Brother is too evil

Chapter 724 Practice

Chapter 724 Practice (2)
Qin Luoyi pursed her red lips.

The formation was destroyed and there was no passage. Is this the reason why he has not been able to go down?Ouyang Ling would destroy the formation, but she believed it a little bit, thinking that the last time Ouyang Ling saw Mo Xiao for the first time in the lower realm, didn't she just want to kill him and hurry up?

Thinking about it carefully, I'm afraid that the root cause of Ouyang Ling's desire to destroy the formation is because he is afraid that Mo Xiao will go to the lower realm, and it will be bad for Xuanyuan Qing who has not recovered his memory and cultivation.

"Later, I tried to forcibly blast out a passage, but Ouyang Ling led people to disrupt the situation again, but it didn't work." Mo Xiao continued.

Qin Luoyi thought of those two strange phases when the sky and earth in the lower realm changed color, the thunder shook the sky, and the earth trembled... It must have been at that time, even though it was far away, she still saw the figure of Mo Xiao, and Ouyang Ling , and the Guyue King I met this time.

"Originally, I asked you to practice the Heavenly Demon Dafa to restrain Jin Ruihuang's Great Joy of Bliss. She placed the Hunyuan Dzi on your body. Naturally, she wanted to take your home. Without the power of the Heavenly Demon Dafa to cultivate the soul, you The only thing you can do is obediently be taken away by her. You have practiced the Heavenly Demon Dafa, and I am by your side. Even if your cultivation level is not as good as hers, with the strength of the two of us, it is still possible to prevent her from taking your home. "

He has already figured it out, Qin Luoyi has the Hunyuan Dzi Bead on his body, and he has practiced the Heavenly Demon Dafa. With his help, it will be a matter of time before he ascends to the upper realm. When he returns to the upper realm, he will find a way to deal with Jin Ruihuang and kill her It was too late, but it was just a thousand calculations, and it didn't count that Ouyang Ling would actually destroy the formation in order to prevent him from going down.

Qin Luoyi was silent.

Although Mo Xiao formed the life contract with her in order to avoid Jin Ruihuang, not because she used tricks to plot him, no matter what, the lives of both of them are linked together, one prospers and one loses, And without him, it's really unknown whether he, who was chosen by Jin Ruihuang to seize the house, would have survived and ascended smoothly.

Because Ouyang Ling came out to disrupt the situation everywhere, Mo Xiao couldn't return to the lower realm, and he was really worried that the Hunyuan Dzi in Qin Luoyi's body would cause trouble. With the relationship between the two of them being a life contract, even though they were separated by the immortal world Mo Xiao finally found a way to contact Qin Luoyi.

When he contacted Qin Luoyi, it was also when Qin Luoyi and Qin Tian were taken away by Jin Ruihuang. After knowing that Qin Luoyi was controlled by Jin Ruihuang and that he had cultivated several spiritual flowers, Jin Rui Huang got the Qiankun Stone again, Mo Xiao knew something bad happened.

So he didn't hesitate to waste his life essence and soul power, took advantage of the contractual relationship between the two, forcibly broke through the barriers between the two worlds, and injected all of his cultivation into her body, so that she would not be affected by Jin Ruihuang. She was not controlled by Huanjile Dafa, and helped her refine the Supreme Bodhi Pill to stabilize her soul...

Knowing the cause and effect of the matter, the expression on Qin Luoyi's face changed several times.At that time, with the help of Mo Xiao, she finally successfully defeated Jin Ruihuang. She didn't think much about it, but admired Mo Xiao's strength in her heart. At that time, she had already vaguely guessed that he should not be a person from the lower realm.

Consuming life essence and soul power... No wonder he didn't go out to fight the Devil Emperor. It has been four years since the Jin Ruihuang incident last time, and his cultivation has not recovered. cost.

She completely forgot about the demon lord teasing her, and only thought about his injuries. Facing the sky-swallowing tyrannosaurus, it was obvious that the injuries he hadn't recovered had aggravated, and the demon emperor was staring at him again. It took more than four years for him to recover his cultivation, could it be another four years?
If they didn't come out, the people in the Southern Demon Realm were panicked. Maybe within a few years, the Northern Demon Emperor would come to the door arrogantly.

"How is your injury, and how long will it take to recover?" Qin Luoyi asked. At this time, she thought of Xuanyuan Qing. She wondered if the strength of Mo Xiao could also increase the speed of time and slow down time. At that time, let alone a few years of healing, even if it is more than ten years, I am not afraid.

Mo Xiao lowered his eyes.

Seeing this, Qin Luoyi's heart sank, and she had a bad premonition. It seemed that she was thinking too simply. If she could change the speed of time, Mo Xiao would definitely use it. Maybe he had already used it. These four One year, four years on the surface, but in fact, I don't know how many years have passed.

"If it weren't for today's incident, in another half a month, after the elixir that I let people refine is refined, it will be almost enough to eat. Now... the strength of the sky-swallowing tyrannosaurus is too powerful. How much do you need now?" It takes time to recover, and I can't say." A moment later, Mo Xiao raised his head and said, seeing that her face was a little unsightly, he comforted her and said, "Don't worry, although you won't be able to return to your previous peak state in a short time, you won't. There will be life-threatening."

rest assured?

Qin Luoyi was depressed.

How could she rest assured!

After finally coming out of the Northern Demon Realm, I thought that when I arrived at the Southern Demon Realm, I saw Mo Xiao, and if he had nothing to do, she would go to the Immortal Realm to find Chu Yifeng and the others. I didn't expect...well, Mo Xiao is like this now, so she shouldn't I want to go to fairyland.

half a month.

Originally, it only took half a month for him to recover. If he makes a move at that time, then the Devil Emperor will not be able to please him. You must know that he did not make a move before, and the Devil Emperor did not take much advantage. Now The consequences of this delay are unpredictable.No wonder King Guyue's face was so anxious and ugly when he saw Mo Xiao make a move.

Qin Luoyi couldn't help cursing the Sky-Swallowing Tyrannosaurus a hundred and eighty times, and of course he didn't forget to curse the Demon Emperor. The luck of her and Mo Xiao was too bad.

Mo Xiao glanced at her annoyed look from the corner of his eyes, slightly curled his lips, and a hidden smile flashed in his eyes, but it soon disappeared, and a look of sadness appeared on his face.

"Here's for you." Qin Luoyi was ruthless, and she took out the Hunyuan Dzi and handed it to Mo Xiao.At the beginning, Jin Ruihuang's soul was seriously injured, but he stayed here to repair it.

Mo Xiao was startled by her move.

He leaned on the back of the soft couch, a blue brocade robe with a silver border was spread out on the soft couch, stared at her pretty face for a moment, and then moved it to her hand, exuding a lustrous luster On the Hunyuan Dzi Bead.

Then the corners of the lips slowly turned up.

He leaned over and took her hand.

She didn't take the Hunyuan Dzi, but just held it, her slender white fingers were wrapped around her slender fingers with slender jade-like fingers, and she felt that her hand was unusually soft and greasy, so she couldn't control it and pinched it gently.

Qin Luoyi's face turned green.

This bastard.

At this time, he still has the leisure to tease her!
He glared at him fiercely, trying to shake off his hand, but failed to do so. Not only did Mo Xiao not let go, but he clenched it tighter and tighter. A smile of joy appeared on the corner of his lips, and a pair of dark eyes flashed. With a shining luster, it is really better than all the precious gems in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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