Brother is too evil

Chapter 715 Opportunity

Chapter 715 Opportunity (1)
Seeing a more confidant and high-ranking peak cultivator of Xuanmo next to Lu Xiao, she turned on her toes and walked along a road. When they passed by each other, the two exchanged a few words, and she got the news she wanted .

A few days passed, and none of the escaped monks from the Southern Demon Realm were caught, which really surprised her. You must know that even Lu Xiao himself was dispatched this time, and his capable subordinates were also involved.

Qin Luoyi couldn't help but wondered whether those people were hiding or had already left the Northern Demon Realm... If they were really the confidantes of the Beiyue King's confidantes, and they really had a secret way to leave the Northern Demon Realm, she would have lost a rare opportunity. leave the opportunity.

After a moment of regret, she went to see Lu Xiao.

Lu Xiao had already noticed that she had returned empty-handed when she entered the Water Demon City. After listening to her report, he only nodded and told her with a slight smile, "Thank you for your hard work, you have a good time tonight." Take some rest, we will leave Water Demon City early tomorrow morning."

Did not say where to go.

There are several monks around.Even Lian Peng was there.

Hearing Lu Xiao say that you have worked hard, and softly telling Qin Luoyi to take a good rest, there is not even a trace of the coldness and coldness just now, so he couldn't help being surprised.

But no matter how surprised they were, they shrewdly didn't show it on their faces, especially Lian Peng. He was the one who had been scolded the hardest just now. In fact, he was also very depressed. It is safe and secure that nothing has ever happened to him. This time, all the people who were arrested this time were people who were below the level of the Demon Lord, but they all escaped, and they escaped silently... No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't figure out what happened to those people. escaped.

The guards of the secret place were also tortured, and even the soul-eating talisman was used, and most of them died, but no useful news was found, as if those people just disappeared out of thin air.

Qin Luoyi returned to his small courtyard.

At a glance, she saw a few pieces of jade ornaments and some trinkets that she casually put on the dressing table, which turned out to be the things that Lu Xiao bought at the night market that day.

A gleam flashed in Qin Luoyi's eyes.

She walked over, picked up the things, and confirmed that they were really bought by Lu Xiao at the night market that day.

Although these things are only from the night market, they are definitely not good things in the devil world, but if any of them are in the lower realm, I am afraid that it will make people fight, because each of them contains strong power of stars, breaking through in the lower realm Most of the cultivators in the Xuanfu can only rely on absorbing the power of stars in the void. There are very few spars that contain the power of stars, but it is not so rare in the upper realm.

After ascension, the strength required for each promotion level is even stronger, reaching a massive amount.The upper realm is divided into three realms of immortals, demons and demons. The monks who can ascend from the lower realm have reached the realm of heaven and man. The five spirit flowers are combined into a spirit flower. Of course, the spirit flower is the name of the fairy world, but in the demon world Known as the magic flower, if many magicians don't want to fly against the wind, then the magic flower is a natural flying weapon.

After becoming a scatterer, you also need to absorb the power of the stars and continue to cultivate the spirit flower synthesized by the five spiritual qi, which is a powerful cultivation base. However, the power of the stars in these spar jade is just a drop in the bucket, and it is not worth it at all. The most important thing is the magic spar, and the power in the magic spar is more intense.What is Lu Xiao trying to do by putting such worthless and useless things here with her?
A black figure swept in from the window.

It was Lu Xiao who said Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived.

With a smile in his eyes, Lu Xiaoying poured out some more pieces of jade and some inconspicuous black crystals directly from the storage space.

"These are all for you." Lu Xiao glanced at the jade in her hand, smiled slightly, and pushed all the poured crystals to Qin Luoyi.

"My lord?" Qin Luoyi looked at him suspiciously.But he snorted coldly in his heart, showing courtesy for nothing, either adultery or robbery.

As if seeing the puzzlement in her heart, Lu Xiao chuckled lightly, and a hint of complacency flashed in his eyes: "I found these specially for you. They are things placed in the night market, and they all contain magic crystals. These things are very helpful to your cultivation. Those people are blind and only sell them as toys, and the value they collect is not even ten thousand of their real value. one-third."

As if to verify what he said, he picked up a jade pendant and squeezed it lightly.The jade pendant instantly turned into powder.A magic spar the size of a melon seed kernel is exposed in the middle.He handed the magic spar to Qin Luoyi.

Although the magic spar is small, it looks like an ordinary jade melon seed. You can't feel anything strange, but you can feel the terrifying energy in it when you hold it in your hand.The magic spar and jade pendant are generally emerald green, no wonder no one found it in the crystal clear jade pendant.

Qin Luoyi's phoenix eyes flashed a glazed brilliance, she held the magic spar and looked at Lu Xiao, very surprised: "Could it be that you knew there was a magic spar in it when you bought it?"

"Of course." Lu Xiao smiled slightly, and squeezed out other things one by one under her shocked gaze.

Sure enough, there is a magic spar in each of them.

The big one is the size of a thumb, and the smallest one is only the size of a sesame seed, but even if it is only the size of a sesame seed, the energy contained in it can be equal to an ordinary spar the size of a fist.

Qin Luoyi looked at the magic spar put out, there were a total of ten or so, thoughtfully... Lu Xiao has been paying attention to her expression, watching her look at those magic spar, the originally cold eyes quietly changed It's getting hotter, and my heart is even more proud.

"Your Excellency is really amazing." Qin Luoyi looked away from those magic crystals, looked at Lu Xiao, and sighed enviously with a complex expression.

Lu Xiao accepted her compliment with a smile.

"My lord has the ability to see through which stones contain magic crystals... Given time, it will definitely not be a problem to cultivate to the devil king or even the great devil king." Qin Luoyi saw that he was holding back his complacency, and simply sent another Top hat.

"Haha." These words hit Lu Xiao's mind. Naturally, he was not satisfied with the Great Demon Lord at the moment, and wanted to go further. Moreover, now is the time when the Demon Emperor wants to unify the Demon World, which is a great opportunity for him to make contributions.

"Although these magic crystals are not big, they are enough for you to practice for a period of time. Your cultivation talent is good. As long as you practice slowly, you can also cultivate to the level of me... Don't worry about using the magic crystals. If you run out, you Tell me, I will accompany you to look for it when the time comes." With a smile on his face, the eagle eyes looking at her were surprisingly gentle.

Qin Luoyi's heart skipped a beat.His eyes flickered, and he thought about it: "My lord, this is the magic spar you got, how can I use yours?"

These magic crystals are good things in the eyes of others, but she hasn't seen them yet.The source of chaos in the Hunyuan Dzi Bead, the energy in it is many times stronger than the best magic spar.

(End of this chapter)

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