Brother is too evil

Chapter 717 The King of the Demon Realm

Chapter 717 The King of the Demon Realm (2)
Just in order not to make them suspicious, she still hesitated for a while, looking at the phantom fruit with bright eyes while hesitating, it took a long time before she gritted her teeth and said, "Okay!"

The man in black laughed softly, "In that case, let's get out of here quickly. It's not suitable to stay here for long."

Take the lead in sweeping forward.

When Qin Luoyi turned around, he glanced at the middle-aged man standing beside him, the man saw her looking at him, smiled and saluted her: "I left in a hurry last time, and I haven't thanked the girl for saving my life. "

The middle-aged man was one of the dozen or so people she had rescued in the Water Demon City, and he was also the one who held the phantom fruit back then. Xuehu was the first one to look for when he came out of the secret path.

"You don't have to thank me, I took your phantom fruit, and I didn't save you for nothing." Qin Luoyi said, she really didn't save you for nothing, wouldn't it come in handy now?
The speed of his feet accelerated, and he caught up with the man in black.

When the middle-aged man heard the phantom fruit, he looked at her back with strange eyes.

Although they had been extremely careful along the way, after traveling thousands of miles, they still ran into a group of demon cultivators from the Northern Demon Realm, and when they saw the man in black, their eyes lit up, and they rushed over with a huh, and all rushed towards him. Greeted by the man in black.

Qin Luoyi used his means to quickly fight shorthand with other people, and quickly eliminated this group of people, and continued to walk forward. Soon, he encountered several groups of monks from the Northern Demon Realm. Fortunately, they were all surprised. risk.

Three hours later, they had already traveled tens of thousands of miles, and arrived at the edge of a valley. In front of them was the barrier between the Northern Demon Realm and the Southern Demon Realm, but where was the barrier broken?

Qin Luoyi's heart skipped a beat, he turned his head abruptly, and looked at the man in black with sharp eyes like a knife.The man in black smiled at her and said, "Girl, don't worry..." Before he finished speaking, his face suddenly changed: "Everyone, be careful, someone is coming!"

Everyone quickly hid.

There were five people here, all of whom were monks from the Northern Demon Realm, three high-ranking monks of the Mysterious Demon, one with a Demon Lord's cultivation base, and one with a Demon Lord's intermediate cultivation base. The five of them quickly discovered their hiding place. .

"It's Xing Mo! Catch them!"

The two sides soon fought fiercely.

Qin Luoyi had the highest cultivation level among the group, and the middle-level demon cultivator on the other side locked her directly and rushed towards her.But another demon monk rushed towards the black-clothed man Xing Mo, and the others confronted the person guarding the black-clothed man.

The man in black clothes was seriously injured, and other people were also injured to varying degrees. None of them had the cultivation base of a demon king. Where could they be the opponents of that group of people? , simply let the puppet in Tsing Yi out to help in the battle.

The puppet in Tsing Yi suffered a lot of thunder disasters in the lower realm. When Qin Luoyi was promoted in the upper realm, those thunder disasters were not wasted. , with his help, the man in black and his party quickly seized the initiative, and killed the demon lord together in a short time.

Qin Luoyi was about to call the puppet in Tsing Yi to help him. It was really difficult for her to step up and fight the Demon Lord. The middle-level monks were really struggling. After all, she had only been promoted to the Demon Lord for less than a month. A cyan figure suddenly descended from the sky, and her Let's besiege the demon cultivators of the Northern Demon Realm together.



The puppet in Tsing Yi also came over, and the three of them besieged the middle-level demon cultivator of the Demon Lord, and quickly wounded and killed him, but someone was still injured. Of course, it was not Qin Luoyi or the puppet in Tsing Yi who was injured. , but the one who popped up to help.

Moreover, he was injured, and was hit by Moxiu's dying blow so that he couldn't die, so he ran towards Qin Luoyi. Qin Luoyi reflexively moved away, when he saw his pale face He stopped again and reached out to support him.

After helping him to stand still, let go.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she let go, his body shook again, Qin Luoyi had no choice but to stretch out his hand to support him, frowned slightly, looked at him and said, "Are you okay?"

Looking at those magical eyes, he sighed in his heart, obviously decided to see him going to take a detour, so why did he meet him again.

"It's okay." The man in Tsing Yi who was supported by her shook his head, his voice was a little hoarse, but he looked at her with bright eyes and whispered: "I finally met you again, why did you leave last time? What happened? gone?"

Qin Luoyi almost threw him out.He even asked her why she was leaving... Could it be that she was really waiting for him to dedicate her life if she didn't leave?Staring at him with black lines all over his face, he said, "You also saved me today, we're even... don't mention this matter again in the future."

"How can I do that? One size fits all. I've already will be done naturally." Speaking of this, the corners of his eyes twitched, and a dazzling brilliance burst into those eyes instantly: "Also In case you have been following me all this time, and come here again this time..."

Qin Luoyi didn't wait for him to finish speaking, leaned his body on a big tree, walked towards the man in black, and together with the puppet in green, besieged the man in black but was caught by the man in black at this time. Wait for the three people who were besieged to solve it.

"Where is the place you mentioned?" She squinted slightly at the man in black, a dangerous light flashed in her dark eyes, if he dared to lie to her, she would definitely make her look good.

"Wait a minute, girl."

The man in black whispered to her, and quickly walked towards the man in green who Qin Luoyi rudely placed beside the tree trunk, his face was a little excited, his eyes sparkled: "Wang..."

The man in Tsing Yi coughed and interrupted him: "Don't worry, the king is inside, I've been watching him, it's all right."

The man in black looked at him in a daze.Qin Luoyi stood behind him, but did not see the expression on his face.It's just a little surprised that they actually knew each other.

He also remembered that he was also imprisoned in the secret place in the Water Demon City back then, and they were both monks from the Southern Demon Realm, so even if they knew each other, it was not very strange.

It's just what they say about the king.

Could it be that Lu Xiao and other demon cultivators have been looking for the King of Guyue?Thinking of this possibility, she became excited, if it was King Gu Yue, she would take this opportunity to inquire about Mo Xiao's news.

"The king has been waiting for you for a long time, let's go, I will take you in." After finishing speaking, he stood up straight, took a look at Qin Luoyi, and walked towards a corner of the valley, where there was actually a barrier, Hidden behind the barrier is a cave.

Inside the cave sat a young-looking man in purple.

The man in purple has a handsome appearance, handsome eyebrows, eyes as deep as the night, and his whole body exudes an innate nobility. His long hair, as smooth as black jade, is tied up with a snow-white ribbon, half loose and half tied. apply.

(End of this chapter)

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