Brother is too evil

Chapter 728 Tianpin Buyuan Pill

Chapter 728 Tianpin Buyuan Pill (2)
Qin Luoyi was also very surprised.

She looked at Mo Xiao.

What Mo Xiao saw in Mo Xiao's eyes was complete trust... so he believed that she could make alchemy well?
"I have never refined Tianpin pills." Qin Luoyi said slowly.The Buyuan Pill is not an ordinary pill, and it should be completed in just a few days. Now it should be the most critical time for the pill to be completed.

King Gu Yue's expression changed upon hearing this.

I have never refined Tianpin can I refine Yuanbu pills!Isn't this a joke!What's more, Qin Luoyi is clearly a demon king's cultivation level. Even if he doesn't know how to make alchemy, he knows that the soul power of the demon king's cultivation level alchemist is not enough to support the cultivation of Tianpin pills!
"You have never practiced, I have practiced, I will tell you how to practice, I will say later, you do it." Mo Xiao spoke again, and a faint smile even appeared in Junyi's eyes: "I know you can do it!" .”

"Your Majesty!" King Gu Yue stopped him with a face full of disapproval. It would be fine if it was a normal day. The joke was really big: "Let Chasing Shadow find Master Li back."

Zhuifeng has already taken Mr. Wang down.

As soon as he turned around, he heard that Qin Luoyi was going to continue alchemy, and he was shocked.

Mo Xiao glanced at King Guyue faintly: "No need."

Pulling Qin Luoyi, he walked into the alchemy room.

There are more than a dozen alchemists who are busy in the alchemy room. They are sweating profusely and trying their best not to let the pill fire in the pill furnace go out, but also not to let the fire burn too much. If the pill fire goes out, the furnace will The pill is finished, if it burns too much, what comes out of the oven is probably not the Buyuan pill, but a black charcoal ball that doesn't slip away!

Just sticking to this stick of incense time is already their acme.

As soon as Mo Xiao came in, he waved them out, and now that he had come in, Qin Luoyi was no longer polite, and the first one was to control the pill fire, and then let go of his consciousness to observe the situation in the pill furnace.

Soon I will know what I know.

Sure enough, it's about to become a pill.

It is the most critical time for alchemy.Mo Xiao stood beside her and told her the various ingredients in the Buyuan Pill, as well as the points that need to be paid attention to when refining the alchemy.

This is not the first time the two have cooperated in alchemy.

Last time when one of them was in the upper realm and the other was in the lower realm, they worked together to refine the Supreme Bodhi Pill, but at that time it was Mo Xiao who was in charge, but now it is Qin Luoyi who is in charge.

No matter who is in the lead, the two people who have cooperated in alchemy this time also have a tacit understanding, and because of the relationship between the natal contract, the two have reached the level of mutual understanding, and neither of them deliberately concealed each other's thoughts. What is thinking, how to make alchemy, the other person will soon understand.

King Guyue was locked in the alchemy room.

With his hands behind his back, he kept pacing on the spot, looking at the silent alchemy room, his brows became tighter and tighter, besides him, Zhuifeng and others were also outside, and the dozen or so alchemists were also outside. did not leave.

Everyone held their breath.

The time suddenly became extremely long... Everyone's hearts were in their throats, they were afraid that the door of the alchemy room would be opened suddenly, and then they were suddenly told that the Buyuan Dan was destroyed... It's no wonder they thought so, Qin Luo was the one who made alchemy Yi, a demon king who has never refined heavenly elixir.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

To their surprise, five days had passed, and the door of the alchemy room had not been opened, and King Guyue's frown that had been tightly knit quietly loosened a lot.

It can last for five days!
It was beyond his expectation.

Mr. Wang, who had been in seclusion for five days, hurried out of the seclusion. Although his complexion was much better than before, he was still very pale. He was helped to the alchemy room.

Today is already the fifth day.

If there are no accidents, today should have been the day when Bu Yuan Dan became a pill!
The corpses outside the alchemy room have already been disposed of, and the young man who fell on the ground was also the man who seriously injured alchemist Mr. Wang. He has been lying on the ground these days, unable to move.

After Mo Xiao entered the alchemy room, King Gu Yue didn't deal with him. He just left him there, apparently waiting for Mo Xiao to come out before disposing of him.

As time passed, the young man's face became more and more ugly.

A powerful barrier was set up around the alchemy room, which was originally guarded by special personnel, and ordinary people could not enter it at all. Since Qin Luoyi and Mo Xiao entered the alchemy room, Zhuifeng and the others even dispatched people to guard it like an iron bucket Normally, a fly would not be able to fly in, so the news of Mr. Wang's assassination was not spread, and even the news of the Tianpin Buyuan Pill being refined here was not spread.

The sun moved from east to west, and soon the night began to fall, the door of the alchemy room was still not opened, everyone's hearts were raised again, King Guyue and Lord Wang talked softly from time to time, pinching their fingers to calculate when the alchemy should be completed.

But I waited all night in vain.

In the morning, when the first ray of morning light came out, the door of the alchemy room finally opened, and a dazzling glow of seven colors shot out from the alchemy room, and instantly the whole sky was illuminated by that glow. Along with that ray of sunlight, there is also a refreshing and strange fragrance.

"That's... Bu Yuan Pill!"

Mr. Wang's eyes lit up, and he exclaimed suddenly, his pale face turned red with excitement, the chaotic mass surrounded by colorful rays of light, what is it but Buyuan Pill?
"It really worked!"

King Gu Yue was also extremely excited.

Tianpin's elixir has spirituality as soon as it is refined, because it is condensed from many rare treasures in the upper world, and it will instinctively run away after it becomes a elixir.

It's just that there has been a powerful barrier and restriction here, how can I escape, and ran around in the void, but was easily detained by a slender jade-like finger.

Two figures came out of the alchemy room, and it was Mo Xiao who was holding the Tianpin Buxin Pill. His lips were smiling, and his dark eyes swept across King Guyue and the others before falling on Qin Luoyi.

There was a look of fatigue in Qin Luoyi's eyes.

His expression was very excited.

Although Mo Xiao has always suggested something during alchemy, she has always been the one who did it, and she was indeed the one who refined this elixir... Well, although it has only been refined for so many days, but the last few days are the most successful pills. At the critical moment, she is even confident now that if she is allowed to refine the Tianpin pill alone, she is at least [-]% sure that she can make it.

And this is the most conservative estimate.

The smile on King Gu Yue's face couldn't be concealed no matter what, such a person with cultivation talent and alchemy talent... No wonder the king would save her even if he hurt himself that day Let her live in Ling Xiao Pavilion.

(End of this chapter)

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