Brother is too evil

Chapter 733 The Devil Owl Appears

Chapter 733 The Devil Owl Appears (1)
With his knowledge and knowledge, he can naturally see that the puppet in blue has already begun to cultivate his spiritual consciousness. In time, he may be able to cultivate a complete soul, and he will use thunder to refine his body. I am afraid that he is another amazing person.

Chasing Feng and Chasing Shadow couldn't hide the shock in their eyes.

It took three years to cultivate from the Earth Demon to the Demon Lord, and less than half a year to cultivate to the Great Demon Lord. What kind of perverted cultivation is this?
The other demon cultivators also looked at her with surprise and joy, and the puppet in Tsing Yi beside her, their eyes were astonishingly bright, and they were very envious.

The whole body was struck black by lightning, and Lu Xiao, who was only able to breathe a sigh of relief, looked at Qin Luoyi with extremely vicious eyes, like a snake.

"kill him!"

"Kill that devil!"

"This devil has killed many demon cultivators in our Southern Demon Realm, and his methods are vicious and ruthless. I didn't expect him to have today!"

Not only Qin Luoyi felt that cold gaze, but other people also sensitively sensed it. All the demon cultivators were angry, and the roars of killing him kept coming and going. Lu Xiao was handsome, but he killed him. People's relatives, friends, and even wives and children died at his hands. Seeing Lu Xiao's distressed state now, he gritted his teeth and felt relieved.

Lu Xiao lowered his eyes.

Naturally, Qin Luoyi didn't plan to spare Lu Xiao's life, not to mention that Mo Xiao and the people from the Northern Demon Emperor didn't get along in this life. If this is the case, thanks to her gift, he really spared his life. With this person's vicious temperament, there will be endless troubles.

Looking at Lu Xiao coldly, they did not stop them from attacking Lu Xiao.

Lu Xiao sneered, and could only see the two eyeballs rolling. The smile permeated people very much. Qin Luoyi felt that something was wrong. He flicked his sleeves lightly, waved his hand violently, and pushed out with a powerful force. Several of his men pushed away hundreds of meters.

An extremely sharp dragon's chant sounded, and it went straight to the sky, shaking everyone's ears.

A figure came tearing through the void, like a stream of light, and fell in front of Lu Xiao in the blink of an eye. It was a middle-aged man, dressed in a black five-clawed golden dragon brocade robe, with long golden hair, like a burning fire, tall and tall. He was tall and tall, with a strong aura on his body, which was so oppressive that people could not breathe. When he saw Lu Xiao, who was completely changed, he was shocked and angry. He roared again, and many monks who were close to him turned pale from the shock. Many people even vomited blood.

"It's King Jinpeng!"

Qin Luoyi's pupils shrank sharply.

King Jinpeng is one of the Four Great Demon Kings under the Demon Emperor of the Northern Demon Realm. I don't know how many years he has lived. Among the Four Great Demon Kings, his cultivation is also the highest, and the Four Great Demon Kings are even faintly led by him. Gain the trust of the Northern Demon Emperor.

Seeing King Jinpeng coming, King Guyue's expression also changed.

Sweeping down from the air like lightning, the powerful aura of being a demon king was unreservedly released, blocking the powerful murderous aura bursting out from King Jinpeng.

Only then did everyone feel better.

"Who...who dares to hurt me!" King Jinpeng's eyes were like knives, he supported Lu Xiao and roared angrily, his powerful divine sense scanned the entire area, and those who were swept by his eyes felt as if their whole bodies had fallen into an ice cellar generally.

Qin Luoyi raised his eyebrows.

I didn't expect that Lu Xiao was the son of King Jinpeng. If he hadn't said it himself today, few people would know.

Her eyes fell on King Guyue.

King Gu Yue's eyes were clearly surprised, obviously he didn't know before today, Qin Luoyi smiled disdainfully, with such a powerful Laozi behind him, no wonder Lu Xiao was only a few tens of thousands of years old, and he had cultivated to the big The devil, and he dared to kill so arrogantly before, this is nothing to fear.

It's a surprise that King Jinpeng's son can be dealt with today, but it's a pity that she still has a sigh of relief. If she had known that she should have quickly taken his life with a heavy hand just now, King Jinpeng could come here in such a timely manner. Xiao called him here.

Chasing the Wind and Chasing Shadow quietly stood behind Qin Luoyi, with a vigilant expression on his face, obviously afraid that King Jinpeng would suddenly attack Qin Luoyi and hurt Qin Luoyi.

Lu Xiao raised his hand and pointed at Qin Luoyi. "It's her!" The voice was extremely hoarse and unpleasant, like a broken gong.

King Jinpeng's eyes shot at Qin Luoyi's body with a murderous look.A golden roc suddenly flew out of his sky cap, and flew towards Qin Luoyi viciously.

The Peng Claw was huge, and the terrifying aura of devouring blood emanating from his body was even more frightening than the aura emanating from the high-level cultivation of the Great Demon Lord.

"Miss Qin, be careful, this Jinpeng is not much weaker than that King Jinpeng." Zhuifeng's expression changed, and he reminded her.

The body was as fast as lightning and Zhuying went up to meet him. Zhuifeng had a long sword in his hand, and Zhuying had a spear in his hand. They were both extremely powerful magic weapons in the demon world. With the dazzling light, he went towards Jinpeng.

That Jinpeng was very cunning, and actually turned into several phantoms, two of which met the two chasing the wind, and the others all rushed towards Qin Luoyi.

Naturally, King Gu Yue would not sit idly by.

Although Qin Luoyi's cultivation base is powerful, but against the monster Jinpeng whose cultivation base is equivalent to that of a demon king, it is like hitting a stone with an egg. His body turned into a ray of light, and it blinked to Qin Luoyi's side, protecting her.

Lu Xiao pulled the corners of his lips, but now he looks terrifying, the action of pulling the corners of his lips made him look like a ghost at this time, and said ruthlessly: "Father, give her a break, I want to kill her myself !"

King Jinpeng nodded.

Handing over Lu Xiao to the other two who came with him, he himself greeted the King of Guyue, his brilliance soared into the sky, and he fought with King of the Moon in an instant. It was razed to the ground, and many cracks appeared on the ground.

"You don't come out yet, do you want to wait for me to be torn into pieces?" Seeing that several Jinpeng were about to attack Qin Luoyi, Qin Luoyi didn't want to fight, but just looked at a certain place, as if self-mumbling.

There was a chuckle in the air.

The laughter was very light, but it was clearly heard by everyone below. The familiar laughter made the eyes of King Guyue, Zhuifeng and the others brighten, and they were not in a hurry to fight with King Jinpeng anymore. He opened it and looked into the void.

King Jinpeng also faintly felt that the laughter was somewhat familiar, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he looked in the direction of the laughter.

A long black whip appeared in the void, like a swimming dragon, it went towards the Jinpeng who was fighting with the chasing wind and shadow. The fierce phantoms that were about to pounce in front of Qin Luoyi suddenly disappeared without a trace as Jin Peng fell.

After winning Jinpeng, the jade whip disappeared in the void, and a slender figure appeared in the void.

(End of this chapter)

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