Brother is too evil

Chapter 748 Invincible

Chapter 748 Invincible (2)
"do you have any opinion?"

"Hmph, I didn't expect you to be willing now. In the past, Jin Ruihuang took a fancy to you and promised you such a generous condition. You were not willing to give her the pure yang essence, but today you are willing to give it to this woman...Give it to her." She is pure yang essence, what kind of kung fu of yours can no longer reach the peak? Haha." Mo Chen laughed gloatingly.

Mo Xiao lost his pure yang essence back then, and he could not cultivate a kind of kung fu to the peak to fool Jin Ruihuang. Unexpectedly, Jin Ruihuang was not fake to other people, but he was not ordinary to Mo Xiao. He accepted his rhetoric, and he has always been very kind to him, which made him, who is Jin Ruihuang's confidant, very fond of it.

"It's none of your business whether you can cultivate to the peak or not. Just take care of yourself." Mo Xiao squinted his eyes, and a mocking smile curled up on the corner of his mouth.When he said this, he glanced into the distance.

Even thousands of miles away, he could still see that pretty figure standing quietly on the top of the mountain.

"Hmph, it's just the Thunder Tribulation of the advanced Demon King. Do you think that based on your current cultivation base, plus a newly promoted Demon King, he will be my opponent?" Disdainfully said: "I'll deal with her after I've dealt with you."

As soon as the words fell, the black long sword in his hand exploded, and a shocking long rainbow descended from the sky, with a true diameter of hundreds of feet.

This sword is not a mortal sword, but the Fengtian Sword, a sacred object in the demon world. It was the sword that Jin Ruihuang used frequently in the past, and it is also Jin Ruihuang's favorite among all the offensive magic weapons she refined.

After Jin Ruihuang's death, this Fengtian Sword fell into Mo Chen's hands and became Mo Chen's favorite.

Mo Xiao hooked his lips.

He stood gracefully above the void, looking at Mo Chen coldly.Her hair fluttered, her skirt fluttered, and she exuded a powerful and unpredictable aura, her eyes were cold and piercing.

When the sword light was about to fall on him, he suddenly moved, and the sleeves of his robe stretched out, covering the sky and the sun, not only retracting the powerful sword light into his sleeves, but even the sky on the other side , were all twisted up, as if they were about to be taken into his sleeve.

The extremely powerful coercion crushed towards Mo Chen.

In an instant, Mo Chen had an idea that the demon owl was invincible... Looking from a distance, he looked down on all sentient beings!
Facing the demon owl at this time, he had the feeling of facing Jin Ruihuang in the past, no... more terrifying than Jin Ruihuang, as if no matter what he did, he couldn't get out of his palm.

Surprised, angry and disbelieving in his heart, he looked at Mo Xiao carefully, Mo Xiao just stood there quietly with no expression on his face, except for the disappearance of the sword light he slashed, there was no change in the surroundings.

Mo Chen was sure.

He felt that it should be his own illusion just now, Mo Xiao was seriously injured, how could he feel that he was invincible? After taking away his pure yang body, he knew that this person's scheming was unfathomable.

Hmph, even now, he still wants to put on an air in front of him, play tricks, and try to delay time... He made the wrong idea.

Thinking of this, Mo Chen slashed at Mo Xiao with another sword qi, this time the sword qi directly cut through the void with a length of two thousand zhang.

Mo Xiao directly avoided it.


Mo Chen split the ground with a sword, and a crack several feet wide appeared on the ground. Seeing Mo Xiao step aside, he felt more confident in his heart, and attacked Mo Xiao again with a sneer.

The two figures instantly turned into two dazzling lights and shadows, hitting hundreds of thousands of meters in the air, from the mountains to the desert, and from the desert to the endless sea of ​​hearts in the North Demon Realm. The battlefield is everywhere, spanning the entire North demon world.

The Northern Demon Realm shook.

Because of the shocking battle between the Northern Demon Realm Demon Emperor and the Southern Demon Emperor Mo Chen.

The longer the fight, the more frightened Mo Chen became.

Demon Xiao became more and more courageous as he fought.

From the beginning, the idea that Mo Xiao might have used some secret method to improve his cultivation was completely shattered. The two have been fighting for a long time, and no secret method can support it for so long.The two fought until the sky was dark, and Mo Chen was gradually at a disadvantage. Seeing that he was invincible, Mo Chen, who was shocked and angry, finally resorted to a golden cicada's trick to escape, and finally shook off Mo Xiao, and quickly disappeared.

Demon Xiao looked at the direction where he was leaving, his eyes were upturned evilly, his whole body was shrouded in sparkling brilliance, his demeanor was outstanding, both noble and elegant, almost taking away the brilliance of the sun, and he smiled meaningfully.

"It's been a long time since I've had such a fun activity, tsk, since you've been practicing with me for so long, there's no credit or hard work, so I'll let you live a little longer, anyway, keep your life There are still some uses."

Turn around and leave quickly.

Qin Luoyi has successfully survived the thunder tribulation, advanced to become the Demon King, and there are only seven Demon Kings with her in the entire Demon World.

And after experiencing the baptism of thunder disaster, she looks more and more beautiful, her skin is white, her purple clothes are shining, graceful, her hair is flying, her bright eyes are looking forward, and her brows like distant mountains are lingering with the breath of Qinghua like water , with a confident and charming style on her cherry-like red lips.

And the dark clouds that had covered nearly ten thousand miles had completely dissipated, and the afterglow of the evening cast a faint halo around her, like a dream, like an unreal beauty.

Mo Xiao looked at the clear and beautiful face in front of him, a gleam flashed in his beautiful eyes, and a familiar desire began to wake up in his body again.

Qin Luoyi's eyes quickly scanned Mo Xiao's body, and found that he was not injured, and his expression was even more normal, his heart was relieved, and a faint smile of joy escaped from the corner of his lips.

"Where's Mo Chen?"

"He couldn't beat me, so he ran away using tricks." Mo Xiao raised his eyebrows and snorted softly: "I have tried the dark barrier in the Northern Demon Realm, but we can't get out for the time being, you can find another place to practice, At that time, let's join hands together and directly kill Mochen and take control of the Dark Realm."

Seeing his proud yet frightened look, Qin Luoyi suppressed his smile and nodded.

It can only be done first.

Fortunately, those powers of life essence really made Mo Xiao's cultivation greatly improved. Even Mo Chen can only temporarily avoid his sharp edge, but her... cultivation is still a little weaker.

And she also tried using her divine sense just now before Mo Xiao came back. Although her current cultivation base is already that of the Demon King, there are few people in the entire demon world who are her opponents, and her divine sense can cover an extremely far range. But still can't pass through the enchantment of the dark world.

Killing Mo Chen, mastering the Dark Realm, and unifying the enchantment, although this way of getting out is a bit troublesome, it is a once-and-for-all way.

The two left together.

(End of this chapter)

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