas in the heart.

Chu Yifeng also understood it in his eyes.

He also felt very uncomfortable. Yesterday, after he knew that Qin Luoyi was out of alchemy, he immediately went to the alchemy room, but he was in vain.

Zong Wuying will come soon.

Along with him were the seven cultivators from the Purple Mansion of the Heavenly Dao Sect, all of whom couldn't hide their excitement when they saw Qin Luoyi.

Qin Luoyi let go of his consciousness and saw that Bai Yi was not practicing in the courtyard, so he brought him there.

There is the soul-inducing pill, and the white clothes are strong, and the power in the body seems to be inexhaustible. It successfully detoxified the other members of Tiandaozong. Qin Luoyi was happy, but also a little Disappointed.

If Duanmu Changying is still there... the poison in his body can also be cured, and he no longer needs to be controlled by the cup worm.

Although the soul body has the help of Thunder Tribulation, it is not known when the three souls and seven souls will be repaired, and the real consciousness will be reborn.

The phoenix crown and xiapei prepared for the wedding day were as red as fire, and the color was bright and eye-catching, and the whole dress was made of an extremely rare and precious sky brocade silk in the Xuantian Continent.

(End of this chapter)

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