Brother is too evil

Chapter 750 Xuanyuan King

Chapter 750 Xuanyuan King (2)
Mo Chen, who couldn't find anyone, became more and more irritable.

But in the past half a month, many people died innocently at his hands, including the guards of Nether Palace and the monks of the Northern Demon Realm. If he didn't like it, he could directly shoot people out of their wits.The entire Northern Demon Realm was shrouded in a strange low pressure.

Gradually, Qin Luoyi has mastered the speed of time and is about to become the Great Demon King. He also has the Hunyuan Dzi Bead on his body and the protection of the Great Demon King Mo Xiao from the Southern Demon Realm. When she cultivates to the Great Demon King, Mo Xiao and Qin Luoyi The double cultivation is about to start, and rumors spread that they will join forces to completely unify the demon world.

Mo Chen became even more angry.

As soon as he got angry, there would be more unlucky people in the Northern Demon Realm.

Time flew by, half a year passed quickly, and Mo Chen, who was originally moody, suddenly fell silent again three months ago.

"Hmph, a woman who has pure yang essence can be lucky enough to advance to the rank of Demon King so quickly... Really think that the Great Demon King is so easy to cultivate? Even if there is a Hunyuan Dzi Bead, Jin Ruihuang was able to cultivate from the Demon King to the Great Demon King. It took thousands of years, and many male cultivators were used as furnaces to practice the great law of joy and bliss, and finally succeeded in being promoted to the Great Demon King!"

A hoarse voice resounded in the main hall of the Nether Palace. It was a man in purple. He was quite handsome, but his face was pale with a hint of gray, and his eyes were extremely cold.

Mo Chen, who was standing opposite him, smiled.

He had heard about Qin Luoyi's sudden realization of the true meaning of time, but he didn't pay much attention to it. It's not that simple to control the flow of time. It's just a dream to control the flow of time in a short time.

Only those who have not touched the true meaning of time will be excited so early.

However, even Mo Chen has to admit that Qin Luoyi's cultivation talent is extremely high, because it is too high, and he has already cultivated to the level of the Demon King, so no matter what, he can't let her live anymore, and Mo Xiao... It is definitely a huge threat to him if people continue to live.

"When they show up at that time, the two of us join forces, are we afraid that we won't be able to deal with them?" The man in purple said again, with a proud look on his face.

The smile on the corners of Mo Chen's lips grew stronger, and his eyes flickered: "With the help of the Demon Emperor, they will naturally not be our opponents."

The man he called the Demon Emperor laughed out loud.

It's just that the smile is just like Mo Chen's, it's dark and cold no matter how you look at it, with a monstrous murderous aura.

"As long as you help me first, when she crosses the catastrophe, I will help you kill that woman. If there is a thunder catastrophe, then we will take action, and she will be easily wiped out. Just put your heart in your stomach." Let's go, now let's figure out when you will return to the demon world with me."

"I'm free anytime." Mo Chen replied very readily.

"Okay, in another ten days or so, my injury will be almost healed, and then we will return to the demon world, and they will disappear in less than half a year. If you want to be promoted to the Great Demon King, no matter how abnormal your cultivation is, it will not be so fast time……".

The two smiled at each other.

Halfway through the laugh, Mo Chen's expression suddenly changed. "Someone is going to cross the catastrophe!"

"It's the catastrophe of the Great Demon King!"

The demon emperor's pupils shrank sharply, and his expression was extremely shocked.Could it be that another remarkable person has appeared in the Demon Realm?
After being startled, the two of them tore through the void at the same time and left. Millions of miles away, a proud white figure was standing on the top of the mountain.

The demon owl in black and brocade robes stood in the void in the distance.

The Yao Emperor had never met Qin Luoyi, but he knew Mo Xiao.

"She is Qin Luoyi?"

He points to the man on top of the mountain.

Mo Chen nodded, and the murderous look in the dark eyes became more intense, there was nothing to say, these two people must die, they can't kill two, it's okay to kill one first.

"This woman really can't stay any longer." The demon emperor looked at Qin Luoyi on the top of the mountain, and said coldly. It took only half a year to attract the thunder calamity of the great demon king. I'm afraid it's this woman's world!
"Of course I can't stay any longer."

The two looked at each other, and both saw the murderous intent in Bi Yin's eyes, but in order not to startle the snake, they didn't show up at this time.

Qin Luoyi stood on the top of the mountain, closed his eyes slightly, raised his chin, felt the violent energy in the wind, and a happy smile escaped from the corner of his lips.Regarding the speed of time flow, she retreated several times and failed several times, but luckily she succeeded in the end!

Just one month after being promoted to Demon King, she succeeded.

He couldn't help but opened his eyes and looked in the direction where Mo Xiao was standing.At this time, Demon Xiao's black and thick hair was pulled up high by the purple jade crown, and the neckline and cuffs of the black brocade jacket were all embroidered with noble patterns with purple silk thread. When the wind hit, his skirt fluttered, and he flowed freely. Elegant and extravagant.

Mo Xiao raised the corners of his lips, blinked at her, then narrowed his eyes slightly, and smiled dazzlingly.

Qin Luoyi couldn't help but smiled back at him.

He also thought of how she finally managed to control the flow of time and showed Mo Xiao how she was so shocked that she didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

It was the first time she saw such a look on Mo Xiao's face.

First she was shocked, then surprised, her eyes were as bright as the stars in the dark night, she was extremely beautiful, and in the end she said it was to celebrate her becoming the second person in the upper world to control the flow of time (Jin Ruihuang is dead, so it doesn’t count ), directly brought her into the room, pressed her on the bed and tossed her fiercely all night, extremely crazy.

In the next five months outside, more than 100 years have passed in the bracelet space, and she has been practicing hard for more than 100 years.

Mo Xiao also practiced there most of the time, accompanying her to double cultivation with her. During the double cultivation, the source of chaos in the Hunyuan Dzi she released, because of the refining of Mo Xiao's powerful Heavenly Demon Dafa, she absorbed it faster A lot, if it wasn't for Mo Xiao, she would not have been able to cultivate to the peak of the Demon King and usher in the Great Demon King Lei Jie in just half a year.

This time, Lei Jie only looked at the dark clouds accumulated in the sky, which were several times larger than before. The power of Lei Jie was extremely powerful, and it was not comparable to her previous Demon King Lei Jie.

But... Even so, she didn't feel the slightest fear in her heart.

Tsing Yi stood beside her quietly.

In the past hundred years, the puppet in Tsing Yi has become so strong that he can cultivate by himself. The puppet in Tsing Yi has completely had his own consciousness. He is no different from ordinary people in doing things and thinking about problems, except that he is a little taciturn. The Demon Realm unexpectedly found a sea of ​​thunder, Tsing Yi had been practicing in it, until she felt that she was about to cross the catastrophe, and the Demon Xiao went to bring him back.

(End of this chapter)

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