Brother is too evil

Chapter 731 The Son of King Jinpeng

Chapter 731 The Son of King Jinpeng (1)
Xiao Shan was also very surprised, after hurting Lu Xiao, he didn't chase after him to kill him, instead he rushed to his subordinates and said: "There is a thunder disaster, everyone back away. Don't hinder Miss Qin from going through the thunder disaster."

Qin Luoyi's thunder calamity came fiercely, and it was about to fall. Such an urgent thunder calamity was probably because she had suppressed her cultivation before and had never overcome the calamity.

Lu Xiao also backed away.

Hawkeye looked at Qin Luoyi complicatedly.

The old man in white also leaped away from Qin Luoyi's side, laughing loudly: "Unexpectedly, at this time, it's just right to let the heavens take care of you, and save me from doing it."

His snake-like eyes looked at Xiao Shan.

Xiao Shan's heart shuddered.

Had a bad feeling.

"You stay and go through the robbery with me."

Qin Luoyi smiled like a flower, and with a light smile stopped the old man in white from attacking Xiaoshan.

The old man in white looked at her like a monster.

"You really want to court death."

With one more person crossing the thunder calamity, the power of the thunder calamity will be many times greater!
The Great Demon Lord of Jin rank is a sixteenth level of thunder tribulation. Under these sixteenth level of thunder tribulation, less than one out of ten people can successfully cross the tribulation. Qin Luoyi dared to stop her. This is not courting death.


The originally clear sky suddenly became extremely dark, and the first thunderstorm fell quickly. The huge silver lightning, like a swimming dragon, struck fiercely in the direction of Qin Luoyi.

The old man in white was also enveloped by the huge thunder.

Qin Luoyi's action made everyone stunned. The two people who were shrouded in the dazzling and terrifying silver thunder light could no longer see their figures clearly.


Lu Xiao's face changed several times, and he turned around to leave.

This place is not far from Yueyang City, but only a few thousand miles away. Originally, they knew that the Crescent Moon King was in Yueyang City, so they rushed to Yueyang City.

Walking halfway, they knew that Yueyang City was under siege, and the Moon King had also fled, so they prepared to take advantage of the chaos and leave quietly, but they didn't expect to meet Xiao Shan, a reckless man, trying to stop them.

Then he met Qin Luoyi.

The joy in my heart faded away after seeing that Qin Luoyi actually got acquainted with Xiao Shan... She unexpectedly crossed the thunder calamity at this time again, this place is not far from Yueyang City, the movement of the thunder calamity will soon attract many demon cultivators , I'm afraid I won't be able to leave even if I want to.

Thinking of this, his body moved faster.

Before leaving, he couldn't help but take a look at the place that had turned into a sea of ​​thunder. The look in his eyes became more complicated. The Great Demon King's thunder calamity was already extremely powerful, but he dared to drag one more person into the thunder calamity. How naive!
One heavy after another thunder calamity fell one after another, even the ground shook, Xiao Shan's face was also a little ugly, and he was very worried about Qin Luoyi.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that Lu Xiao was about to leave. He got angry and rushed up with others.

Lu Xiao saw from a distance that there was already a demon cultivator who was alarmed and came towards this place, so he didn't want to fight with him, and just swayed and shot away.

Xiao Shan was seriously injured, his cultivation level was naturally not as good as Lu Xiao's, and he didn't stop Lu Xiao even with all means, so he couldn't help stomping his feet in anger.

"One day, I will kill you!" Looking back at Qin Luoyi who was crossing the tribulation.He was the one who survived the catastrophe of the Great Demon Lord, so he naturally saw that the thunder catastrophe that Qin Luoyi was going through was more than twice as terrifying as when he was going through the catastrophe.

Thinking of how dangerous it was when she crossed the catastrophe, she was really close to death, and she felt even more sweaty in her heart.

But I can only do it in a hurry.


A shrill and abnormal scream came from the Thunder Tribulation, but it was only a short cry, and it disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Miss Qin... is she okay?"

Behind Xiao Shan, someone was whispering, and the worry on his face could not be concealed.

"What can happen!"

Xiao Shan himself was also worried, but he still turned his head and scolded angrily. Even Lu Xiao, who had already run a long way, stopped, and looked towards the place that had turned into a sea of ​​silver thunder, with an unpredictable expression.

"My lord, look!"

Someone exclaimed and pointed forward.

Xiao Shan was startled, and only a thought flashed through his mind.


Looking back sharply, his eyes were almost straightened, the sea of ​​thunder actually moved, and shot towards the front, and the position where it went was exactly where Lu Xiao was standing.


Another deafening thunder came down, and the people in the place where the thunder passed dodged one after another. Lu Xiao felt panicked for no reason, and speeded up to rush forward, but Lei Hai behind him was moving extremely fast, and he caught up with him in the blink of an eye. He, also covered him in the sea of ​​thunder.

Lu Xiao, who was shrouded in the thunder calamity, was stunned for a moment, staring at the woman in the thunder calamity in disbelief.

Her blue hair is like a waterfall, her star eyes are flowing, and she looks forward to shine. In the midst of the great demon king Lei Jie whose power is multiplying, she smiles slightly, with a very relaxed expression. Her body is surrounded by a soft white enchantment. Used to resist the terrible thunder disaster.

The Great Demon King Qi Xiushi who came with him has long since disappeared, but there is another man inside, standing beside Qin Luoyi, dressed in green clothes, his eyes are dark and cold, his whole body exudes a faint purple radiance, unexpectedly While eagerly absorbing the terrifying thunder light, not a single trace of the thunder calamity landed on Qin Luoyi's body.

Lu Xiao was shocked and angry.Someone can protect her from the thunder disaster, no wonder she is so confident and dares to pull Qi Xiushi in to accompany her through the disaster, now she still has herself.


A terrifying thunder calamity fell crazily again, dark clouds enveloped the entire sky, and lightning flashed across the sky, but that slender figure appeared even more dazzling in the thunder... Fortunately, Lu Xiao was shocked, and he still hadn't lost his mind. He released a magic weapon like a jade tripod, covered it above his head, and covered his body with a layer of defense, trying to protect himself from the thunder calamity.

He didn't dare to take the terrifying thunder disaster with one more person together. The brilliance flowed down from the cauldron, covering his whole body, and the terrifying thunder disaster crashed down. Ding blocked it.

Qin Luoyi's eyes lit up.

That tripod... is a good thing.

"My surname is it turns out that even the surname you told me was false." Lu Xiao looked at her, his eyes met, and there was a strange sadness in his eagle eyes: "why...why is this so, Do you know how long I've been looking for you since you disappeared two months ago, just in case something bad happens to you."

Qin Luoyi twitched the corners of his lips imperceptibly.

Looking at him quietly in the gorgeous thunder light, his blue hair fluttered, his pretty face was as white as jade, so beautiful that a flash of amazement flashed in Lu Xiao's eyes again.

(End of this chapter)

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