Brother is too evil

Chapter 743 Intimacy

Chapter 743 Intimacy (2)
Qin Luoyi looked at the treasures of heaven and earth around him, each of which was priceless in the upper realm, and quickly scanned the surroundings with his spiritual sense, but unfortunately, although the things were good, he still couldn't get together the Tianpin tonic that Demon Xiao had taken before. Yuan Dan.

He sighed to himself.

In fact, even if they could get it all together, it would take only a few years for the day-grade Buyuan elixir to be refined at all.

But once you enter the treasure mountain, there is no reason to return empty-handed. Although these natural materials and earth treasures cannot be used to refine heaven-grade pills, it is completely feasible to refine holy-grade pills and mysterious-grade pills.

Mo Xiao said that he was fine here for the time being, so Qin Luoyi walked around in peace of mind. Before leaving, he released the Tsing Yi puppet and asked him to stay by Mo Xiao's side. In case of any accident, he could delay it for a while. time.

She picked off the mature spiritual plants and spiritual treasures inside, and put them into the storage space. Although the immature ones were also very powerful, she took them all down. Whether it was the previous cultivation world or the current demon world, monks would Adhere to the principle of staying on the front line in everything, and never do things absolutely.

After turning around, she returned with a full load.

He returned to Demon Xiao's side again.

Demon Xiao closed his eyes and sat there quietly. His body lacked the usual evil spirits and monsters, and exuded more elegance and nobility from the inside out. Kunwu, Lanzhi Yixiang Yaochi.

His appearance is actually more handsome, the longer we get along with him, the more I realize that this man is actually a complex of contradictions.

Sometimes evil, sometimes ruthless, sometimes unrestrained... Thinking of the two meeting in the water magic city, Qin Luoyi couldn't help but gritted his teeth. Cover up anger.

But seeing his slightly pale face, and thinking of his injury, it was also because of protecting her, because she was robbed by Mo Chen... The anger in my heart completely disappeared.This is not the first time that Mo Xiao has been injured because of her.If he hadn't formed a natal contract with her, how could he suffer such a crime?

If the man didn't say anything, he must have regretted it in his heart, and he didn't know how many liters of blood he had vomited in secret.

After half an hour, there was no movement outside. Sure enough, as Mo Xiao said, this place is very secret, and Mo Chen didn't find it.

Qin Luoyi, who had been keeping an eye on the outside, finally relaxed a little. She also started to practice with her eyes closed, and the puppet in Tsing Yi stayed at the place, always paying attention to the changes outside.

"What are you doing?"

Not long after Qin Luoyi practiced, she was suddenly awakened by Mo Xiao. She blinked and looked at Mo Xiao who was very close to her.

"I'm practicing."

"I know you're cultivating." A strange look flashed in Mo Xiao's eyes.

Only then did Qin Luoyi remember that he hadn't had time to tell him that he realized the true meaning of time, thinking that he was surprised by this, bent his lips, and told him with a smile that he had realized the true meaning of time on Rizhao Mountain.

"It's a pity that time is too tight. I was going to find you, but I met Mochen. I am not sure about the speed of time. When I fully grasp the speed of time, your injuries will recover quickly." .”

She can also quickly cultivate and advance. When the time comes, the two of them will join forces and kill the demons without leaving a piece of armor. Why can't they leave the Northern Demon Realm?
"It's really good news, congratulations." Mo Xiao said congratulations, but touched his forehead with his fingers and sighed.

Qin Luoyi blinked, always feeling that his expression was not right, and looked at him suspiciously.

"Luoyi, we will be in big trouble before you fully grasp the flow of time." Mo Xiao lowered his hand from his forehead and looked at her with a half-smile.

"What trouble."

Qin Luoyi had a bad premonition in his heart.

For them now, the biggest trouble is Mo Chen.

She let go of her consciousness.

Finding that Mo Chen was actually gliding towards here, and found the entrance of the cave covered by an enchantment, his face changed suddenly.

"This is Jin Ruihuang's secret training place. There is an enchantment that can cover up the strange energy flow here. However, the fluctuations caused by the change of time flow rate cannot be covered here, especially your time flow rate is unstable and fluctuates too much. , Mo Chen obviously noticed it."

Qin Luoyi was extremely annoyed at this moment, so, she actually attracted that monster, what does it mean to lift a rock and smash it in the foot?
This is!
I hope that the enchantment of this paradise created by Jin Ruihuang is strong enough to not be discovered by Mo Chen.

Demon Xiao didn't retreat anymore.

Both of them paid attention to the movements of Mo Chen outside. Mo Chen was worthy of being the Great Demon King of the Northern Demon Realm, and now he was also called the Emperor.He quickly found this cave, turned around in front of the cave, and quickly came to the back, after turning around, he finally stopped outside the stone gate of the Taoyuan barrier.

After nearly an hour, Mochen successfully opened the stone gate again, and saw that it was full of all kinds of treasures from heaven and earth, with a refreshing fragrance and extremely strong spiritual power. This kind of treasure was really shocked by the scene in front of him.

Taking advantage of the moment when he was shocked, a black whip came over silently.

Mo Chen sneered: "Mo Xiao, I finally found you, let's see where you hide!" The black light instantly permeated the whole body, forming a strong and thick defensive shield, holding a long black sword in his hand, He slashed towards Mo Xiao and Qin Luoyi.


That black whip lashed Mo Chen's body heavily, even through the black defense, it almost shattered Mo Chen's bones!

The defense was also torn apart.


He yelled in disbelief: "How is it possible, you are obviously seriously injured!" No one knows better than him how powerful the palace guard formation of Nether Palace is, and this is also after he saw how powerful Mo Chen is. The reason why he dared to chase all the way.

Unexpectedly, he was the one who got hurt again!
He couldn't dodge that whip.

Mo Xiao didn't like to fight, and took advantage of the moment he was shocked after hurting him, he pulled Qin Luoyi and left quickly again.


Mo Chen came to his senses and immediately chased after him.

He was not wrong, Mo Xiao was indeed injured, and the injury was serious, otherwise, how could he leave at this time?After understanding the relationship, Mo Chen didn't care about healing, and chased them at the fastest speed in his life.

His eyes are dark and cold.

Mo Xiao took Qin Luoyi quickly through the cave and did not run towards the cave entrance. When Mo Chen came in, he had already sealed the cave entrance.

Relying on Mo Xiao's familiarity with the inside and the fact that there are quite a few organ formations in this cave, Mo Xiao quickly pushed Mo Chen away temporarily, and brought Qin Luoyi into a stone room.

(End of this chapter)

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