Brother is too evil

Chapter 757 Reunion in white clothes

Chapter 757 Reunion in white clothes (2)
He didn't see the Yao Emperor, but saw Mo Chen tied up on the ground in a state of embarrassment.

"Mo Chen, you have today too!"

"Kill him, let him pay for my son's life! Pay for the lives of the thousands of brothers he killed in this Nether City! He is a devil to use the Heaven Devouring Blood Formation to deal with our people from the Northern Demon Realm!"

In Nether City, roars and curses rang out.

King Guyue, who came in from the cracked hole in the dark world, quickly learned part of the truth from their yelling and cursing. They didn't expect that it was Qin Luoyi who caught Mo Chen, which was beyond their expectations.

And the news that Qin Luoyi had actually been promoted to the Great Demon King was even more shocking to the point where they didn't come back to their senses for a long time. They looked at Qin Luoyi as if they were looking at some evildoer.

Mo Xiao stretched out his hand in the air and tapped Mo Chen a few times.

Mo Chen let out a cry, his body softened instantly, his cultivation was completely crippled, and he instantly changed from a high-ranking devil emperor to a mortal.

Mo Xiao handed Mo Chen to King Guyue.

"Throw him outside Nether City."

"Mo Xiao! Why didn't you kill me!" Mo Chen's cultivation base was crippled, knowing that if he was thrown out, he would die without a doubt, and he was afraid that he would die after being humiliated, so he was framed by King Gu Yue Before that, he roared at the demon owl.

"Kill you?" Mo Xiao smiled, and glanced at the angry Northern Demon Realm monks around him: "Kill you? I'm afraid I'll get my hands dirty... If you want to die quickly, it depends on whether they agree or not." gone."

After finishing speaking, he stopped looking at Mo Chen, turned around, called Qin Luoyi, and headed towards Nether Palace, Qingfeng and others followed closely behind them.

Northern Pluto led people to deal with the aftermath in Nether City.

It is said to be good aftermath, but in fact it is Jinwu King and Jinjiao King. The other people in the Nether Palace have been almost killed by the angry demon cultivators. Jinwu King was seriously injured by Tsing Yi. Tsing Yi was killed.

The Golden Flood King was played around by the snow fox, and at this time, he was besieged by dozens of people. With the help of Beiming King and others, the Golden Flood King couldn't escape even if he wanted to, and he died very quickly.

"This Nether Palace is lifeless, and the name is not good. After you live in it, you should change the name, and all the things used in it will be changed, but you don't have to worry about these. I will prepare it for you. You are now a grown man." We have to find a time to tell the whole Demon Realm about this, so I might as well prepare an Emperor Conferment Ceremony for you..." Demon Xiao walked towards Nether Palace with Qin Luoyi, Talking to her, the beautiful dark eyes are full of dazzling smiles.

The corners of Qin Luoyi's eyes twitched fiercely.He paused slightly at his feet, and looked at Mo Xiao with a half-smile: "Do you really want me to be the devil emperor of the devil world?" Just after finishing Mo Chen, he planned to let her be the devil emperor to tell the world.

"Of course!" Mo Xiao raised his eyebrows.

Qin Luoyi couldn't see any reluctance in his eyes.

Although Qingfeng Mingyue and the others were shocked, they didn't show it on their faces at all. They have been with Mo Xiao for hundreds of thousands of years, and they know Mo Xiao's uncompromising temperament. He said that Qin Luoyi should be the devil emperor, which is true Let her be the Devil Emperor.

"King Xuanyuan!"

At this moment, there was a sudden exclamation from Nether City, Qin Luoyi's heart skipped a beat, and he turned his head sharply, a white figure slowly came from the sky.

In the blink of an eye, it landed in the Nether Palace.

Seeing that white figure approaching, the entire Nether City instantly became silent.A strange oppressive atmosphere instantly enveloped Nether City.

Qin Luoyi's heart froze suddenly.

The smooth and fair face reveals a sharp and handsome elegance; the eyes are as deep as stars, glowing with charming luster; the thick eyebrows, the high nose, and the beautiful lip shape all exude nobility and elegance. With fluttering skirts, he looked like a fairy, and his expression was calm and composed, with an indescribable indifference and mistyness.

Who is it not in white?

White clothes... No, Xuanyuan Qing walked up to a few meters in front of Qin Luoyi and stood still, his eyes as deep as the stars fell on her face, and the two looked at each other.

"Luoyi, I finally found you." Xuanyuanqing's voice was as clear as ever, with a faint hint of repressed joy.

Qin Luoyi pursed his lips, obviously his heart was surging, he had many things to tell him, and many things to ask her, when he really saw him, his throat felt itchy, as if something was blocking him.

I couldn't say anything.


The expression on Xuanyuanqing's face became softer, tenderness appeared in his eyes, the gaze that looked at her was exactly the same as the white clothes in the past... as if nothing had changed.

Annoyance quickly flashed across Mo Xiao's beautiful eyes, but before everyone noticed, he quickly covered it up.He looked sideways at Qin Luoyi.

Qin Luoyi's gaze was still fixed on Xuanyuanqing.Inexplicably, Mo Xiao felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

"White clothes."

Qin Luoyi finally spoke.However, her voice was strangely hoarse. She walked towards Xuanyuanqing. After four years, they finally reunited. Moreover, Xuanyuanqing just said that he had been looking for her all the time... It turned out that he hadn't forgotten her.

Northern Pluto, Qilin King, Guyue King...the four great demon kings of the Northern Demon Realm, and a dozen or so great kings rushed in from the Nether Palace, with serious expressions on their faces.

Demon Xiao shook his head slightly at them.

Quickly walked a few steps to Qin Luoyi's side, took her arm and said lovingly and intimately: "What white clothes...that's King Xuanyuan, the King Xuanyuan of the fairy world."

He looked up at Xuanyuanqing again.Smiling politely and alienated: "I don't know why King Xuanyuan came to my demon world?" At the same time, he used the natal contract to communicate with Qin Luoyi's soul: "I told you earlier, he is not in white, what do you want? Rush up Hug with him, act out a scene of a long-lost reunion? You rush to recognize each other without even knowing why people came here, be careful that even the bones will be bitten by people!"

His hands seemed to be gently pulling her, but in fact they used force skillfully, and Qin Luoyi couldn't let Qin Luoyi break free at all.

"What nonsense are you talking about? This is, and, with my cultivation, what do I have for him to eat?" Qin Luoyi glanced at him, and also used his soul to transmit the sound.

Jin Ruihuang, who was the devil emperor in the past, did not get cheap from Bai Yi's subordinates at her peak. She didn't think her cultivation could surpass Xuanyuan Qing.

Mo Xiao sneered.

There was a glimmer of light in her beautiful eyes.

"You don't, but I do. Don't forget what relationship we have. Don't get too close to him, let alone hug him. I don't feel safe."

Qin Luoyi was angry and funny.

She couldn't help but squinted at him quietly.

"What's our relationship? You don't tell me, I don't tell you, who knows our relationship!"

(End of this chapter)

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