Chapter 755
Mo Chen had already set up an enchantment outside.

With Xuehu's cultivation base, he can't penetrate the barrier at all, and his voice can't penetrate the barrier. It seems that Qin Luoyi can only see Mo Chen and hear Mo Chen's voice at this time, yes Everyone else turned a blind eye.

She stretched out the treasure bottle of Dao.


Mo Chen chuckled excitedly.

He stretched out his hand to pick up the treasure vase of the Great Dao, and from the corner of his eye, he couldn't help but look at the demon owl who was fighting with the Heaven-devouring Blood in the void, forcibly suppressing the urge to laugh wildly.

He got the Dao Vase, Qin Luoyi is nothing to be afraid of, and even Mo Xiao is nothing to be afraid of!

The devil world will soon be his world!
"It's actually a great law of joy and joy again!" The man in white who stood with his hands behind his back in the void seemed to be unable to maintain his composure any longer. I shouldn't have spared your life!"

He only raised his foot halfway, and suddenly the man in white stopped his foot again.

Mo Chen, who was delighted to receive the Dao vase in his hand, suddenly changed his face. With a "buzz", thousands of auspicious colors suddenly dropped from the Dao vase, enveloping Mo Chen inside.

Mo Chen roared, his face full of disbelief.

And Qin Luoyi, who looked dull and blushed, was looking at him with his chin raised slightly, his eyes cold and sneering, he didn't look half confused just now.

"Damn it, you lied to me!"

"Heh, can't I lie to you?" Qin Luoyi smiled: "You are only allowed to play tricks on me, and if I am not allowed to trick me, it will fail?"

Qin Luoyi was once tortured by the great law of acacia bliss, when Mo Chen's aura changed, and when that strange melodious sound that could affect the energy in her body sounded, she felt that something was wrong.

He actually tried to control her with the method of acacia bliss!

If it weren't for the great joy of happiness in her body, she would have been completely expelled by her, maybe he really succeeded today.

Mo Chen was very angry.

What a trick, he pretended so much just now, but he didn't find any flaws at all, but what he couldn't figure out was that with Jin Ruihuang's temperament, it is impossible for Qin Luoyi to not have the Great Law of Joyful Joy in his body, and he shouldn't have failed.

Besides, even if Qin Luoyi doesn't have the Great Law of Joyful Joy in his body, with his cultivation, he shouldn't be able to control her...

Qin Luoyi controlled the vase of the great way, and the light on the vase of the great way became more and more intense. Mo Chen resisted it with all his strength, but he couldn't break free in a hurry. The vase of the great way could hold all the power in the world, and was enveloped by its powerful light Mochen, who lives there, only feels that the power in his body is rapidly draining, and his expression becomes more and more ugly and angry.

"Qin Luoyi, do you think you can completely defeat me with the Aquarius of the Dao?" The golden light shot directly towards the Heaven-devouring Blood Formation, and instantly built a golden bridge on the Heaven-Devouring Blood Formation. The powerful energy in the Heaven-devouring Blood Formation came towards Mo Chen, and quickly replenished his lost energy. The aura on his body suddenly soared, and he finally managed to break free from the shackles of the treasure bottle of the great way.

Qin Luoyi frowned slightly.

It didn't stop Mochen from continuing to absorb the energy in the Heaven Devouring Blood Formation.

Demon Xiao has successfully destroyed the powerful formation formed by the Heaven-devouring Blood Formation in Nether City, and the Heaven-devouring Blood Formation can no longer continue to devour the blood of the demon cultivators in Nether City.

So no matter how powerful the energy in the Heaven-devouring Blood Formation is, it is limited after all. It has been some time since Mo Xiao entered the Heaven-devouring Blood Formation. Since the two of them are in a life contract, although she knows that Mo Xiao is fine now, Mo Chen is now The more energy absorbed in the Heaven-devouring Blood Formation, the power of the Heaven-devouring Blood Formation will be relatively reduced, and the demon owl will be a little safer.

As for herself.

She has the Dao Vase in her hand, not to mention killing Mochen, it is conservatively estimated that there is no problem in protecting herself before Mo Xiao completely destroys the Heaven Devouring Blood Formation.

Therefore, not only did she not stop Mo Chen, but she hoped that Mo Chen would absorb more energy from the Heaven Devouring Blood Formation.It's just that Mo Chen quickly stopped on his own initiative. Obviously, he also had deep scruples about Mo Xiao, fearing that the weakening of the Heaven-devouring Blood Formation would be bad for him.

Qin Luoyi sighed secretly.

Mo Chen attacked Qin Luoyi again. This time, streaks of black mist rushed out of his body, and the endless breath of death quickly permeated, as if the gate of the underworld had been opened.He was scruples about Qin Luoyi's Dao vase, and while attacking Qin Luoyi, he covered his body with an extremely strong defensive barrier.

"Sense attack!"

Qin Luoyi sneered.

This is Chi Guoguo's bullying. She has just been promoted to the Great Demon King, and she uses her spiritual consciousness to attack to avoid the absorption of his power by the vase of the Dao-although the vase of the Dao can accommodate the world, but the consciousness cannot be absorbed by him. , Mo Chen obviously also has some understanding of Dao Aquarius.

But if he thought that he could restrain her in this way, he would be very wrong.

Qin Luoyi covered the Dao vase over his head.

Immediately released her spiritual attack.

Mo Chen's consciousness turned into black breaths of death, while Qin Luoyi's consciousness was golden, like the radiant rays of the rising sun.


The two attacks of divine consciousness collided together, and there was a bang, emitting thousands of terrifying rays of light.There was also an extremely terrifying and powerful wave released, which shook people's souls. Nearly ninety-nine percent of the demon cultivators who survived in the Nether City collapsed on the ground, panicked and almost suffocated.


Mo Chen's body was directly torn apart, and Qin Luoyi's consciousness pierced through his head. Red blood and white brains splashed everywhere.Mo Chen is the most powerful demon cultivator in the North Demon Realm. He has been promoted to the Great Demon King for several 10 years, and his spiritual consciousness is extremely powerful. He thought that Qin Luoyi, who was promoted to the Great Demon King, would win the battle with his spiritual consciousness. , I didn't expect it to be a complete failure in the end.


Mo Chen let out a sharp roar, reorganized his body, and looked at Qin Luoyi in shock.

Qin Luoyi raised his hand, and the extremely powerful consciousness surged out like a tide, purifying the whole world at once, and the breath of death released by Mo Chen just now disappeared completely.

"Qin could your divine sense be so powerful!"

Qin Luoyi has the Hunyuan Dzi Bead, which can be promoted quickly. She was able to cultivate to the Great Demon King in such a short period of time, perhaps because she has mastered the flow of time... But no matter what, Qin Luoyi was only able to advance to the Great Demon King. In less than a day, how could her consciousness be stronger than his!Even completely suppressed his spiritual consciousness!

If it weren't for his strong cultivation base, as long as his body and spirit are not destroyed, his body can be reorganized quickly, he would have died in Qin Luoyi's hands by now!
(End of this chapter)

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