Brother is too evil

Chapter 735 Dark World

Chapter 735 Dark World (1)
Not only King Guyue was excited, but other monks in the Southern Demon Realm were also excited. With the Hunyuan Dzi, His Majesty will be able to proclaim himself emperor in the Demon Realm smoothly.


King Jinpeng murmured.

The turbulent waves in his heart, he also guessed like King Gu Yue and the others... Could it be that Mo Xiao really got the Hunyuan Dzi?If this is the case, he will be in a bad situation today. Does the Hunyuan Dzi Bead contain the source of chaos, the most precious treasure cultivated in the heavens?
The more I think about it, the more anxious I become.

Mo Xiao looked at Qin Luoyi.Qin Luoyi pursed his lips, held his breath involuntarily, looked at him, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

She doesn't want to be a devil emperor!
With her current cultivation base, if people find out that she has the Hunyuan Dzi Bead on her body, she will not be able to live in peace from now on, but... Mo Xiao said that his life essence is greatly depleted, and he will not be able to survive if he takes it. The Tianpin Buyuan Pill can't make him return to his former peak state. Looking at Mo Xiao's handsome face, Qin Luoyi felt that he was thinking too much. Mo Xiao probably wouldn't say anything about the Hunyuan Dzi in her body. yes.

For the sake of his little life.

He wouldn't say anything about it.

Thinking of this, his heart sank a little.

A dazzling smile suddenly appeared on Mo Xiao's face, and he walked towards Qin Luoyi, and immediately landed beside her, standing shoulder to shoulder with her, looking at her with dark eyes and chuckling: "Hunyuantian The pearl is on Miss Qin's body."

Qin Luoyi looked at him expressionlessly.

But Mo Xiao blinked, turned his back on everyone and gave her a narrow smile, then turned to look at everyone, all the demons all had extremely dull expressions.Immediately he felt happy, and looked back at Qin Luoyi: "Luoyi, they don't seem to believe it, they are all stunned, why don't you take out the Hunyuan Dzi and show them."

There was a bit of a strange kiss in his expression.

Qin Luoyi gritted his teeth secretly.

He simply stopped looking at him, and raised his eyes to look at the surrounding monks. On the entire mountain range, tens of thousands of people had gathered at this time, and they all looked at her in amazement.

With a thought, she summoned the Hunyuan Dzi.

The green beads are crystal clear, exuding a green light, very dazzling.Mo Xiao had already reached this point, she knew that even if she didn't do anything, with Mo Xiao's cultivation, she could still call out the Hunyuan Dzi.

"It's really a Hunyuan Dzi!"

King Guyue's jaw almost fell from shock. The Hunyuan Dzi Bead was not in the hands of the king, but it was actually on Qin Luoyi's body...and he ordered it out in front of so many people. Doesn't that mean...they are not in the demon world? Are you going to respect her as an emperor?
He took a quick look at Mo Xiao.

There was no sign of displeasure on Mo Xiao's face.

The mood suddenly became extremely complicated... His Majesty knew that the Hunyuan Dzi Bead was on Miss Qin's body, if he wanted to take it away, he would have done so long ago, what does His Majesty mean?
King Guyue, who had been with Mo Xiao for countless years, suddenly felt that he could no longer see him through.

King Jinpeng's face was ashen.

He was also like King Gu Yue, he couldn't figure out why Mo Xiao would let Hunyuan Dzi bead on a woman, but he knew that now was not the time to explore these things, the most urgent thing was to leave here before making plans.

Mo Xiao really took out the Hunyuan Dzi Bead, and the reason why the Northern Demon Realm invaded the Southern Demon Realm in the past can no longer stand firm. Given the right time and place, Mo Xiao will definitely use him as a knife.

Among all the people, Lu Xiao was the one who was the most angry, most regretful, and most regretful.The moment Qin Luoyi took out the Hunyuan Dzi, he coughed violently.Almost couldn't catch his breath and passed out directly.

"What else do you have to say?" Mo Xiao looked at King Jinpeng coldly.

King Jinpeng's heart became ruthless, and he released the Jinpeng in the heavenly spirit to attack him. Jinpeng was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, he came in front of Mo Xiao. Mo Xiao looked into Jin Peng's eyes coldly. He didn't dare to rush over, and fell to the ground with a scream, his body trembling.

In this instant of effort, King Jinpeng has disappeared.

Lu Xiao was still there, and several monks from the Northern Demon Realm who followed King Jinpeng were also there. In order to escape, King Jinpeng even ignored his son's life, leaving everyone behind and leaving alone.

"Killed so many monks in my Southern Demon Realm, and still want to run?" Mo Xiao sneered, a golden light suddenly appeared in his hand, and the golden light enveloped thousands of miles in an instant, and he gracefully forced the golden light into the ground , whispered in his mouth: "Come out!"

Ten kilometers away, a black shadow screamed out from the ground, it was King Jinpeng who had disappeared just now, King Jinpeng had disheveled hair, blood on his body, and he was in a very embarrassing state. Countless golden lights penetrated into his body, bang With a bang, his body burst open suddenly, a powerful and terrifying force shot out, and even the ground began to shake.

Mo Xiao had prepared for a long time, formed a space barrier, and let his body explode in the barrier, so as not to hurt many monks around the mountains. Seeing that Mo Xiao killed King Jinpeng without any effort, all the monks around Cheered excitedly.

"With the Hunyuan Dzi Bead, can I become the Demon Emperor of the Demon Realm?" King Jinpeng died, and so did Lu Xiao. After returning to Yueyang City, when only Demon Xiao was alone with him, Qin Luoyi took the demon king again. He took out the Hunyuan Dzi Bead, held it in his hand and looked at Mo Xiao with a half-smile.

Mo Xiao's eyes flickered, he nodded with a smile and said, "That's natural, the Hunyuan Dzi Bead has always been a keepsake of the Devil Emperor, and it has been lost for nearly 20 years."

"If I become the devil have to listen to my orders too?" Qin Luoyi moved closer to him, looking at him with his pitch-black phoenix eyes, and smiled even brighter on his pretty face.A pair of phoenix eyes are even more radiant, and the fair skin is as smooth and flawless as white jade, and soft as if it can be broken with a snap of the fingers. Against the bright red lips, it looks even more glamorous.

Mo Xiao's heart froze, his eyes darkened.

The smile on her lips was even more dazzling, with a charming look in her eyes, she raised her hand to caress her chin, and said jokingly: "What do you want me to do for you? Tell me, just ask the heaven I'll pick off your star for you too."

Qin Luoyi slapped his palm.

The smile in his eyes disappeared, and there was a touch of anger in his pretty eyes: "Who cares about that star! The Hunyuan Dzi is a keepsake of the Devil Emperor, why didn't I hear you say it before?"

"I didn't say it before, wasn't I afraid to scare you?" Mo Xiao raised his eyebrows, looked at the back of his hand that was shot red, shook his head and sighed: "It's really ruthless, the strike is really hard!"

"Afraid of scaring me? Hehe, aren't you afraid of scaring me today?" Qin Luoyi squinted at him, and said coldly, "Tell them in front of so many people that I have Hunyuantian on me." Zhu, what exactly do you mean? Don't forget that the two of us are born into a contract, so you think your life is too long!"

(End of this chapter)

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